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The Tieflings

“But you do see the way people look at you, devil’s child.”     Those black eyes, cold as a winter storm, were staring right into her heart and the sudden seriousness in his voice jolted her.   “What is it they say?” he asked. “One’s a curiosity, two’s a conspiracy—”   “Three’s a curse,” she finished. “You think I haven’t heard that rubbish before?” “I know you have.” When she glared at him, he added, “It’s not as if I’m plumbing the depths of your mind, dear girl. That is the burden of every tiefling. Some break under it, some make it the millstone around their neck, some revel in it.” He tilted his head again, scrutinizing her, with that wicked glint in his eyes. “You fight it, don’t you? Like a little wildcat, I wager. Every little jab and comment just sharpens your claws.”     To be greeted with stares and whispers, to suffer violence and insult on the street, to see mistrust and fear in every eye: this is the lot of the tiefling. And to twist the knife, tieflings know that this is because a covenant broken enerations ago, one that madet heir bloodlines suspectible to fiendish corruption. Their appearance and their nature are not their fault but the result of an ancient sin, for which they and their children and their children’s children will always be held accountable. Not all tieflings are innocent however, as there are those who embrace their corruption and actively seek out the powers that comes with it. All humans are susceptible to the curse, and all tiefling's souls are damned to an eternity in the Fiendish Planes after death.   Tiefling are a subrace of humans, albeit more unique and varied in both appearance, abilities and culture than the other human subraces.   When making a tiefling, you must chose a primary Sin, and you can either use this Sin's stat increases, or you can go the route of the variant human.      

Tiefling Traits

  Ability Score Increase. Based on your primary Sin, you ability scores increases as follows:  

Devilish Sins:

Lust: Your Charisma increases by 2, your Intelligence increases by 1.   Greed: Your Intelligence increases by 2, your Strength increases by 1.   Pride: Your Intelligence increases by 2, your Charisma increases by 1.   Envy: Your Dexterity increases by 2, your Intelligence increases by 1.  

Demonic Sins:

Wrath: Your Strength increases by 2, your Constitution increases by 1.   Gluttony: Your Dexterity increases by 2, your Strength increases by 1.   Sloth: Your Constitution increases by 2, your Intelligence increases by 1.       Age: Tieflings reach adulthood in their late teens and often live twice the normal lifespan of a human   Alignment: Tieflings generally tend toward chaotic and freedom-seeking alignements. Due to their connection with primal, fiendish urges, many are evil. Although the best and the worst are found among them.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal.   Vision: Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Ethnicitiy: Tieflings, due to being a subset of humans, are a varied and diverse people, whom can be found in every corner of Antreia. You can pick one of three major ethnic groups or play without one.    

Northern Ethnicities:

