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Ozad Spire (a.k.a. Ozad of the Spire)

Physical Description

Body Features

Any form he takes will retain his tattoos and a pale blue hue   While in his human form, he still retains some animalistic characteristics, including clawed hands with scales and tufts of fur along his spine and a lupine tail   Despite these characteristics, he has mentioned offhand that is indeed, just human

Special abilities

He has the average skills of a druid in most respects, but he seems to have a natural aptitude for shifting, doing so often and for long periods of time, aswell as taking on forms that are difficult for even powerful druids to achieve such as a tyrannosaurus rex. He has mentioned once that if things get dire, he can shift into a Pale Dragon, but would prefer to not do so   Notably, he is terrible at conventional magic and even has some trouble with his own druidic spells

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ozad grew up with his tribe in the Outlands. He spent most of his adult life there, working with his tribe to maintain a balance in the Outlands. After some deliberation, he decided to leave the Outlands and explore the wider world. While exploring he quickly found out that having money was a rather important thing to have in a lot of situations, so he made the most of his skills and became an adventurer, treating it as an easy way to get money. Once he found out that he could make more money as a mercenary, he gladly joined Malrai and Rynn rather than continue as an adventurer

Intellectual Characteristics

While he has the usual wisdom of a druid, he is not too bright at all and is easy to fool

Morality & Philosophy

He doesnt think to deeply about most things, though he tries to be good when he can, but has no serious qualms with doing something immoral that would still benefit him and his friends, taking on a 'pack mentality' where his group takes more importance than anything else

Personality Characteristics


He wants to see more of the world


Family Ties

He doesnt speak of them often, but he still holds the rest of his tribe in high regard


He is very laid back, and not much at all bothers him, taking a neutral stance in nearly everything
Year of Birth
5331 AM 32 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"...I dont think often, that's not fair, I dont think..."
Worships Semanyus
Aligned Organization


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