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The Drow

Drow, also known as Dark Elves, is a dark-skinned sub-race of Elves that predominantly live in the Underdark. They have earned their reputation as evil people, with all justification, though some members with more neutral disposition do exist, as does an even smaller number of actually good members. On the surface, the Drow are sometimes referred to as "The Ones Who Went Below" or "The Shattered Ones", especially by other elves.  

Dark Elf Traits

  Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 2 and your Dexterity increases by 1   Age: Although elves reach physical maturity at the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. A Dark Elf typically claims adulthood around the age of 50, and they usually live to be 200 years old. Their shorter than average lifespan, at least for elves, is because of their harsh living conditions and militaristic society. Drow that live to be over 200 years aren't uncommon, but most of these are found living on the surface.   Alignment: Drow are most often of the evil alignment, though some tend to lean towards neutral or even good in the right circumstances. Living in a very strict society, most Drow value order over chaos, and as such are drawn towards lawful evil or lawful neutral.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet   Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.   Trance: Elves do not sleep. Instead they meditate deeply, remaining semi-conscious, for 4 hours a day. The Common word for this meditation is "trance". While meditating, you dream; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive after years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit a human would from 8 hours of sleep.   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Undercommon and Elven (dark elf dialect). Some Drow are also fluent in Infernal or Abyssal, due to Drow having such a deep connection with their queen Lolth, who is known to dabble in the fiendish, speak with your DM.   ( ( on_dictionary) (   Vision: Superior Darkvision, you can see perfectly fine in darkness, 120 feet   Favored Time of Day: No real concept of day and night when underground. However, when on the surface most are highly nocturnal.   Favored Climate: Chilly or Hot, depending on home location   Favored Terrain: Underground, Volcanic, Shadowfell, depending on home location.  

Bonus Proficiencies (pick 2)

  Mind for Magic: You have proficiency in the Arcana skill.   Survivor: You have proficiency in the Survival skill.   Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Silver Tongued: You have proficiency in the Deception skill.   Menacing Presence: You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.    

Elf Weapon Training⁠:

All young Drow go through vigorous training before they can be considered adults, you have proficiency with the Rapier, Shortsword and Hand Crossbow.  

Drow Magic:

Drow are adept at casting various dark illusion spells. You learn the cantrip Dancing Lights at lvl 1, when you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Faerie Fire spell and regain the ability to do so every long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Darkness spell, once every long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.  

Sunlight Sensitivity:

You have disadvantage on attack rolls and wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight when; the target of your attack, or whatever that you are trying to perceive, is in direct sunlight.  

Shadow Stalker: (Underdark Drow only)

Because of your familiarity with hunting in the underdark, you can become one with the shadows around you. You gain proficency in Stealth.  

Fire Resistance: (Volcanic Mountain Drow only)

You grew up among volcanic ash, pools of lava and scorching embers, due to this you are resistant to fire damage, whenever you take the damage you are resistant to, you only take half damage (rounded down).  

One With Shadows: (Shadowfell Drow only)

Living in Shadowfell for most of your life, you have aquired the ability to blend into the shadows around you. At night or in a place with dim or no light, you can become completely invisible. But only while standing completely still.  


Elves do not sleep. Instead they meditate deeply, remaining semi-conscious, for 4 hours a day. The Common word for this meditation is "trance". While meditating, you dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive after years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit a human would from 8 hours of sleep.  


