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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Halas was born in a warren that served under the young black dragon Altaxanor The Terrible. While the whole of the warren suffered abuse at his command, they had still worshipped the dragon and saw him as both they're leader and father figure, showing unconditional care   Halas was the guard meant to watch over the door leading to Altaxanor, and did this task with pride. When a Teifling came into the cave, and said that he was allowed to be there, Halas did not think too hard about that and opened the door for them. Though afterwards he watched the closed door with growing concern as the sound of fighting came from the other side. When it was over the Teifling came out of the room and closed the door, behind them and gently told Halas that Altaxanor had passed and that a new home awaited them. Despite how guilty he felt about it, he nodded his understanding and followed his warren to their new home.   After settling in their new home, Halas was vilified among most of the Kobolds, despite their new and better situation, they had still lost their father, and Halas was blamed for that, while they looked to the Teifling that had done the deed as more of messenger of good times. Hals spent most of his time alone as and even during work was usually shooed away by the other kobolds. When a Half dragon had entered their new home Halas was drawn immediately and decided to stay by them, when the Half Dragon had told them that there room was dangerous he that he would likely die, he stayed anyway wanting to prove that he could be loyal and useful, so he stayed in the room until he lost consciousness. The Half Dragon, Leroux had placed some furs on him and coxed him into waking, declaring that he was "a tenacious one". From that moment Halas had decided to dedicate himself to Leroux in everyway that he could    Under Leroux, Halas had started to be more competent than many of the other Kobold, and even began to regain social standing when Leroux would send him back to the rest of the warren with food and gifts. Leroux had began teaching him to be self sufficient, and he worked to prove that he could be for Leroux, and started becoming more and more distinct from the other Kobolds, even being given a name from Leroux When Halas was invited to go the ruins to train with Leroux, he was excited to show just how useful he was, and did his absolute best to prove himself an asset. While he had preformed actions that were ludicrous for a 'mere kobold' to preform, once he and Leroux reached the second floor of the ruins, he had become out of his depth, nearly killing himself, then being killed by the Aberration at the ruin's center. Though when he was resurrected, he came back to the sight of Leroux The Dragon battling the Aberration alongside the other members of Cerberus, While at first only feeling awe, fear welled up in him aswell and in an effort to help his new hero, he had thrown a trident at a monster beyond his ability, and was quickly corralled to safety by Uset. After dying again and the Aberration was killed, he quickly went to Leroux happy and proud that he was okay and magnificent. Leroux had softly told him, "I'm, just a half dragon", and while Halas nodded, he decided internally to defy this idea, Leroux was his Dragon, and he would ensure that he was his best asset


Has been taught a few things be Leroux

Accomplishments & Achievements

Halas had felt no greater joy than when he learned Leroux was a Dragon, and is closely followed by when Leroux had named him

Mental Trauma

after Altaxanor was killed, Halas has developed a need to be able to be useful and have a purpose for someone. This has translated into him wanting to do anything for Leroux, even risking his own life just to be close

Intellectual Characteristics

While at first, he was not too different from any other Kobold, through Leroux's influence he has become more observant and able to think things through

Personality Characteristics


To serve Leroux   like many Kobolds he also has dreams of becoming a dragon himself one day


Religious Views

After seeing Leroux as a dragon, he has started worshipping him privately, but understanding Leroux wants it secret for some reasons, he has kept it to himself instead of sharing with the other Kobolds
Year of Birth
5359 AM 4 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronze Scales
Worships Leroux
Aligned Organization


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