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Daughter of Mercy Westra Arno (a.k.a. Princess Westra)

Westra was the strongest Daughter of Mercy to exist. Her control over magic was unparelled, and her knowledge of how it worked could be seen as almost godlike. Her preferred school of magic was Evocation, using the elements to cause untold destruction and chaos, even going as far as to create her own spells to better spread the destruction, some of which included: Parhelion, Red Lightning, and Diamond Dust  Despite Westra's, sometimes, abrasive personality and royal upbringing, she was a true princess of the people, wanting only the best for her nation and people, becoming a Daughter of Mercy with the sole purpose of protecting her people. At the end of the Vaal conflict she and her sisters choose to sacrifice themselves to seal away Vallum and end his tyranny.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

the body made for her by RenMei is vastly different than her previous, though she has no major qualms with that since its allowed her to be free from her prison   Westra is no longer capable of using magic

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Revived in the modern day thanks to the efforts of Kel-Dai and RenMei   Had died in the year of 4725   She has been living with the Gilven family since she was freed from her imprisonment, helping out the family while she figured out a plan on how to properly deal with modern Mercy   While living with the Gilven, she entered a relationship with Bennet and A'nvi after the celestial had arrived to 'spy' on her sister   While trying to assist Kel-Dai with Abraxis, the effects of knowing about them had taken away her ability to use magic, causing a great amount of distress to the once great mage

Gender Identity



Westra and her sisters grew up in a time of war, so instead of the tradtional royal education that a Mercy royal might receive, she instead was taught magic, tactic, and combat. All to prepare for her eventual destiny

Accomplishments & Achievements

Feels pride in knowing that her spells still persist in the modern day   She was ecstatic to enter into a relationship with A'nvi having been enthralled by the angel upon first seeing her

Failures & Embarrassments

She hates that even though her sacrifice stopped the Shattered God, his influence still exist   She feels terrible that her anger at the Shaden Londa was directed at Amalia at all and feels terrible for lashing out

Mental Trauma

After coming 'back to life' after 600 years, she feels lost and sad over the loss of all that she knew, but she keeps herself busy by trying to fix some things in the modern day   She only speaks vaguely about her last moments, not wanting to touch on it too much   Whenever she talks about the time she was in the soul gem, she does so as if it was nothing but a dream, before quickly switching to another topic   She vehemently hates the concept of the current Londa, hating that she exists and the fact that Londa is ok with talking with her and Amalia because of what that means for the 'true' Londa   After losing her magic, she has become rather distraught and down-troden, no longer believing she actually capable of doing anything, losing the unimaginable power that had once made her feel special, though her mood is improved when she is around A'nvi and recieving her support

Personality Characteristics


While she had wanted to help Mercy and redeem the Arno name in the modern era, she no longer feels that's possible for her, and has no real will or motivation to do anything


Contacts & Relations

She is happily in a relationship with Beenet and A'nvi Though she prefers the company of A'nvi whenever possible

Family Ties

Her sisters Amalia and Londa Arno   Though after finding out that a Shaden version of Londa was alive she quickly grew to despise this Londa, not because of her own merit, but because this Londa was so friendly, that meant her real sister was no longer the person she was when they were together

Social Aptitude

She was friendly and cheerful with most anyone she spoke to. Westra is extremely confident in herself and her abilities, never wavering in the face of any challenge. She is rather rash and forward in conversation most of the time, byt not overtly rude to most people. She did her best to always soothe the fears of others even if her own were high   After losing her magic she has become significantly more closed off, and lost any confidence she had in herself

Religious Views 

While she had previously worshipped Bahamut she doesnt seem to actively worship any god nowadays only showing the gods any reverence occasionally    Though she certainly worships at least one Celestial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Crown Princess of Mercy
The First Daughter of Mercy
Mercy, Teith
Sea Green
Dark Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Tan
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We can all stand together against this tyranny."
Aligned Organization


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