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Eyr - Goddess of Life and Harvest


Nature and Life   Eyr, Goddess of Life and Harvest, also known as "The Witch of The Wilds", "Mother of Fey" and "Mistress of The Feywilds", is one of the two deities generally considered to be the third generation of gods in the Fate. She is the counterpart of Nave, God of Death and Medicine, and the two gods were both conceived, not by the gods, but by the creation of the new life that sprung forth from the planet after the First children, the fiends, were banished to the Nine Hells and the Abyss. When mortals started walking the earth, so did life and death, and as the birth of new life helped the mortals live and thrive, death closely followed, taking all those souls who's time on the planet were fulfilled. Eyr and Nave exist in harmony, wildly different, but sharing a kinship that few of the other gods can understand. Both Eyr and Nave love all mortal life immensely, and although they prefer to let the souls of the mortals find their own way in life, both are known to curiously observe and sometimes even help mortals, when they are needed.   In the mythology of the Fate, Lukhas took a liking to Eyr when she was young. The plane that was his domain and residence before, the Feywilds, was a realm of pure light, but when Eyr and Nave were born, Lukhas gifted Eyr the Feywilds to shape as she wanted, so that she could more easily impact and guide the life on the planet. Eyr created the fey to keep her company, and shaped the feywilds into the lush, and dangerous, plane it is today. Ever after this, the Feywilds have been known as the plane of all life, reflecting the material plane, and it is currently the place where Eyr is believed to reside when she is not walking the mortal earth.   In wood elven mythology, Eyr granted their people refuge after the group split from the high elves in the First Age. Eyr took a liking to their love of nature, and thus she allowed them to reside in the feywilds, while she taught others druidic magicks, so that they could shape the forests around Gaea to become sanctuaries for their people, and for all others who wanted to protect and preserve nature. The elves who stayed in the feywilds became the eladrin, while those who were tasked with protecting the nature in the material plane, evolved into the wood elves.   Depiction of Eyr are many, partly due to her great fondness of shapechanging, as she is often walking among mortals to observe all life. She is known to be curious and playful, similar to a fey in her finding joy in pranks and trickery. Most popular depictions paint her as a youthful woman, sometimes looking like a dryad with a body made of plants and trees, or sometimes as a human or an elf, with long and wild red hair, freckled skin and shining emerald eyes. Sometimes she is often sculpted in the form of a great wolf or bear, or sometimes just as a large tree, who's roots grow all throughout the feywilds.     Eyr is a popular god to worship and pray to, mostly because of her great love for life and her reputation of involvement with mortals. She is especially loved by wood elves, elfin, druids, healers, farmers and witches, and while being central in the Fate, she also holds an integral position in Druidry and Fey-Worship, and is by many considered the patron of wood elves and elfin especially.


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