      Irvorian - The Irvorians typically have medium fair skin, blonde, brown or black hair, and blue, green or brown eyes. They are typically of average height and weight. The Irvorians are one of the most widespread and diverse Human ethnic groups in the north. Originally the Irvorians were magically gifted off-shots of the Vanichians and the Briars, who settled in what is today Karamornian territory, on the Western side of the Cainian Fjord. The Irvorians quickly built a city which could rival all other on the continent, and this city, built on the foundations of a new kind of Human magic, became a powerful piece in the politics of the second age. The Irvorians became greedy however, and after an immensely powerful spell failed, the Gods punished all the Irvorians severely for their misconduct. After this their city ultimately fell, and their people spread out throughout the rest of the nothern parts of the continent, and mixed with the other Humans in the areas. Irvorians are often skilled magical users by blood, but most are pious members of The Fate, and many shun the sinful magics which brought the wrath of the gods down on them long ago. Today the Irvorians can be found in Karamorn, Veileux, Thenia and Callimoria.     Jotnid - The Jotnid are a pale skinned people, most often with blonde hair and blue eyes, though green eyes and brown or red hair isn't too uncommon either. They are a people of tall stature, this is believed to be because of their mixed blood, with traces of Jotnar lineage. The Jotnid were a tribe of Humans whom dwelled in the northern regions of Antreia, and then ultimately came accross the Jotnar of the far north. Although fighting over territory was common, many also found companionship in the Jotnar, who for all intents and purposes were fairly similar to the Humans. This companionship turned into love, and in some places the Jotnar and what would become to Jotnid, bore children of mixed blood. In Jotnar society such children were shunned, but the Humans accepted them as their own. After generations, although only small amounts of genetics remain of these unions, the Jotnid have a distinctively Jotnar feel over their appearance. The tribes of the Jotnid settled mostly in what is today Lostrath and Deirim, and remains the largest ethnic group in Lostrath respectively.     Briar - The Briars are a people of medium fair skin, and most often brown or black hair. Their eyes are most commonly brown or gray, and they are often of a fairly short and stout stature. The Briars are a very old Human tribe whom have dwelled in the northern parts of Antreia for countless generations. They have historically been hardy and adaptable, but also less ambitious than many of the other Human ethnic groups. Historically the Briars have had a bad relationship with the Elves on northern Antreia, especially the Wood Elves, and this suspicion is still very apparent today. Most of the Briars can still be found in the areas of which their ancestors first settled, which are the lands of Deirim and Callimoria. They are the most numerous Human ethnic group in Deirim by far, making up about 80 percent of its entire population.     Vanichian- The Vanichian are a people of medium fair to pale skin, often with warm undertones, with a wide variety of hair colours. Vanichian eyes are most commonly blue, brown or gray, but many others are also widespread. The Vanichians are often of slender builds and average to petite height. They are diverse people, with a long and rich history of war, nobility, riches and infighting, and they have been around on the continent as a unified group since the start of the second age. Most other Human peoples find the that the Vanichians have a sophisticated aura, almost appearing arrogant, which is a trait more commonly found in races like the Sun Elves than the average Human. Vanichians make up most of the Human population in Veileux, but they can also be found in Thenia and Karamorn.     Calenese - The Calenese are a fair skinned people commonly found sporting freckles. They have red or blonde hair colours, and their eyes are most often Green or Amber. The Calenese people are often quite petite in build and in height compared to the other Human ethnicities on Gaea. The Calenese are a fairly small group of Humans compared to many others found in the north. They were originally a Human tribe who settled in the mountainous areas of Eastshade, and then migrated further east into the territory of the Elves. Many Humans have bad relations to the Elves, especially after the fall of the High-Elven Empire at the hands of the Humans in 1A 1824, but the Calenese have learned to live with the Wood Elves of Calen in relative peace. The Calenese never had much to do with the Human-Elven war at the end of the first century, and most do not recognize Thalon as a demigod like the other Humans in the north. Because of this there's a significantly higher percentage of the Calenese population whom either are Half-Elves or have elven blood in their veins. Today the Calenese are found mainly in Calen, but some have also settled down in the smaller woodland villages in Callimoria.     Cupian - The Cupians are a people of tan skin, which is often patchy or freckled. Almost the entirety of their population have red hair or brown hair with reddish hues, and curly and wavy hair is the norm. Their eyes are most commonly shades of green or sometimes brown, often in a lighter and brighter colour than most other Humans. The Cupians are of average height and build, but as many live tough lives on the open seas, muscular builds are also common. The Cupians are a people fond of adventure, wine, women and trade, which they have been since they first came to the continent. They value their freedom above everything else, and most have a relationship with the open oceans, especially The Western and The Meridian Ocean of which their ships often traverse. As most other Human societies in northern Antreia follow strict societal rules and norms, the Cupians have a far more relaxed outlook on life. Homosexuality is very common, and the Cupians care little for your race or the nobility of your birth. Many Cupian ships travel to the far lands of the Ibirian Empire to trade, and thus many Cupians are also found in the ports of southern cities, which have made them quite widespread compared to some of the other Human ethnicities. Today they are most often found in Thenia, Karamorn and Veileux however, but they are a common sight seen almost in any port city.     Islanders - The people known simply as Islanders most often have very silky skin of medium fair colour, often with a dusty or yellowish hue. Thei hair is black, straight and silky, and they most commonly sport brown or amber eyes. They are considerably smaller than many of the other northern Human ethnicities, and they tend to be slightly chubby. The Islanders have resided on the countless smaller icelands in the Ocean of Bitterfrost, ever since the Humans first came to Antreia. They have lived in close-knit tribal communities away from most other civilized peoples the entirey of this time, which have made them conservative. The Islanders are most often a very welcoming and friendly people however, and there are countless tales of islanders stumbling upon shipwrecked sailors and saving their lives with their great skills in medicine and healing. The Islanders still live in their tribal communities, but some have settled in the lands of Thenia, Deirim and Callimoria. The Islanders have a hostile relationship with the Jotnar, so despite the fact that many of their members live just north of Lostrath, most shy away from their lands due to the Jotnar who reside there.      

