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Goddess of Magic (a.k.a. Mother of Mystery / Judge of the Foolish)

Mystra is the goddess of magic. She eliminated any disturbances in the magical balance and stabilized the powers of magic. Many wizards believe that Mystra could determine the success of the development of new spells, potions and magical items.
She is a busy goddess who, after the theft of Cyric, oversaw and balanced the fabric of magic, allowing all to tame and control raw magic. In essence, she is magic itself, making her one of the most powerful gods, as she could do anything that makes magic possible.    After arcane magic fell into the hands of mortals, Mystra agreed to let them keep it. However, she would keep a close eye on the mortals' activities, as she knows that they are not yet ready to handle powerful magic responsibly on their own.
Mystra's cults keep the knowledge of magic in secret places, so that the magic is preserved even if the great races of Gaia should fall. Her followers also seek out those who have the gift or potential to use magic. Their clerics, paladins and mages oversee the use of magic and intervene if the arcane powers are abused. Through their sacred task, the followers of Mystra are an important control apparatus of the goddess to find, hunt down and, if necessary, subdue magically gifted beings.

Divine Domains

Knowledge and Magic

Tenets of Faith

Love magic for its own sake. Never use it as a weapon to shape the world to your will.    True wisdom is knowing when not to use magic.    Strive to use magic less as your powers grow, as often the danger outweighs its current usefulness.    Magic is art, the gift of the Lady, and those who use it are very privileged. Be humble, not proud, as you remember this.    Use the art quickly and efficiently, not carelessly and exuberantly.    Hold yourself, your brothers and sisters, and every being accountable for the use of magic, for all those who misuse their gift will suffer the wrath of Mystra.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She appeared as a bright glow of light that could be compared to a will-o'-the-wisp and controlled all spells to their highest possible effect. To an observer on the material plane, Mystra constantly changed shape.
Divine Classification
Lawfull Neutral


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