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Hermit’s Hovel

Hemits Hovel is a small clearing in the far Nothern Forest and is located southwest of Wintrow and easterly of Umpton. Hermits Hovel was named after a legend that lone eleven scholar once lived there in solitude with a mission of charting the stars. The hermit spent their life mapping as many constellations as they could see and and how they migrated throughout the course of their life. This is widely attributed to the creation of the first star map which modern humans have based their system of measuring time. No one knows for certain where this study took place as the exact location has been lost to time leaving a gerertal swath of area to take on the moniker. The whole area is unique in that it sharply drops in elevation and becomes quite flat leading many to believes that it was once a gigantic lake bed that since tried up and spawned plant life anew. Supporting this are the many horseshoe lakes and shallow rivers which seen to all stem towards the one area.  There is some animal and plant life who live there but virtually no sapient species save for Wylde the rogue sorcerer who has set up a hovel of his own amongst a denser are of foliage. Here, he uses the space to hide from undesirable people as he develops his dark magic.


Due to its northernly location Hermits Hovel sits on the skirts of the Tundra. It suseptibility to the brittle cold severely limits the edibe plants that grow there. The area has some tuber-like plants and some small clusters of berries. Prominently it has tall pine trees with sparse branches and many low-laying fern. The area has limited animals but is home to a number of rabbits, wolves, rodents and certain bird such as owls and finches. The rivers are teeming with cold-water fishes.
Lake, Dry

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