Southern Ethnicities:

      Magi - The Magi is a fairly large group of peoples with skin ranging from medium to dark.. Their hair traditonally comes in every colour, although blonde is slightly less common. The Magi have eyes in colours of gray, blue, green and amber, and their eyes are often a vibrant hue. The Magi are often smaller than many of the other southern ethnicities, although nothing too significant. The exact origin of where the Magi came from is unknown, but it is believed that they came to the continent by other means than what most other (especially northern) Human peoples did, whom it is mainly believed arrived on Antreia from the frozen continent in the north. The Magi are among the oldest group of people on the continent today, and they have a rich culture steeped in magic and tradition. Today Magi are a big part of the Ibirian empire, often holding prestigious positions of power due to their natural magical abilities. Their largest settlements are to be found in the desert of Antium however. These citites are older than most civilizations on Antreia today, and it is here where most of the empire's knowledge of mathemathics, science, magic, astrology and the use of mana crystals stem.     Samnites - The Samnites are a people of very dark skin whom hail from the Samnite Desert. Their hair is very long and most often curly and braided, and it comes naturally in shades of brown, red and black. Many Samnites tend to colour their braids with red clay, and others use decorative beads and gemstones to create stunning hairstyles. Their eyes are hues of brown, gray or amber. The Samnites tend to be muscular but lean, and they are often quite tall. Cousins of the Magi, many Samnite people also have an affinity for magic, but their culture is less concerned with its potential than what the Magi are. The Samnites are the largest group of peoples in the mid-western area of Ibira, and due to this they are very well familiar with the dersert of which they live. They most often live in smaller settlements in the middle of the desert, and they use something known as "sand gliders", an invention of their own making, to traverse the desert with ease.     Ibirian – The Ibirans are a very diverse people, who are among the most numerous group of Humans in the south. Their skin tend to be medium fair to medium, their hair come in most any shade although brown and black are most common, and red is very rare. The eyes of the Ibirians are most commonly green, brown or amber, often with a warm shine of hazel. The build of a common Ibirian is of average height and weight. The Ibirians are the original founders of the Ibirian Empire, as well as making up the largest percentage of its population. They can be found living and thriving accross the entirety of the southern part of Antreia, and some Ibirians have even settled further north and live their lives as part of the northern kingdoms. The Ibirians are believed to be descendants of a northern Human tribe, who immigrated to the south due to the conflicts over territory with other Humans as well as the High Elves. Today they have established countless cities and settlements accross the entire south, and they tend to be the ones who hold the highest positions in the empire. Although the Ibirians can be arrogant due to this, they tend to be a very open-minded folk who accept most anyone of any sexuality, race, gender, occupation or background.     Kétou - Kétou are a people of medium hued skin, often with a dusty or almost blueish hue, and hair of brown or black. Many Kétou have wavy or curly hair, but both genders tend to keep it short. The eyes of the Kètou are gray or brown, often quite dark or dusky in colour. Most Kètou are quite small and lithe of both build and height, but they make up for this in their agility and dexterity. As a people whom originally dwelled in the mountains of middle Ibira, they are expert climbers and seem to have an innate sense of direction. Today they can be found mostly in the east and in the middle parts of Ibira, and most have mixed well with the rest of the population of the empire. Many still dwell in smaller settlements high in the mountains as well however, and these Kètou are often miners, hunters or guides.     Yabanese – The Yabanese are a group of tall and athletic humans, known to be among the best warriors on the entire continent. The Yabanese have very dark skin, almost black, and almost always black hair and dark brown eyes. The Yabanese are wise and patient warriors and hunters, who dwell in the jungles of the east, where no one else dare to go. Community is very important to all Yabanese, and the jungle villages of which they dwell is built on mutual cooperation. This is in truth no wonder, as these jungles are extremely dangerous, with poisonous vermin and giant aggressive beasts of which the Yabanese have to protect their villages from. The Yabanese tend to be a polite folk who fit nicely into Ibirian society most everywhere they go. They tend to look quite menacing to other Humans, however, sporting clothes and adornments made from materials like bones and feathers, and many Yabanese prefer to stay in their jungle villages anyways. Exactly where the Yabanese came from is unknown, but it is believed that they came from the far east on rafts thousands of years ago, and adapted to Antreian living after this.     Circeii – The Circeii are a people of tan or dark skin, often with quite warm tones. They tend to have brown or black hair, that is often wavy, and their eyes come in any hue apart from green. The Circeii are of average to slightly smaller height and average build, but due to their fondness of good food some tend to be a little chubby. They are found living in the beautiful areas around the Sapphire Sea, which they have done for generations. The Circeii is quite the common sight in most large cities in the Ibirian Empire, and they are generally well respected as traders and sailors. Many Circeii are fond of the simpler things in life, like family, good food, and beautiful sights. The settlements of which the Circeii are most numerous are in the villages by the shore of the Sapphire sea. Here most live humble lives as fishers, wine-makers, and farmers, and the Circeiian knack for the culinarian arts have earned these villages a favourable reputation among tourists looking for quiet places to vacate to.     Ittetsian – The Ittetsians are a group of dark skinned people found in the south of Ibira. Their hair comes in shades of brown and black, and their eyes tend to be brown or amber. Many Ittetsian have an athletic build, and they tend to be average or slightly taller of height. The Ittetsians are a quite diverse people. Some dwell in large cities, some in smaller villages while others take to the open seas to fish, or the mountains to mine. They are known to be adaptable, resourceful and highly intelligent, but also cunning and less trustworthy than many others on the continent. The Ittetsians tend to have independent personality, and due to this they often shy away from strict rules and regulations. Many Ittetsians are pirates, bandits or traders, while others make excellent military leaders and commanders due to their resourcefulness. The Ittetsian have a deep tradition of sword-fighting, and are excellent with many martial weapons. Although they mostly dwell in the southern parts of Ibira, many are adventurous and end up serving as skilled and deadly body guards or mercenaries in other cities accross the empire.  

