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Godkin Hossencroft

Godkin Maury Tryst Hossencroft

Maury Tryst Hossencroft is is only one in the land in possession of the tile ‘Godkin’ and the second person ever to have wielded the title. After it was passed to him by the former Godkin who passed of natural causes. Godkin signals the highest rank of the Brotherhood of Tarn and denotes that Hossencroft wields absolute power over the order. According to the brotherhood the Godkin is the closest living mortal to their god Tarn, the Cosmic Weaver and is blessed with a deep wisdom and an extended lifespan.   Hossencroft has been in possession of his title for upwards of twenty years and wields his power with a keen eye on his ambitions. In his time of rule Hossencroft established treaties and trade with the Major Cities, created strict policing and detainment policies regarding sorcerers and oversaw the development of the power crystals within the Brotherhoods' science division.   It was thanks to his wide network and amnesty with major powers the brotherhood has a further reach than ever before resulting in the ‘purification’ of many people and the destruction of much land. In order to keep the balance between destruction Hossencroft also put into initiative many community benefit operations to stoke loyalty under the common folk.   Hossencroft is starting to get on in years and with it comes signs of his failing health. His role of Godkin means he is able to serve until the end of his life, and he intends to use all remaining time on his earth dedicated to preserving and extending his life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

As Godkin, Hossencroft wears the diving symbol of a spiked halo made from hollow brass that rests atop of his head. He wears a long woven stol which reaches the floor and in embroidered with cosmic starscapes. He is often seen clutching a tattered notebook of the calculations and theories that he wrote when he was far younger. During services and processions the Godkin holds a long brass staff with a lantern on the end this lantern softly emits a soft orange smoke. Artistic depictions of the Godkin show him as younger than he is and as a man of power who is often holding his staff and a set of scales to illustrate his persuit of justice against sorcerers.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Godkin seeks to conver as many people as possible to the faith of Tarn and seeks to purify the world from magic-users.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

At 112 years old, the Godkin has had his life artificially extended thanks to his interaction with many powerful artifacts of Tarn, since taking on te title of Godkin Hossencroft has been aging slower. This however does not prevent him from becoming frail. In recent years he has developed cateracts which has left him with little eyesight, he has lost a significant amount of muscle mass and now required assistance to walk. He is tended to by two stewards at all times.

Apparel & Accessories

Godkin Hossencroft wear religious garb of fine spun robes in amber and purple- the colours of Tarn. His robes are lawyered on each other on topped with a finely woven stole. At formal and significant events the Godkin wears a hollow brass spiked halo, and a set of armour made entirely from hollow brass beads spun together. On this occasion he also wears a lower tooth guard which sits over the top of his lower teeth and has an arrangement of beaded webbing which dangles down the front.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Godkin Hossencroft was born into the order by two parents who were both clerics, he was taken into the order and raised with the other children to take on the rank of Novitiate. He became extreamly devout at a young age and restlessly persued his studies. Where Hossencroft differed from other of the Novitiate Is that he persued not only the study of the lore and history of Tarn but also of science. Persueing astrology, alchemy and sciences. Hossencroft was the one who established the brotherhoods science division, and through it created cosmic maps, verses clockwork mechanisms and his rudimentary work would eventually lead to the creation of the power crystal. In order to bolster his resources and knowledge Hossencroft would send the paladins and Martinets to the far corners of the land in order to pillage information stores and abdiuct other researchers. Notably he once sent a squadron to ransack the Libraries of Wintrow causing significant damage to much of their archive. His efforts were greatly rewarded and he was crafted the title of steward for the current Godkin. Overseeing the financial affairs of the order and scheduling the day to day activities of the leader.   In later years Hossencroft would be taken in as the Godkin's apprentice, preparing him to be a successor he through himself into his religious studies and began to pursue more phiillisophical questions. He became fascinated with death and the preocession of the soul into theafterlife, he began to emphasise the importance of saving as many souls as possible in order to usher them into Tarns embrace and from this came the rise of the Confessor rank. With the death of the previous confessor, Hossencroft was officially named the new Godkin and stepped into stern and dignified leader. Under his watch new, stricter laws were conducted around Sorcerers, around their eradication from the land and sorrounding their detainment until swearing fealty to Tarn, Alongside this, all came the relaxation of the evidence of magic required for arrest. Dispite his many years of service and fragility due to his age Hossencroft shows little signs of slowing down.


Godkin Hossencroft studied with the scribes of the brotherhood until his late adolescence, he took interest in a wide range of subjects which ultimately saw him sent to the college of Winthrow for a sabbatical of study with their scholars. Upon return Hossencroft would establish the scholar division of the brotherhood and in turn would ransack and abduct the very scholars who taught him at the college of Wintrow.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Godkin Hossencroft was behind developing a lot of technology and facilitated the construction of power crystals. Under his care the brotherhood became firmly established as a dominant force in the land with heavy political sway and amnesty, as well a finely-structured oegabnisation capable of achieving its goal. The brotherhood has become quite financially prosperous and grows in power and numbers every day.

Morality & Philosophy

Although Godkin Hossencroft comes off as quite unfeeling and strict at a glance, he is filled with a deep empathy for all people. He wants to ensure that as many souls as possible are returned to Tarn even if it means harming them in the process. Hossencroft may be linent with some of the unfaithful who show penance and swear felty to Tarn allowing them to return to their simple lives for for many hey are held indefinitely in The Keep.  Hossencroft believes magic to be unsightly to the eyes of Tarn as they are manipulating the world in a way that only Tarn should be capable. The philosophy of Tarn is purity through toil b it a sorcerer in possession of magic has not toiled for their magic gifts and therefore are acting in opposition of Tarn and must atone.



The reign of Godkin Hossencroft has in effect for the last forty years. Hand has had a significant effect on the internal politics and working for the additional fifteen years before than when he served as steward of the olde Godkin.


Due tooo his age Hossencroft speaks in a quiet high treble which quivers.
Divine Classification
Godkin- the closest living mortal to divinity.
Date of Birth
35th of Wisdom, 746 EoM
Clouded grey
Greying, sparse
The worship of Tarn

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