Arcshire Settlement in Future Earth | World Anvil
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Arcshire is the second largest city in Europe in terms of population and the largest in terms of area. It was officially constructed by survivors of the Day of Fate 50 years after the devastating event. Up until then the survivors had been living disorganized in the cave systems underneath northern Spain. But led by prophet Olivier Padrón and a vision of resurgence and splendor they slowly constructed an organized city then known as Arconando. And through the millennia the city has gradually prospered more and more. Until today where it is now among the greatest in the world, with a new name that has gradually changed along with the city: Arcshire.
  For the most part, Arcshire has been focused on expanding its direct borders and survive better against surface threats. However, as of late the city's future has been led in a new direction. With the rise and overwhelming popularity of their most recent leader, the city has quickly become more and more militarized. Almost a third of the adult population have been recruited into the military, almost all the new technology developed serves the military in some way and a lot of funding goes to the military. And although these actions have been divisive, the result is a whole new Arcshire. A city that stands tall as the most prepared to take on the world: "One banner, one world, one Arcshire".


Arcshire is mostly populated by either humans or half-human hybrids with only a few branched species. About 38% are human, 29% are dwarves, 17% are elfs or half-elfs, 10% are orcs or half-orcs and 6% are others. Due to the city's long religious history many people in the 6% others are aasimar with the others being mostly singular family mutations. However, new mutations are generally discriminated or even exterminated due to general religious beliefs and principles.


For most of its history Arcshire has been run by an Archcommander chosen by vote, and when they either die or announce their retirement a new one is quickly elected. But no one in the history of Arcshire was chosen as decisively as the aasimar known as Juliette Harvey. After the previous leader suddenly died of magic poisoning she started a very assertive campaign and gained overwhelming support. Harvey is mostly responsible for the militarization of Arcshire and is the reason for many businesses shutting down. But yet she has maintained a strong following by a majority of the city. Under Harvey are several administrators that handle individual topics such as law and architecture, but she still has final say in all manners.


Arcshire is protected by a transparent magic barrier stretching just outside the city limits, powered by a generator located underneath the absolute center point of the city. This barrier is strong enough to resist attacks from anything strong as a giant, but due to it's immense power requirements it's only activated in short intervals when necessary. If something manages to break through this barrier the caves between Arcshire and the outside are full of traps such as crevaces and spell turrets. And if anything breaks through that they will be met by a well equipped military of up to 2000 people. For inner threats such as dangerous people the Guard Force is enough.


Arcshire is built in very vast cave systems and is the largest city in Europe by area. The center is pretty densely built with some high class buildings and facilities included in it, including the government building. The further out you get the less densely built it is. A bit further out is the middle class buildings, built in several separated neighborhoods. Close to the edges are either low class neighborhoods or individual homes or farms. Dotted around the city (mostly around the edges or in the center) are structures to make life easier. This includes the Molaresh Power Plant, a portal transport network and an extensive sewer system.

Guilds and Factions

There aren't many large factions outside of the government in Arcshire. A couple decades ago there were several people and their supporters who gunned for the position of Archcommander and tried to get elected, but since Harvey got elected nobody even tries anymore. Most major non-political guilds also work directly under the government. These include the Teleportation Transportation Network, the 4 largest farms and the Arcana College.


Arcshire has during its long history had something few other cities have: Lasting safety. This has allowed them some freedom in constructing their city with style instead of just practicality. If there is one word to describe the city structure that word would be order. Each of the inner caves have their own district, all connected by tunnels and portal pads. Each district is in turn neatly organized with each building being lined up with the next one. The central districts are the largest, and the further out you get the smaller the district is.


Arcshire, like almost every city on the planet, is built in a cave system beneath the surface. However, the sheer scale of this particular system beats out all the other (inhabited) ones. In the beginning it was notably smaller but years of expansion and excavation by the inhabitants have led to their current size. The entire cave system encompasses an area of about 50 square kilometers, with 47 of them being inhabited. The area also has a large underground lake, large enough to sustain a city of Arcshire's size. Add in the crevices in the ceiling letting in sunlight and you even get spots of vegetation in these caves. Perfect to sustain an underground safe haven.

Natural Resources

Arcshire has a lot of resources compared to most other cities. Living underneath the earth gives you all the stone and mineral you could ever need, along with rich amounts of copper, iron, mercury, tungsten and lead. The city gets water from the nearby lake, and the green spots are perfect for growing crops like corn and grain. They even have some access to wood from the trees growing in these spots, however those quickly run out and since they take so long to grow wood is still a luxury.
Founding Date
54 PDF.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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