Primordian Ethnicities

    The Sin'honese - A group of smaller-than-average people of fair to bronze complexions. Their hair is almost always black or dark brown and sleek, and their eyes are most often a dark brown or gray. Sometimes simply called the "primordians" the Sin'ho people are an ancient civilisation of ethnically diverse people with a rich culture and unique customs. No one knows exactly when the Sin'honese moved to Primordia or when they took over the continent to become the ethnic majority, but it is speculated that they originally migrated with the serpentine dragons of the Draconic Empire, long before human or elven kingdoms and empires flourished on Antreia. Even with the elementals harsh rule since the start of the third age, the Primordians have remained independent in small religious communities and large walled-off cities, fighting to protect their traditions.       Favoured Time of Day: Most Tieflings are active during the day, but due to their darkvision they are not averse to staying up at night, especially in underground communities who try to avoid humans.   Favoured Climate: Varies   Favoured Terrain: Varies    


  Lean and Agile: You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.   Light on Your Feet: You have proficiency in the Stealth skill.   Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Strong Physique: You have proficiency in the Endurance skill.   Survivor: You have proficiency in the Survival skill.   Mind for Magic: You have proficiency in the Arcana skill.   Smooth Talker: You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.   Brawn: You have proficiency in the Aethletics skill.   Silver Tongued: You have proficiency in the Deception skill.   Discerning Gaze: You have proficiency in the Insight skill.   Menacing Presence: You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.   Nimble Fingers: You have proficiency in the Sleight of hand skill.    

Variant Feat

You can replace your ability score increase bonus, by instead choosing 1 feat of your choice.  

Hellish Resistance

You have resistance to fire damage.  


Due to your intimidating appearance you can scare people into submission. Three times each long rest you get advantage on one intimidation roll. Your eyes might flare up, you might show your sharp teeth or you use your inhuman strength to pin someone against a wall.  

Infernal Legacy

You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Hellish Rebuke spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Darkness spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.    


  Originally human, even with their infernal blood tieflings retain some of their human characteristics. An individual can stand from 150 feet to a little over 180 feet tall and weigh from 55 to 115 kg. Tieflings tend to retaint their "original" hair colours, which range from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight), and males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick. This is where the similarities end however. All tieflings have horns, unnatural skin colours, fiendish eyes and a devilish tail, although every tiefling is different, and their appearance changes based on their bloodline and Sin:  

Devilish Tieflings

  Lust Devils are common, and tend to look quite humanoid. They have all manners of skin colours, but grey, pink and purple are most commmon. Their horns are usually darker. Gradients on the body and the tail is very common. They almost always have very sleek tails, often with a tuft or a barb at the end, and they tend to have long, sleek fangs. Their eyes tend to be either very striking and vibrant, or very human-like.   Greed Devils are also among the most common devils. They look fairly humanoid, but can have more beastial traits like hooves, spikes or clawed hands. They usually have blue skin or red skin and they tend to have large horns. Thei tails are often thick and barbed, and they often have several sets of sharp teeth and black scelera.   Pride Devils, somewhat less common than lust or greed, but still not rare by any means. They are similar to the greed devils in being fairly humanoid, but sometimes have more bestial traits like hooved feet. They come in all skin colours, but they tend to be very vibrant and bright red is the msot common. They often have two sets of horns or a crown-like structure on their heads, and their tail is often long, slick and strong. They are often fanged, and tend to have black scelera.   Envy Devils are the least common of the devil tieflings. They are slightly less humanoid, often hooved or barbed or gnarly, and their skin usually comes in murky, cold tones. They are sometimes hornless, and they almost always have both sharlike teeth and claws. Their tail comes in all shapes and sizes, and they usually have black scelera.  

