Godlike beings of the elemental planes, awe inspiring in strength and size, they are unmatched within their home plane
Basic Information
Ecology and Habitats
Powers can only exist with the elemental planes, or is impossible for them to leave these planes due to there overwhelming strength, even the attempt would destroy the plane they leave behind
Dietary Needs and Habits
While they do not need any sustenance after becoming a power, they constantly seek more energy to consume so that they can continue to grow in strength, with their ultimate goal being able to acquire enough to become the living ground work for an entirely new plane
Biological Cycle
Powers begin as simple elementals that gather up energy and become aged, the last step before an elemental becomes a Power, is when they are a Primordial Elemental
Powers are roam around the plane simply seeking out more magical energy to feed upon, they is not alot of nuance to this and they simply go about this with brute strength
Additional Information
Uses, Products & Exploitation
A Power is simply a massive collection of elemental and magical energy. Any who could gain control or access to all of this energy can break the limitations of most things and even rival the the Major Gods in its capabilities
Average Intelligence
While sentient, they have become mostly lost to the incredible strength that they possess and rarely act outside of simple instinct
Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms
Within the plane that they inhabit, a Power keeps a sort of balance between all races within acting as a psuedo God within it