The Helpful Maiden Myth in Fyria | World Anvil

The Helpful Maiden

Last night was uproarious! It seemed like the booze flowed endlessly! Laughter, Dance, the telling of tales! And that beautiful maiden, oh what a sight she was he thought as he got dressed preparing to leave his room and rejoin his fellow crewmates. As he danced happily down the stairs he noticed something odd. First, his crewmates, all assembled below him in the inn's main hall. Then he noticed the room around them, themselves staring as blankly as he now did. Empty and decrepit, nothing like the glorious night yesterday. He made his way past them stumble around trying to make sense of what had happened. And then he saw, neatly piled next to the door, all of their possessions completely ready to go. And a single note with a lovely note thanking them for their stay. Signed by The Helpful Maiden.


The legend tells of a helpful barmaid who with a bright smiles serves the busy tables of a packed bar full of raucous pirates. The maid dutiful serves drinks to the parches pirates, tells joyous happy tales, flirts with hungry pirates, and dances with the liveliest energy one can muster. She brings joy and happiness to all present while ensuring everyone is fed, happy, and thoroughly drunk. When morning eventually does come, the beautiful maid is nowhere to be found, and it is revealed that the inn the pirates are staying is just an empty shack abandoned ages ago. The last kindness the maid bestow is neatly organizing all of the treasures of the pirates and placing them near the door with a polite and neatly written note placed on top with the lovely message:  
Thank you for coming my loves, and safe travels on your next voyage. Please come to me again and tell me more tales about your exciting adventures. I eagerly await your return.  
Lovingly yours, The Helpful Maiden

Historical Basis

Sadly, there is no actual historical evidence that proves the existence of the Helpful Maiden. It is a tale used to comfort those who have spent many restless nights on the sea and have returned to land weary and in seek of comfort. Though many claim to have actually been in the maidens embrace nobody can actually prove if it was actually her or if it was just a concerned maiden working at an inn offering her own comfort when she can.   Mysteriously though several copies of the Helpful Maidens thank you notes have been flaunted by pirates telling their tales. Though no one can truly confirm the authenticity of these lovely notes.


This is a common myth spread predominantly throughout coastal cities and pirate hangouts. Any place where pirates and sea travellers are prevalent. The tale is often told over a plethora of drinks during the long party filled night after a pirate band returns from the sea. Pirates tell tales of the time they met the lovely maiden or of their hopes that one day they too will meet her beautiful gaze.

Cover image: Barmais by Corbella


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