Demonic Tieflings

  Wrath Demons are rare, as all demonic tieflings are, at least compared to their devilish counterparts. They tend to look humanoid but can have beastly traits like hooves, barbs, spikes, small flightless wings or claws. They usually have darker and more vibrant skin colours in reds or blacks and they tend to have large imposing horns. They often have strong, large tails, sharp teeth and solid black or white eyes.   Gluttony Demons are rare, as all demonic tieflings are. They tend to look humanoid but can have key beastly traits like hooves, barbs, spikes, small flightless wings or claws. They usually have vibrant skin colours in cold hues, and they tend to have large imposing horns. They often have very long tails, sharp teeth and solid black or white eyes.   Sloth Demons are extremely rare, even more so than the other subgroups of demonic tieflings. They can look quite humanoir or beastly, with traits like hooves, barbs, spikes, small flightless wings or claws, and skin with outgrowths and spots. They usually have murky skin colours in greens, blacks or whites, with horns that match. They often have strong tails or no tail at all, sharp sharklike teeth and solid black or white eyes.     Size and build. Your size is Medium.  


  Tiefling skin tones tend to be vibrant in shades of blues, purples, reds or oranges, but white, black and green skin colours also exist.     Sin of Lust: All skin tones, tend to be more muted/natural     Sin of Greed: Usually warm skin colours     Sin of Pride: Vibrant skin colours, often blue or red     Sin of Envy: Usually colder skin colours     Sin of Wrath: Vibrant skin colours, often reds or blacks.     Sin of Gluttony: Often vibrant and cold skin colours     Sin of Sloth: Often muted skin colours, green, black and white common.      


  Tiefling hair colours range from pale blonde to black. There are some general trends among the human ethnic groups however:     Blonde: Jotnid, Irvorian, Veileuxian, Calenese, Magi     Red: Calenese, Cupian, Veileuxian, Magi, Samnite, Jotnid     Brown: Cupian, Irvorian, Jotnid, Briar, Cupian, Veileuxian, Magi, Kétou, Circeii, Ittetsian, Samnite, Sin'honese     Black: Irvorian, Briar, Veileuxian, Magi, Kétou, Circeii, Ittetsian, Yabanese, Samnite, Islanders, Sin'honese      

Eye colour:

  Tiefling eyes are otherwordly, beastly, and infernal. They tend to come in vibrant colours with black scelera, but other varities exist.     Sin of Lust: A great variety of eye colours, sometimes more human-looking than the other tiefling varieties       Sin of Greed: Almost always black scelera and slit, cat-like eyes, or horizontally slit-eyes like a goat     Sin of Pride: Almost always black scelera and slit, cat-like eyes, or horizontally slit-eyes like a goat     Sin of Envy: Usually black scelera, all eye colours     Sin of Wrath: All demonic sins have solid black or white eyes and scelera, pupilless     Sin of Gluttony: All demonic sins have solid black or white eyes and scelera, pupilless     Sin of Sloth: All demonic sins have solid black or white eyes and scelera, pupilless       Clothes and adornments: There is no one style that is considered fully “tiefling”, because most tieflings live in human society and families. Most have a variety of styles based on the occasion, and once’s cultural heritage determines much of what the given tiefling wears. There are some trends however. The further you tend to stray from the northernmost parts of Antreia like Lostrath and Deirim, the less practical and more luxurious the fabrics and garments tend to be. In the far north practicality is more important than fashion, with the exception of Thenian adornments which tend to be influenced more by the southern styles. Some tieflings due to being ostracized by their communities have strayed away from what is considered "normal" fashion, and tend to wear cloaks, leathers and fabrics that hide their appearance and identities.    


  Tieflings are also quite varied in their diet, based on where on the continent they life. Generally, like humans, tieflings are known to eat most everything, and there are many traditional and creative dishes of human origin that tieflings enjoy. Some tieflings have embraces their feral, devilish or demonic side however, and eat more meat, even of other humans in a cannibalistic fashion, although this is rare, and reserved to the truly perverted among them.  


