In the far edges of the galaxy lies a planet surrounded by ice, known as Glacium. Here, far beyond the Great Petrified Forest, inside the ancient frozen caves system, a peculiar species thrives, known as the Criistas. Possessing extraordinary healing abilities and an elusive nature that makes them a true enigma to those who have managed to visit their habitat and were lucky enough to come accross them, the Criistas havent always been able to live freely in this planet and practically have no natural predators during this time in their habitat.
Their presence within the frozen realm of Glacium offered a unique opportunity for adventurers seeking ancient wisdom, medicinal prowess, and the chance to build a supernatural connection with these extraordinary beings. But not all visitors had good intentions; At one point traping and trading them dead or alive for their magical abilities, the Criistas almost got to the point of extinction.


Criistas are ethereal beings, standing an average height of 8 feet, with slender half-emu half-giraffe bodies that seem almost translucent beneath their pearly-white feathers and icy-blue skin. They possess a delicate skeletal structure and elongated legs, with giant claws that enable swift and agile movements on Icy terrain. Their eyes, deep purple in color, glow softly in the dark and exude an aura of serenity when the Criistas feel safe and at peace.


Criistas have no gender as they reproduce through a unique process called "Energetic Transfer." When two adult Criistas engage in a sacred Dancing Ritual, they entangle their energy fields sharing a portion of their life essence. Energy bubbles form and pop once the Ritual is over, resulting in the emergence of tiny new Criistas, who combine the traits and abilities of its participants. The newborn Criistas are cared for by the entire community, ensuring their survival and growth.


The discovery of Glacium and its inhabitant, is attributed to an indie group of explorers known as the Frostborne Expedition. Led by the renowned adventurer Bianco Atlanti, the Frostborne Expedition embarked on a perilous journey through uncharted regions of the cosmos, eventually stumbling upon Glacium and encountering the elusive Criistas. Bianco was the first who learned how to tame a Criista, and one of the few people who managed to keep one alive and willingly be his pet companion on his ship. Embarking on a 25 year Journey, helping him discover many hidden new planetary systems and species thanks to its extraordinary sensing abilities. Bianco documented his encounters and findings in his journal, "Frostborne Chronicles." He eventually returned the Criista back to its planet as it had just entered adulthood only to find that word had spread and planet Glacium had become a hunting ground for illegal alienlife traders. So he devoted the rest of his life to form an Organization called THETA (The Humans for the Ethical Treatment of Alienlife) who would protect endangered species from all malicious acts and illegal practices, finally achieving turning their planet into a Sanctuary just a few months before his passing. So Glacium is now thriving because of him and his legacy.


Although a protected species now, due to the previous over-hunting and illegal alienlife trade, it is prohibited to hunt a Criista with the intention to kill it, capture it, or remove it from its natural habitat. The Planet Gracium is considered an Intergalactic Sanctuary and curious travelers may visit to get blessed by a Criistaa.   One has to spend days taming a Criista in order to gain it's trust. To tame one you need food (mainly Solar Plangton), a genuinely kind heart, remain humble, respect nature, and exude a good energy.   Criistas have carved a daedalic subterrainial system into the existing caves of their slippery frozen planet, so digging them out or hunting them is almost impossible, unless you want to get lost underground and never see the light of day again. The best technique would be to stand in one of the openings on your own, at dusk. Then with gentle movements, and while remaining silent, start scattering the Solar Plangton all around in 3-meter-wide circle (too many people and loud voices scare those long-isolated creatures). Meditating patiently within that circle for a few hours with your eyes closed, the Solar Plankton will start glowing and absorb your energy since it's a rare treat. Then, should you be lucky enough, you will soon be surrounded by a few curious Criistas. The one that keeps its eye contact the longest, till you start to feel a burning sensation in your stomach as it stares into your soul, will be yours. But you have to repeat this process every day at the same hour until you fully gain its trust. Once it breaks the circle and approaches, you have to offer him a handful of Plankton in your palm. Once it eats the Plankton from your hand, or lets you pet it, it will offer you a ride on its warm feathery back. Then you will hear a voice telling you its name within your head. Congratulations! The bonding has begun, and you can start asking questions that you need to during the tour. The conversation is undertaken telepathically, so you must not make any loud noises or speak during this encounter or you will scare it away. Or, even worse, be dumped within the caves.


Those who manage to form a bond with a Criista may be blessed with their eternal companionship (in the form of astral projection), access to their healing abilities (The Criista has to gift you its feathers, blood, or part of its claws, and can even heal you on-site by doing part of the Dancing Ritual in the circle around you), and then have a glimpse into the invaluable knowledge they possess (the so called Criistal Enlightment). As you delve into the world of the Criistas, remember to tread lightly, for their mysteries run as deep as the icy expanse that they call home.


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