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The Mercy Eastlands war

This war is the one that weighs heaviest in the minds of people in the current age and has had a major impact on the world and its current standings


The First Years

The start of the conflict came about when the Queen of Mercy in 5221 had decided that her people needed more land and resources to flourish and prosper, especially since they were still recovering from their war with The Shattered God  and began taking land towards the West. While most of it was unclaimed land, they eventually got to a swath of land that the King of the Eastlands was also trying to claim for the same reason. While peace talks were attempted neither could come to any sort of agreement about the matter and skirmishes began with the unclaimed lands until they had eventually stalemated at the land bridge that would soon come to be called No Man's Land. These battles lasted decades and had claimed many lives on both sides, as the years went on, the citizens of each country began to despise the other, especially in Mercy where propaganda began to be spread and soon most of the populace had grown to despise non Human/Eleven races. At the end of 5270, the Queen of Mercy who had started the war had passed and her daughter, Arae Arno, became the new Queen and brokered a peace with the Eastlands  

The Second War

In the beginnings of 5305, Queen Arae began to take unclaimed Land to the east of Mercy. Her people were haggard and their fields had trouble producing any usable crops, so in desperation she began her campaign to gain more fruitful lands for her people. The King of the Eastlands at the time kept a watchful look at these actions, expecting and being ready for Mercy to get out of hand again. Queen Arae was suddenly assassinated and her death was blamed on the Eastlands, so her daughter Syndra, became high queen and declared war on the Eastlands. Under Syndra's rule, Mercy began to use demons, golems, and Undead in their attacks against the Eastlands, and through means unknown to anyone, even the whole of the Paladin Order began to serve them. She also began brutal slander campaigns against the Eastlands, their people, and sympathizers, even executing Mercy Nobles that voiced any sort of want to broker peace, or stop the war. Syndra had allowed for many magical advancements to proceed for the sole purpose of utterly defeating the Eastlands. The Eastlands however was able to thanks to the current prince Ros, and his efforts along the Eastland's borders and territories, aswell as numerous adventurers and mercenaries that made an effort to fight against Mercy and Syndra's rule. The war came to a sudden end when both the Paladins Citadel and Teith had been mysteriously destroyed, Syndra was killed, and the remaining Daughters of Mercy were captured.  


Since the end of the war, Mercy has fallen apart as a country and is closer to a conglomerate of different nobles all vying for control while its people struggle to survive in a nation ravaged by war and plunged into lawlessness. The Eastlands had continued to prosper into a coup and had been launched against Ros's father and he had to settle himself. It was shortly after this that the Demon Invasion has started in the Eastlands and The Great Demon Wall had been erected.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date


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