  To understand tiefling history, one must understand human history.   Human history is as diverse as the race is as a species. Although most scholar agree that the first humans came from the northernmost continent before recorded history, and that these tribes settled, thrived and quickly became a prominent power on the continent during the first age. This isn’t completely certain however, as there are theories based on the different appearances of the Human race, that they must have settled in quite a lot of different areas as to evolve such specific characteristics based on ethnicity. What is certain however, is that the first Humans evolved from the ancient Giants and/or Jotnar. Why the race became so small compared to their predecessors is a mystery however.   When the first tribes came to Antreia at the cusp of the first age, they had to content for land with the High Elves, whom had quite recently made advancements in their own society; founding kingdoms and conquering areas to call their own and on which they built their settlements. The early Humans were not as magically skilled as the High Elves, and as such they were not considered a threat to The Elven Kingdoms. As the years progressed however, and the elven kingdoms turned into The High Elven Empire, the Humans had not only learned and adapted how to live and thrive on Antreia, they had started encroaching on the territories of the Elves.   Only 1824 years after it is believed that first Humans arrived on Antreia, they had mustered an army large enough to not only contest, but conquer the High Elves, destroying their largest cities and gaining control over former High Elven territory in the process. There were many contributing factors that led to this event however, and tales of how it could possibly happen are different from whom you speak to. The Elves believe that their own infighting and the slyness of the Human race led to the fall of The High Elven Kingdom, that they were ultimately tricked by the distrustful Humans after The High Elves tried to take them in and teach them High Magic. The Humans have a different story altogether, one of which is painted by abuse and oppression from the High Elves, which eventually led to the Humans uniting under one banner and one man, the demigod; Thalon, to drive the Elves out of “their” lands for good.   Whichever story is true is of little relevance, however. As the High Elven Empire fell, the Humans quickly made use of their newfound power to found cities and kingdoms all over the continent. The most powerful of these kingdoms was the magic city-state known as Irvoria. Irvoria was no ordinary city, it was a testament to the ingenuity of the Humans as a race, and it stood as a shining beacon of what magic could do if utilized correctly. Even though the Humans were fairly unfamiliar with magics early on when arriving on the continent, they had learned much from watching the High Elves. This magic was quite different than the High Magic the Elves used. Its spells, although not superior, were easier to cast and learn. The magic which is used by most today are the magics of which these early Humans of Irvoria learned to harness. Irvoria eventually became greedy by their newfound magical powers however, and the city state fell after one extremely potent spell was failed to be utilized correctly, which brought on the wrath of the very Gods, which in turn broke the Aegis Covenant.   This led to the birth of the race we today know as tieflings. When the covenant with the gods was broken, the humans were no longer under the protection of the gods as a race, which meant that demons and devils from the Fiendish Planes could now corrupt the very souls of human mortals. This happened witht he original wizards who attempted the spell, as well as their children, and their children's children. The curse can also manifest after being dormant for generations, and new tieflings might be born or created from human fetuses or adults if fiendish magick is misused.  

Personality and Reputation

  Tieflings, as a race being the product of terrible and forbidden fiendish magicks, are not welcome most places on the continent. The south tend to be a bit more lax than the north, but event here most tieflings survive by stealing, begging or killing, and those few that do exist tend to band togheter with other corrupted souls, rather than mingle with humans or other races. Tieflings have a terrible reputation due to this, sometimes for good reason, but even innocent tiefling children are cast out or killed due to little more than their appearance. To birth a tiefling is a terrible shame upon a human family, due to sometimes being indicative of forbidden pacts with fiends having taken place, and because of this tiefling children are generally "dealt with" before anyone gets too curious about why they were born.    


  Tieflings, being a subrace of humans, tend to follow the customs and norms from where they hail, although many are ostracized or cast out from their original socities, and tend to live lives of banditry or seclusion.   Humans are the most wide-spread race on the planet, and due to this there is no one set society that all Humans live in. From the noble kingdom of Karamorn in the north to the Yabanese and their dense jungles in the south. Humans are found living in all sorts of places. Most Humans value order and hierarchy however, and most large Human institutions are Kingdoms or Empires, both which have one obvious leader and some sort of nobility. Humans whom live in tribal communities are not uncommon however, people like the Islanders or the Kétou are often found in smaller, more tight-knit groups. Although some humans can be xenophobic, in general their societies are fairly inclusive, although this also varies from the North and the South. Human lands welcome large numbers of nonhumans compared to the proportion of humans who live in nonhuman lands.  