  With their unearthly grace and fine features, elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many other races. Drow being no exception, though their appearance is more foreign, exotic and even alien to many surface dwellers. They have stronger features than the other elven races, and a sharper bone structure, something many High Elves in particular deem very unattractive. Drow are about the same height as humans on average, though they are more slender than humans, but not as slender as the average land-dwelling elf.   Size and build: Dark Elves average at about 165-170cm. Males and females are about the same height, and males are only marginally heavier than females. Drow are often slightly more muscular than their High Elf cousins, this due to a society that values hard work over appearances and pleasures, which has also been made more apparent with centuries of living under harsh living conditions.   Skintones: Drow have skin of a dark grey to obsidian color. Usually with no birthmarks, patches, freckles or the like. Some have hints of blue or purple in their skintone. Albino Drow exist, though these are exceedingly rare. They are cast out from Drow society at the moment of birth, because Dark Elves believe such individuals have been "touched by Selune", and as such have betrayed their Goddess Shar. Having such a child is a great shame, and can even lead to accusations of unfaithfullness and even death if the parent refuses to kill their own child.   Haircolor: Dark Elves usually have white or yellow hair. Rare hair colors include copper and black, and even hues resembling gold. Yellowing or gold in the hair usually indicate old age for Drow however, so the most desirable color is a light silvery white. As for black it usually indicate that the Drow isn't "pureblooded", and as such, it is deemed less desirable. Like all elves, Drow are incapable of growing beards, some males have unusually long sideburns and bushy eyebrows however.   Eye color: Drow usually have solid red eyes, with no visible white. Drow eyes do not reflect light like High Elven eyes. Eye colors other than red existed, amber, yellow, purple, white and darker red, almost black, being among them. Some rare Drow have blue eyes, though this often mean that the particular Drow have outsider blood in his or her veins, and is considered less desirable.   Ears: Dark Elf have medium to long ears that are often quite lean and curvy. They are thinner and more delicate than the common elvish ear.   Clothes and adornments: Drow wear armors of exotic leathers, refined metals and spider silk cloth. Materials are scarce in the underdark, and as such Drow have learned to make use of almost any crafting ingredient. They have not forgotten their elvish roots, and as such they are still very much fond of intricate designs and works of art. This reflects in their armor and clothes, and because of their dedication and hard work, most Drow crafts are also of unusually high quality. Metalwork is their speciality, having learned to work any metal from the Gray Dwarves. As such, Drow arms and armor often sport sharp and sleek metal designs, that can withstand most any blow. Drow aren't as interested in appearance as their High Elf cousins, but many Drow still sport tattoos based on their unit, rank and home location. Such tattoos are sometimes even imbedded with magic or materials that glow faintly in the dark. Jewelry consists of earrings and piercings, and the occasional headpiece. For Drow, their armor is decoration enough however, being both stylish, durable and beautiful.   Long hair is considered very pretty in Drow society, for both males and females. Therefore many Drow go to great lengths to grow their hair to impractical lengths. However, their hair is often tied up in intricate hairstyles and braids to keep fighting cleaner and more practical.  


  Drow are omnivores, eating a most anything they can find in the underdark. This includes small rodents, mushrooms, moss, beetles, various plants, and roots. Meat from Kuo-Toa, Cloakers and Quaggoths were also consumed in decent quantities. Many surface-dwellers belive Drow eat their fallen enemies, or even drag helpless victims into their lairs, tearing them apart and eating them. This however is merely speculation, and most Drow would scoff at such accusations. Due to a limited food supply in the Underdark, Shadowdark and Shadowfell however, most Drow have no problems scavenging for and eating dead flesh. As such they have built up a natural resistance towards sicknesses many other races would suffer under.   Drow typically cook all their food. Roasting, boiling and preparing ingredients. This is more to get rid of potential diseases in the ingredients, rather than for the case of taste and appearance however.  


  Dark Elves are descendants of the Moon Elves, who under the Lunar Cataclysm in 2A 400, were changed and corrupted to reflect the shattering of the moon. Scholars are uncertain of why exactly this change occured in the race, but there are theories that their strong connection to the moon due to divine ancestry made the especially susceptible to the change in the aether. After this event, the Drow fled underground, and their culture in the hundreds of years after has changed drastically from their Moon Elven ancestors.   Their culture and customs developed seperate from the surface dwelling races, and they quickly adapted to their underground enviroment. The Dark Elves have a rich history of war and alliances with many other races on Gaea, but throughout the centuries they mostly kept to the underground cities they call their home.   Ever since the Lunar Cataclysm the Drow have despised the Divines of The Faith who they believe failed their race, as well as their followers, and have aggressively plundered and wrecked havoc on the surface world. Especially strong is the Drow hatred for their Sun Elven cousins.  

Personality and Reputation

  Most Drow, like their cousins, tend to remain aloof and unfazed by petty happenstance. When pursuing a goal, however, whether adventuring on a mission or learning a new skill or art, dark elves can be focused and relentless, and Drow in particular are among the most stubborn and determined of the races. Drow also work hard, and as such they despise laziness. They are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. They reply to petty insults with disdain and to serious insults with vengeance.   They earned their reputation as an aggressive and hostile people, with all justification, though some members with more neutral disposition do exist, as do an even smaller number of actually good members, who want to cooperate with the surfacers.   Relationships with other races are tense at the best and downright hostile at the worst. Dark Elves are frequently misunderstood by outsiders, and they do very little to clear these misunderstandings. Drow also have an almost inborn hate for the surface races, whom they view as chaotic, arrogant and stupid. Therefore Dark Elves are often found kidnapping, torturing, raping and pillaging on the surface, which naturally gave them a harsh reputation. The practice of keeping slaves are normal to Drow, being a big part of their culture and society. Other races have different views on the matter, which have soured their relationship further.  


