Adrann Species in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The Adrann are a large rat like race. What differentiates them from a common wererat or rat-folk is there large stature, split tails and horns. Their horns usually end in 6 points but having much more is possible and when it happens, those seen with extra points are usually treated better in their society. While these physical differences set them apart appearance wise, their most physiological difference that sets them apart is that their bones are extremely quick to heal, healing from shattered bones in mere hours, and losing their full set of horns is something they can recover from over night. This is not true for any other part of them however, making healing the most grievous wounds problematic for them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Adrann only grow slightly faster than an average human, being an adult at 16 years of age, but reaching their age limit at 70 years old

Ecology and Habitats

The Adrann will almost always opt to live in underground chambers and tunnels, but still near enough to the surface that they can regularly leave their burrows to hunt

Dietary Needs and Habits

While not regulated to eating only meat, an Adrann that tries to adhere to a vegan diet will starve within a week without the proper supplements

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Adrann usually live within a strict caste system or tribe, having a large elder lead them, then separating the rest of the Adrann into four caste: Warriors, Crafters, Cartakers, and Shamans. While none of the caste are seen as more important than another, ea h one has their own

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Adrann's bone marrow is poisonous to most things, including themselves, and will lead to paralysis in small doses and nerve damage in higher ones, though any species can build up a tolerance to this poison and completely ignore it. Warrior Adrann go through a rite of passage before they can actually fight, where they must cut off their own horns, hollow on of them out, and craft a cocktail full of their own marrow, and drink it. This is to build up a tolerance to it early, so that they are not paralyzed by it if they have their bones broken in combat. This also teaches them how to craft the liquid from their own horns, which they then coat their weapons with.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their tendency to live underground and hunt at night, the Adrann have developed nearly perfect low light vision
60 - 70 years
Average Height
7" - 13"


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