  Tieflings, in stark contrast to the pious humans, typically have no love for the Fate or any of its gods. Tieflings tend to be free-spirited creatures that value survival above all else, having no time or energy to devote their lives to gods or divine. Some are roped into cults or nefarious organizations due to being cast out from society however, and they are thus commonly considered heretics.  


  Tieflings are derived from human bloodlines, and in the broadest possible sense, they still look human. However, their infernal heritage has left a clear imprint on their appearance. Tieflings have large horns that take any of a variety of shapes: some have curling horns like a ram, others have straight and tall horns like a gazelle’s, and some spiral upward like an antelopes’ horns. They have thick tails, four to five feet long, which lash or coil around their legs when they get upset or nervous. Their canine teeth are sharply pointed, and their eyes are solid colors—black, red, white, silver, or gold—with no visible sclera or pupil. Their skin tones cover the full range of human coloration, but also include various shades of red, blue, white and black.  


  Tieflings subsist in small minorities found mostly in human cities or towns, often in the roughest quarters of those places, where they grow up to be swindlers, thieves, or crime lords. Sometimes they live among other minority populations in enclaves where they are treated with more respect.   Lacking a homeland, tieflings know that they have to make their own way in the world and that they have to be strong to survive. They are not quick to trust anyone who claims to be a friend, but when a tiefling’s companions demonstrate that they trust him or her, the tiefling learns to extend the same trust to them. And once a tiefling gives someone loyalty, the tiefling is a firm friend or ally for life.  


  Tieflings, like the humans, can logically be most any class available due to their adaptability and the sheer variety of their racial attributes and norms. There are some general trends however:   Magic: Magic users are quite common, but here there are major differences in what is common practice in the north and the south. In the south, all manner of magic classes are very common, and most high ranking members of the Ibirian Empire do know magic to some extent. Even more “forbidden” magics like necromancy and warlock pacts are fairly common and not openly illegal. In the Northern Kingdoms however, magic is both uncommon and feared. There exists plenty of magic users but most of these are wizards, and most of those wizards are associated with a court or a scholarly circle. Any magics which are considered the magic of “heretics” is strictly forbidden in almost all of the kingdoms of the north. Tieflings have less qualms about what is forbidden and not forbidden however, and many dedicate their lives to fiendish magicks due to their heritage.   Mix: Paladins and Bards are very commonly seen among all human ethnic groups and nationalities, and tieflings, surprisingly, are no exception.   Non-Magic: Fighters, Rogues and Rangers are also quite common among the tieflings are they are among the humans. Barbarians and Monks are also found, but these classes are slightly less common.  

