The Sleeping Tiger

Meta Quote:

Before the Tavern Challenge I already had an article on taverns, so if you wish to know about taverns in the city of Birdencaster. Please Read it here - Link.

This article will be about one of the Taverns in particular.

The Sleeping Tiger can be found in 4 8. The tavern can be found close to 4 7 as this has the most foot traffic being where a confectioners store and a Porridge House are.

The Building

What's Unique Or Special About The Tavern Is Housed In?

What is special about the tavern is its architecture. The building is made up of external timber beams with a diagonal brick structure making the walls. The pattern of these bricks when viewed from the other side of the street can look like tiger stripes. These stripes are a result of the firing profess of making the bricks and were an unintentional part of the manufacturing of the bricks.   In the tavern behind the bar where there would normally be a whole range of whiskeys and other drinks is a carved stained pine statue of a tiger sleeping with its tail hanging over the edge of the shelf. This was commissioned by the owner of the tavern.

How Many Floors Does It Have, And How Many Rooms?

The tavern itself has one floor.

Is It Clean And Beautifully Painted, Or Run Down?

The Sleeping Tiger can be found on the main street of Zone 4, This street is where the main stalls of the zone are and is the street that is the widest, being 4 metres (14feet) wide.

How Does Its Location Affect It?

As The Sleeping Tiger is situated a joining the main street of Zone 4 and near the confectioners store and Porridge House, this allows customers of all three to finish up in the tavern.  
  • The main stalls - These can be found in most Segments of Zone 4 after their shopping they can finish up in The Sleeping Tiger, for an evening meal or a break.
  • The Confectioners - After purchasing the confectionary, the person may go to The Sleeping Tiger to surprise someone they are meeting there with the confectionary they have bought.
  • The Porridge House - They may have just wanted to pop in there for a hot drink but wanted an evening meal in the tavern.

The Tavern Tales

To make a child or children behave in the tavern, by the parents. The caregivers will use the story that the tiger on the shelf will be asleep until the child misbehaves while the tiger may not come alive while at the tavern the tiger will awake at night and “hunt” the misbehaving child. This in later life makes the person laugh and allow the idea, propagates, like the idea of Santa.
Eatery - Tavern
Parent Location
Included Location
4 8

Article Contents

Further Resources

Porridge House
Document | Mar 26, 2022
Document | Sep 24, 2021
Zone 4
Geographic Location | Jun 24, 2021


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