The elves of Cathúr call themselves Croíthe. For thousands of years, they have lived in the shadows of the forests in hidden communities. There they lead a life in harmony with nature, which they also protect with force of arms and magic.
Outsiders usually see the Croí as wondrous yet terrifying savages who walk unseen among the trees and tirelessly hunt down intruders. The Croí themselves justify their simple way of life and their vigilance towards the natural world with a special connection that every elven cathúr feels with their environment. The well-being of the world around him has a direct impact on an elf's wellbeing. A flourishing grove inspires joy and sometimes euphoria in the Croí, while the deforestation of an ancient forest leads to anger, sadness, depression and even physical pain.
Outsiders usually see the Croí as wondrous yet terrifying savages who walk unseen among the trees and tirelessly hunt down intruders. The Croí themselves justify their simple way of life and their vigilance towards the natural world with a special connection that every elven cathúr feels with their environment. The well-being of the world around him has a direct impact on an elf's wellbeing. A flourishing grove inspires joy and sometimes euphoria in the Croí, while the deforestation of an ancient forest leads to anger, sadness, depression and even physical pain.
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Aamu, Aava, Aila, Airi, Ansa, Anu, Brita, Eevi, Eini, Erja, Essi, Heli, Helli, Heta, Hilja, Hilla, Iina, Iisa, Ilmi, Irja, Jaani, Kaija, Katri, Kiira, Kirsi, Kirsikka, Kukka, Kyllikki, Lahka, Lempi, Liina, Lilja, Linnae, Lumi, Lyyti, Maire, Mari, Marje, Meri, Miia, Milja, Minttu, Neea, Noora, Oili, Oona, Orvokki, Paivi, Pihla, Pilvi, Pinja, Pirkko, Rauha, Riikka, Riina, Ritva, Sadi, Saija, Sanna, Satu, Seija, Sini, Sirpa, Sisko, Sohvi, Soili, Stiina, Suvi, Tathi, Taika, Taimi, Tarja, Trau, Terhi
Masculine names
Aatos, Aapo, Aatto, Athi, Aimo, Aku, Altti, Anssi, Armo, Aulis, Eeli, Eemi, Eero, Eetu, Ensio, Esko, Hannu, Harri, Heikki, Iikka, Iivo, Iilari, Iisakki, Ilmarii, Into, Ismo, Jaakkima, Jalmari, Jalo, Jami, Jari, Jarkko, Juhani, Jyrki, Kaapro, Kalevi, Kauko, Keijo, Kimmo, Kustaa, Lari, Leevi, Mainio, Manu, Niilo, Nooa, Oiva, Onni, Osku, Otso, Panu, Pasi, Peetu, Pyry, Ransu, Riku, Roni, Sakari, Saku, Sepi, Sisu, Sulo, Taavi, Taisto, Tarmo, Tauno, Terho, Toivo, Tyko, Ukko, Urho, Usko, Valto, Veikko, Veli, Vesa, Vieno, Vilho
Major language groups and dialects