Core Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Rebel Core Vorna

Physical Description

Special abilities

Core is an artificer whose skills have only exponentially grown since entering The Galaxy, with numerous technologies available to him at all times that he can manipulate freely, he has become a force to be reckoned with.

Specialized Equipment

Core has many items of his own creation, including his specialized armor made from Beskar and can endure much punishment before caving to anything.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Core had spent his early life preparing for war and to fight alongside his people in the efforts against the Eastlands. He was conscripted as a child before his training was ever even completed and saw limited engagements before Mercy had fallen apart. After the end of the war core simply worked on his skills as a warrior and even developed skills as an artificer. To make amends for what his country had done to the world, Core started working as an adventurer at a very low cost to simply help as many people as he could. He had eventually encountered Armin and had they had become companions and formed adventuring parties with him sparingly over the years, even being able to meet Armin's family at least a few times. Core had worked with him for many years, being with him for many adventures. However a short time before Armin had disappeared, Core had disappeared aswell, without any trace and with no warning. The only person who had ever tried to seek him out was Armin himself, since core had no family to speak of.

Now within The Galaxy, Core has started his own rebel cell, and has adopted a scorched earth method against the Empire, making sure that they're is never anything left for them to use after he has left, be it equipment or people. Allegedly he and Armin had been working together in The Galaxy for a time before a disagreement caused an altercation between the two and they parted ways, with core taking Armin's 'Bag of Holding' with him.


He never had any proper education, and was instead raised as a warrior and disposal tool for Mercy


He was a Gold adventurer   He now leads a rebel cell

Intellectual Characteristics

Gaining immense tactical knowledge over the years of constant combat has lead him to have a rather strategic mind, specifically gaining great proficiency in long term guerilla warfare, which has served him well in his current position. Beyond his tactical knowledge, Core has become a talented engineer due to his skills and it has offered a large degree of planning and versatility in anything he chooses to due within The Galaxy

Morality & Philosophy

After seeing what the Empire was doing in The Galaxy, Core had decided that it must be toppled at any cost, believing that it is nothing but another copy of Mercy that has gone out of control and is determined to see it crumble, at any cost

Personality Characteristics


To topple the Empire and leave it in ruins
Current Location
Year of Birth
5311 AM 52 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"This world needs saving, and I'll be the one to do it!"


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