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A'dramel (a.k.a. A'dra, Formerly Red)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Almost all 'Spawns look the same, with their most telling feature being there color, though A'dramel does have some identifying marks and scars on his frills that would make it possible to tell him apart from another Redspawn

Specialized Equipment

He wears the armor crafted for him the day he was laid centuries ago, the only tie he has to his biological family

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From the moment he was hatched, A'dramel was ready to fight and die for whoever he served at the moment, waiting for the moment that he may hear Tiamat's call. The half dragon that hatched his egg kept inside the cave complex where he was born to look over the kobolds and organize there efforts. He knew each one personally and formed a bound with most of the Kobolds present, while seeing the other 'Spawns present as his brothers. During his time with the warren he became especially close with a particular kobold, who now goes by Kip-Kip, and considers her his own sister. He protected her from other kobolds' bullying about her mannerisms. He defended his home from would be adventurers for almost two years before Xahvryn and lag showed up to deal with the problem they caused for the nearby town of Havenport. While clearing out the kobolds, Xahvryn made a comment about A'dramels's mother, who he never actually knew, causing a crisis within himself having never even thought about his biological family. He became overwhelmed and was spared by Xahvryn. After the complex was cleared out, Xahvryn returned to ask if he wanted to join him and Lag. He accepted thinking it a better option then staying in the tomb of his former family


A'dramel has no proper education, though has the inquisitive mind that all Redspawn have making it easy for him to learn

Accomplishments & Achievements

He feels that he has never accomplished anything worthwhile   He his overjoyed that he has not lost his entire original family, but it is unlikely to show it fully   He is happy to have a name that both means something to him, and was even given more 'character' when Xahvryn suggested he have a nickname   After being married to Xahvryn, Lag, Tane, and Tasha, he now feels like he has a place in this world and a life he can be happy living

Failures & Embarrassments

Couldn't defend most of his family, but takes solace in the fact that Kip-Kip escaped the culling

Mental Trauma

He fears the lack of mental stability may lead to another breakdown eventually and he'll lose those he cares for again   The constant drive to destroy usually leaves him restless whenever he is in a populated town, and chooses to fill his time with menial task to quiet the whispers of destruction   His 'programming' as a 'Spawn usually leaves him closing off his emotions and whenever they do become more prominent, is easily overwhelmed by them    He now fears the return of Tiamat, knowing that if she did, his freewill would be gone and his current life abandoned

Intellectual Characteristics

He is painfully uncreative

Morality & Philosophy

A'dramel thinks through most things very logically and will choose to take the actions that ensure the safety of his group over anything else, with no actions beyond what he would do to so

Personality Characteristics


He is still lost on what he actually wants, but he will do his best to keep his new family safe and help Kip-Kip have a happy life

Likes & Dislikes

Xahvryn's ok, I guess


Religious Views

Tentatively worships Tiamat

Social Aptitude

Straight and to the point for most things, and does most of his thinking without including his emotions at all
Year of Birth
5361 AM 2 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
His egg was laid in 5140, and sat dormant until a half dragon choose to hatch his egg and use him as a guard
Black Frills
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I wouldn't mind spending time with you, if you'd like"
Known Languages


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