Reign of Royal Regent Duke Cross

Political event


Duke Cross arrives and takes control of the city by decree of the King of Heldrin. Holds title of Royal Regent and Duke of Roseport until he is dethroned by a group of thieves. King Thadeus Telvour VIII arrives and imprisons him, strips him of all titles and land, officially ending his reign.

Duke Cross arrives in town with his White Cloak guard, tasked by the king to clean up the corrupt city of crime. Given the title of Royal Regent and Duke of Roseport, Duke Cross would rule the city and dismantle the cities Thieves Guild in a violent spree of destruction, killing many members and leaders, while imprisoning those left over. After six months of ruling the city under his iron fist, a group of thieves would band together and make it their mission to removing the Duke from power. For months the group would sabotage and destroy the forces of the Duke and his commander Vladamir Cabal, they would even manage to rescue several members of the old Thieves Guild. Eventually, the group would bring together resistance fighters and defeat Cabal and his White Cloak forces. The morning after the final battle the King of Heldrin would arrive unannounced in town and see the state the Duke had put the city in. He would immediately strip Duke Cross of all titles and land, and imprison him upon returning to Sumner.

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Related timelines & articles
Roseport (article)