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The Spider Queen, Lolth Myrahel

"Station is the way of Lolth, the ambition she bestows to further the chaos, to keep her drow "children" along their appointed course of self imprisonment."   Lolth, Demigod of Spiders and leader of the Lolthian Drows is a woman of cold cruelty not out of place in the darkest depths of the endless Abyss, reveling in betrayal and bloodshed and toying with everyone from her minions to her victims. She not only enjoy, but thrive upon torture, destruction, and death, whether personally performing it or causing it. Every interaction is ultimately done with malice, ill will seething from her every move, and even those who know her well can be surprised by just how deep her viciousness goes.   Lolth demands absolute fealty and obedience from all drow, seeing herself as the leader of their entire rade, and questioning her motives or wisdom is considered a sin most places in the underdark. She also secretly desires the worship of other types of elves, as well as humans, and enjoys corrupting them into her service even more than torment and devastation. In contrast, she fomentd unending chaos amongst the drow, eternally setting them against each other. Ostensibly this is to weed out the weak and complacent, leaving only the strongest, cruelest, and most devious to serve her, and to some degree she believes this, but it is also simply for her own amusement and supremacy. Despite her demands for loyalty, those who blindly obey Lolth's demands will find themselves quickly led to their deaths. In truth, Lolth's capricious nature means that there are few hard-and-fast rules, and much uncertainty as to her desires. The successful haev to pay attention to her ever-changing wants, for her favor is fickle, and those who she plays favorites with (a frequent occurrence) will inevitably find her turning on them without warning. Lolth's promotion of infighting amongst her worshipers has led many to believe she is insane, and this assessment is not baseless. Indeed, ever since her fall from grace her sanity has frayed and fractured until she has become the petty, conniving monster she is commonly known as.Her will is not merely fluid, but often times contradictory, although even if she is mad, the drow place more importance on a deep and devious sense of cunning than mental stability. Ironically, for all her demands for obedience, nothing demands her attention and admiration more than treachery, even towards herself (if only temporarily). Guile and political ruthlessness are the signs of her favorite servants, and she ultimately admire ambition more than she does loyalty.   Lolth's main base of operations in Menzoberranzan, the largest underdark city. From here she rules with an iron first, spreading her religion and her rule to all corners of the underdark being her primary goal.  


Born to the noble Myrahel family shortly after the Lunar Cataclysm in 3A 66, Lolth sought power even from a young age. An only child she was the pride and joy of her family. Thrust into a world in complete chaos after their people's downfall, a vision of renewed strength in a people defeated became the young woman's primary driving force. She rose in the ranks among her people, gaining influence while inspiring the unfortunate dark elves in dreaming about revenge towards the gods and the people of the surface world who had abandoned them to their fate. When the moon elves turned dark due to the loss of their goddess and the exposure to harmful aetherial energies, their lifespans, magical abilities and fortitude of mind also diminished, but Lolth, proud, stubborn and clever, refused to accept this fate. By turning to dark magics that dipped into the fiendish plane of the Abyss, Lolth changed herself through trial and error, eventually creating a grafted body of great power for herself. Part spider, part demon and part mortal drow, Lolth became a demigod, and thus the religion surrounding her was born.   Lolth, while demonic, never worshipped demons, rather viewing herself as the ultimate form of life. She did ally herself briefly with the Goddess Shar, and their cooperation further cemented Lolth as a goddess to the drow. Their disagreements eventually led to the pair splitting however, and today Lolth has no connection to Shar, although she sometimes still uses the claim that she was chosen by the dark goddess as a way to further her religiou influence.


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