Tiefling Names

  Tiefling names fall into three broad categories. Tieflings born into another culture typically have names reflective of that culture, most often human. Some have names derived from the Infernal language, passed down through generations, that reflect their fiendish heritage. And some younger tieflings, striving to find a place in the world, adopt a name that signifies a virtue or other concept and then try to embody that concept. For some, the chosen name is a noble quest. For others, it’s a grim destiny.   Male Infernal Names: Akmenos, Amnon, Barakas, Damakos, Ekemon, Iados, Kairon, Leucis, Melech, Mordai, Morthos, Pelaios, Skamos, Therai   Female Infernal Names: Akta, Anakis, Bryseis, Criella, Damaia, Ea, Kallista, Lerissa, Makaria, Nemeia, Orianna, Phelaia, Rieta “Virtue” Names: Art, Carrion, Chant, Creed, Despair, Excellence, Fear, Glory, Hope, Ideal, Music, Nowhere, Open, Poetry, Quest, Random, Reverence, Sorrow, Temerity, Torment, Weary     On Antreia, fourteen human ethnic groups are widely recognized, though over a dozen others are found in more localized areas of Gaea.   Samnites Names: (Male) Aseir, Bardeid, Haseid, Khemed, Mehmen, Sudeiman, Zasheir; (female) Atala, Ceidil, Hama, Jasmal, Meilil, Seipora, Yasheira, Zasheida; (surnames) Basha, Dumein, Jassan, Khalid, Mostana, Pashar, Rein   Jotnid Names: (Male) Darvin, Dorn, Evendur, Gorstag, Grim, Helm, Malark, Morn, Randal, Stedd; (female) Arveene, Esvele, Jhessail, Kerri, Lureene, Miri, Rowan, Shandri, Tessele; (surnames) Amblecrown, Buckman, Dundragon, Evenwood, Greycastle, Tallstag   Calenese Names: (Male) Ander, Blath, Bran, Frath, Geth, Lander, Luth, Malcer, Stor, Taman, Urth; (female) Amafrey, Betha, Cefrey, Kethra, Mara, Olga, Silifrey, Westra; (surnames) Brightwood, Helder, Hornraven, Lackman, Stormwind, Windrivver   Yabanese Names: (Male) Aoth, Bareris, Ehput-Ki, Kethoth, Mumed, Ramas, So-Kehur, Thazar-De, Urhur; (female) Arizima, Chathi, Nephis, Nulara, Murithi, Sefris, Thola, Umara, Zolis; (surnames) Ankhalab, Anskuld, Fezim, Hahpet, Nathandem, Sepret, Uuthrakt   Briar Names: (Male) Borivik, Faurgar, Jandar, Kanithar, Kotan, Ralm; (female) Fyevarra, Huldra, Imia, Navarra, Karena, Kendra, Yuldra; (surnames) Chergoba, Dyernina, Iltazyara, Murnyethara, Stayanoga, Ulmokina   Vanichian Names: (Male) Amé, Garnier, Piers, Jehan, Gosse, Estinien, Aymeric, Emanellain; (female) Ysabeau, Marguerite, Isabelle, Helene, Pernelle, Alaiz, Elaine, Simonne, Estiennette; (surnames) Bachelet, Paquin, Chopin, Dubost, Bacque, Matthieu, Monteil, Charbonneau   Irvorian Names: (Male) Pobrin, Vokran, Nidar, Fin, Dellod , Themir, Bragen, Furdar, Brath; (female) Abby, Anais, Mercy, Vania, Berta, Elayna, Rhaen, Rachel, Jaydin; (surnames) Baruv, Cliffward, Brook, Bhahram   Cupian Names: (Male) Eber, Havri, Namur, Jimout, Blan, Glirgel, Fan, Beo; (female) Balga, Graciela, Macie, Fera, Annett, Clementina, Kezia, Ezmeralda, Mahala; (surnames) Boswell, Doe, Heron, Ormora   Islander Names: (Male) Ataksak, Kanaaq, Panuk, Nanouk, Kirima, Inuksuk, Cupun, Amka; (female) Anjij, Elisapee, Jissika, Meriwa, Nuvua, Tapeesa, Nukilik, Uki, Ticasuk; (surnames) Akycha, Naita, Paneloo, Sheouak   Magi Names: (Male) Akbar, Hadi, Hamal, Fakih, Borak, Rehan, Tamir, Tariq; (female) Aneesa, Sumayah, Rida, Takia, Zaina, Lilah, Lilith, Maliha, Nekia; (surnames) Najjar, Isa, Arian,Wasem   Ibirian Names: (Male) Paulus Vagnius, Numerius Papius, Juventius, Caeso, Cassius Vipsanius, Kaeso Spurius, Faustus Allectius, Titus Livius; (female) Cominia, Augusta, Tullia, Seupurcia, Atilia, Clovia, Varia, Antia, Titania; (surnames) Commius, Plautius, Iovina, Cita, Pollio, Tiberinus, Severus, Venator   Kétou Names: (Male) Milan, Ram, Aanga, Baburam, Chantin, Chitavake, Bhintuna, Sang; (female) Shirisha, Binsa, Chirasmi, Devna, Liswini, Salmee, Tika, Yahnaa, Ehani; (surnames) Gurung, Thama, Tharu, Pradhan, Nakarmi, Suwal, Karki, Khadka   Circeii Names: (Male) Anton, Diero, Marcon, Pieron, Rimardo, Romero, Salazar, Umbero; (female) Balama, Dona, Faila, Jalana, Luisa, Marta, Quara, Selise, Vonda; (surnames) Agosto, Astorio, Calabra, Domine, Falone, Marivaldi, Pisacar, Ramondo   Ittetsian Names: (Male) Dorime, Ameno, Saaphale, Iyle, Joethoe, Eochelete, Akmache, Yetane; (female) Farhaedra, Nundrydae, Oscyra, Jedae, Ecestra, Alloda, Duxpeia, Neesia, Pulthulete; (surnames) Athuphale, Tioadora, Oscyra, Pseoaasca, Kucabe, Eadia, Glyrdice, Curthoe   Sin'honese Names: (Male) An, Chen, Chi, Fai, Jiang, Jun, Lian, Long, Meng, On, Shan, Shui, Wen; (female) Bai, Chao, Jia, Lei, Mei, Qiao, Shui, Tai; (surnames) Chien, Huang, Kao, Kung, Lao, Ling, Mei, Pin, Shin, Sum, Tan, Wan


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