Regent Cid Fabool IX of Lindblum Character in Gaia | World Anvil
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Regent Cid Fabool IX of Lindblum

Regent Cid Fabool IX of Lindblum

Personality Characteristics


To regain human form so he can finish building a steam-powered airship and find Lady Consort Hilda

Likes & Dislikes



Family Ties

Ally of the Aviator's Guild Contacts in the Thieves Guild



Cid Fabool IX is a temporary non-battle player character in Final Fantasy IX. He is the ruler and Regent of Lindblum, successor of his father, Cid Fabool VIII, after winning the votes of the guild electors.

Character Location
Current Location
Lindblum Palace
View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Regent of Lindblum
Current Residence
Lindblum Palace

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