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Princess Sveinhilda Greshen Stalaris (a.k.a. Hilda, Hilda Sagestone)


Mercerian, 15th (5363), Her day of Ascension

Physical Description

Body Features

Has a pair of classic Minotaur Horns Digitigrade legs with fur and hooves otherwise human

Identifying Characteristics

She bears the sagestone crest on her lower left shoulder

Physical quirks

She is ambidextrous but prefers to use her left hand out of habit   She hasn't cut her hair since leaving the East Lands   She can only doggy paddle

Special abilities

She has Hemokinesis and control can her own blood to create weapons, for defense, mundane items, or delicate tools of torture

Apparel & Accessories

She carries a ring given to her by Gen   She Keeps a small pin given to her by Tae on the inside of her vest   The Armor she wears is armor that was commissioned for her by Tyr in Paramour   Her axe is one that her friend Lars had used   She wears a ribbon on her wrist as a reminder of her promise to never lie to Kidalia   Jerky

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hilda grew up in a pseudo noble family, not having to worry about the minor struggles of day to day life. In her childhood she spent her time in the garden and listening to her fathers stories of past adventures. Most would've called her a spoiled brat, throwing fits at not getting what she wants or asking for things that no other child could ask for in the first place, such as a set of silver flowers. Despite her 'brattiness' She was very kind to her two sisters and did everything she could to help them, even if they didn't need it. As she grew older her parents began to teach more about simple combat since both of her parents were combat inclined. Her studies in combat started with swords, though she never become good with technique, relying to much on strength alone to carry the blade through.   When the Mercy / East Land war began to hit another crescendo her father left to aid in the war, hoping to end their tyranny, however he never returned home. While her mother grieved, Hilda did her best to distract her from the pain, even convincing her mother to open a flower shop to help pay for their expenses. Though after some years, while her sisters were both on their own paths, Hilda watched her mother continue to struggle with Mathew's disappearance. So she set out to find him herself, saying goodbye to her family she set out to find her father. She left home in 5350 to look for her missing father. After a few setbacks she abandoned trying to find her father and focused on trying to get back home/survive


She never had any proper studies, because she did everything she could to avoid sitting in a class for an extended time. Once even causing a small fire to evacuate the school house.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Flipped a damn purple worm   Flipped a Kraken   Flipped a Dragon   Killed Detris   Lia   Nat and Tez   She is proud that her dad was able to found a nation and leads it, and feels secretly giddy that she is now a princess

Failures & Embarrassments

She considers everytime she has let Kidalia get hurt, physically or mentally, her own personal failures   She couldn't find her father for more than 13 years, She considers this another great failure of her own   She spent time in a branch of the Black Talons known for their money extorsions and criminal activity, where she learned skills that she still uses   Killed Detris and replaced her as a god   She is sad that she had to give up godhood, but is overall ok with why she had to do it   She will always regret that her actions has resulted in Her and Kidalia moving out of Vitrois, and feels constantly guilty about it

Mental Trauma

Hilda found Tyr's zombified corpse and tried to revive him, but it failed resulting in the destruction of his body   She has died using a full necklace of fireballs to defeat the demon Aseyar, and save the few people she cares about.   She has watched helplessly as Kidalia has died in front of her twice. After watching her die the second time, she developed a complex and would become irrationally anxious without Kidalia's presence   Minotaurs I guess   She has a strong hate for gods of any kind, after attaining godhood herself, she is wracked with a constant aversion to her own situation. She truly fears that she will end up becoming the exact kind of thing she hates, a self-serving and uncaring entity. Her situation is only proving bearable for her because she knows doing it saved Kidalia   After dying to Ikros, she was sent into a deep sleep within the Astral Plane. A month of time passed in an instant for her. She feels an overwhelming sense of guilt for not only 'abandoning' everyone one for that month but also dragging them into a situation where they were in horrific danger. She still has trouble processing that month of time and will frequently forget to account for it.   Knowing that she now has to leave Kidalia all alone most nights, absolutely tears at Hilda especially knowing that even if she wanted to just stay up, she wouldn't be able to do so for long   After confessing what she did to the city in Vitrois to Gen, Brylie, and Kidalia, and seeing there reactions, Hilda is now constantly haunted by the way that they had looked at her in that moment, even understand why they had done so, knowing that what she did was horrific and unforgivable. And becuase of those looks, has come to realize more and more things about her that are concerning, including the fact that she draws power from her anger and that much she enjoys torturing people she doesn't like, along with so much more Much more often now, she thinks back to what Lej-Ia had told her more than a year ago, even though she had already recanted what she had said
"You are nothing but a monster!"
  After Kidalia told her that she had considered leaving Hilda, She feels her absolute lowest in her own self image, while Kidalia has assured her that she doesn't think too badly of Hilda, and is against the actions, not Hilda, she still thinks that Kidalia would definitely leave her and take their family with her is she were to do anything else 'bad', and believes it may be a certainty now   She is terrified that her parents may find out what she did and can't stand to think about the reaction that she thinks they would give her

Morality & Philosophy

She has a strong sense of what is right or wrong, however these opinions are ones she formed herself. Most of the time she operates on a 'For the Greater Good' basis. However there are almost no limits to what she'll do to accomplish this, from burning down entire towns to killing her own friends.   She is a very Vindictive person, and if for any reason she feels that she has been personally slighted by most people, she will seek revenge, ranging from simply making fun of someone, to killing there families and displaying their bodies in front of them   Probably a Sociopath, only mounting proof for this


Personality Characteristics


To keep her family safe from any dangers and keep them all happy

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She cant read, and can only write a single line of words in common   She cant cook anything that tastes good, yet she never seem to notice

Likes & Dislikes

Really likes gardening   Likes having children around   Enjoys the roar of fire   doesn't like books   doesn't like being around dragons   Hates bandits   Hates Gods   Bugs are icky

Vices & Personality flaws

Believes strength is all that's necessary to have a good life


She does her best to constantly keep up her appearance, she values it, but only to the point to where her own and Kidalia's opinions are the ones that matter


Family Ties

She adores her family above all else, and even if everyone else thought badly of her, then she wouldn't care a long as her own family still believed she was good, especially her sisters

Religious Views

Gods are selfish beings who care for nothing but there own goals and motives, gladly watching the rest of the world suffer.


Whenever she is nervous she will either grip one of her own horns or pace in place
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
27th of Karshen, 5330
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'll make sure your death is slow"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common   Infernal   Celestial   Sylvan

Character Portrait image: by sryxi


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