  Dark Elves live in the areas below the surface. In volcanic mountains, in underground lairs and mines or in the shadowy realm of shadowfell. These areas are unhospitable and hostile to most, and as such Drow society is strict and limited out of neccessity. They are highly matriarchal, and their culture reflects this. When it comes to the military however, if you are a fierce fighter, a wise mage or a capable leader, your gender does not matter much. It is more in social and cultural matters that you can really see Drow matriarchal tendencies. and in some noble houses especially, men are treated very badly. Society is built after a highly militaristic model, but they also follow deep aristocratic traditions. At the very top is a Matron Mother, and under her is a war commander that commands her military.   All young Drow are raised by society. When they reach the age of 10, they are taken from their birthparents and placed within a military unit under the noble house of which they live under. Here they live and learn with Drow their own age. This unit does everything togheter, and as such they become closer than family. Drow who do not fight exist for the sake of the survival of their society, but such jobs are often given to slaves, handicapped or mentally ill individuals.   Slavery is a very common practice in Drow society, and in the underdark in general. Dark Elves mostly keep other races as slaves, but if you are deemed unfit to contribute to society in what the Drow consider a meaningful way, they will not hesitate to denounce your citizenship and sell you into slavery. Many Dark Elves have no problems with this practice, if Drow parents birth a child that is handicapped or considered "less" in any way, they will have no quarrels giving the child away to a life of slavery, in most cases.  


  All Drow are expected to live by and worship Shar, as she is the chosen Goddess of the Drow people. Many, especially the Drow living in the underdark also serve Lolth, the Queen of Spiders, considered to be the Matron Mother of every Drow. Many Drow also learn from the teachings of Ubris, the goddess of the dark.  


  Drow believe themselves to be the apex creature. Their treatment towards members of other races runs the entire gamut from pets, slave to grudgingly respected partners when they proved themselves a military match for them, though never equals in their minds. This goes to the point that contracts with those they deem "lesser races" are not viewed as binding. They are readily broken when the contract cease being beneficial to the drow party. Other races learn to anticipate betrayal and always have counters to the treachery prepared. While most Drow share a hatred of all other races, especially surface races, the object of true hatred are the surface elves, "Darthiir" in Drow. It is the only thing that unite them as a species, leading them to yearn for a return to the surface that would end in them defeating the surface elves.  


  Drow are ruled by their aristocracy. Normally, a noble House is ruled by a priestess of Lolth called Matron Mother. They are generally founded by powerful drow individuals with special powers, who gave their traits to their offspring. Nobles also augment or substitute these abilities further with magic items.   The Houses own a standing army of drow soldiers, priestesses, and wizards, and almost all drow are expected to serve in one way or another during their lifetime. What is special about these armies are the existence of contingents consisting solely of non-drow slaves, usually bugbears, ogres, and minotaurs.   The head of a noble House is a Matron Mother. Below them are the Matron's daughters and the priestesses. Below them are the war commander. Below them are the officers, and below them again are the common soldiers of the army. Last comes the other servants and the slaves. None of these ranks have any real security. All it takes is the matron's whim to change these positions. The matron usually change through murder of the current matron by the eldest daughter, a long and proud tradition.  


  Courting is the domain of drow women in drow society, trying to initiate a relationship is a reason for execution by torture and then sacrifice for a male drow. Furthermore, once a relationship starts, the male partner is in no way an equal partner. He has no say in how long a relationship should last or whether it should even start. The woman on the other hand can switch between partners as she desires.   When the drow man is desired by more than one female, the women are in competition to one another over the man, who normally isn't safe from damage. Killing the man is in general the usual way in which a relationship ends. In non-Lolthite culture and among commoners, matters aren't that extreme, and the genders are slightly more equal. Drow do not bond for life, though it is more usual among the commoners to stay with one mate for prolonged periods of time, than it is for the noble women and priestesses who switch almost on a monthly basis.  


  Magic: All Dark Elves are born with magic in their veins. And as such, they learn wizard spells quite easily. Clerics are also quite common, as many are priestesses and worshippers of Lolth and Shar, any divine powers apart from the ones granted by Shar are not accepted in Drow society however. Warlocks are very common in Drow society compared to the other races. Dark magics are celebrated and most have a neutral or even friendly disposition towards demons and the creatures of shadowfell.   Mix: Some Dark Elves prefer to play on the strings of the weave, becoming potent and skillfull bards who play beautiful and complicated songs of their people. Paladins can also be found in Drow society and these have often been granted power by Shar or Lolth personally.   Non-Magic: Drow are as adept at fighting with arms and armor as they are with casting spells. As such, fighters are very common in the noble armies. Because of their exceptional skills at stalking and hiding rogues and rangers are also common in their ranks.  

Drow Names

  Drow names are, like many elven names, quite melodic. But Drow names also contain harsher sounding elements, which usually makes their names stand out from other elven names. Drow usually only use their first names, as all individuals serving under a noble house have the same surname. Usually only higher ranking members of the noble house are allowed to use the house name freely, and as such most only go by their first name.   Drow female names: Burymma, Ulilyth, Jhaelrae, Ilmvra   Drow male names: Elkdiirn , Bemreth, Tazendor, Istaghar   Noble Houses: Maeth, Hyloara, Deani, Dinath


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