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History of Gaia

The Separation Age

until 2367

  • 2328 SA

    12 Folamoon

    Birth of Starswirl the Bearded
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn Starswirl, who would later come to be known as Starswirl the Bearded, is born.

  • 2356 SA

    9 Endemoon

    Birth of Queen Amore
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn named Amore, who would later become the first Queen of the Crystal Empire, is born.

The Unification Age

1 > 601

  • 9 UA

    23 Celestmoon

    Birth of Princess Celestia
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony who would later come to be known as Celestia is born.

  • 13 UA

    2 Lunarmoon

    Birth of Princess Luna
    Life, Birth

    The pegasus who would later come to be known as Luna is born.

  • 601 UA

    16 Noktmoon

    Starburst Becomes an Alicorn
    Life, Supernatural

    The batpony Starburst is turned into a failed alicorn by an experimental spell when Nightmare Moon attempts to gain an upper hoof on Celestia in their prolonged battle.

The Celestial Age

1 > 999

  • 532 CA

    22 Folamoon

    Birth of Queen Cadance
    Life, Birth

    The pegasus named Mi Amore Cadenza is born, a distant descendant of Queen Amore.

  • 808 CA

    26 Poskmoon

    Birth of Prince Genesis
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony who would later come to be known as Genesis is born.

  • 931 CA

    23 Celestmoon

    Birth of Sour Apple Smith
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony named Sour Apple Smith, who would later come to be commonly known as Granny Smith, is born.

  • 949 CA

    Neo-Detrot Timeline Split

    The alternate Neo-Detrot Timeline splits here.

    Additional timelines
  • 951 CA

    8 Poskmoon

    Birth of Bright McIntosh
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony named Bright McIntosh is born to Cortland Apple and Sour Apple Smith.

  • 951 CA

    12 Marunmoon

    Death of Spiced Pear
    Life, Death

    Spiced Pear, wife of Bosc Pear, dies in childbirth.

  • 951 CA

    12 Marunmoon

    Birth of Pear Butter
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony named Pear Butter is born to Bosc Pear and Spiced Pear.

  • 954 CA

    28 Celestmoon

    Birth of Midsweet Orange
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony who would come to be known as Midsweet Orange is born to Cortland Apple and Sour Apple Smith.

  • 962 CA

    15 Vintamoon

    Death of Cortland Apple
    Life, Death

    Cortland Apple, husband of Sour Apple Smith, dies.

  • 969 CA

    21 Marunmoon

    Apple-Pear Marriage

    Bright McIntosh of the Apple family and Pear Butter of the Pear family in Ponyville are married against their parents' wishes, putting an end to many years of feuding between the two families.

  • 971 CA

    16 Somamoon

    Birth of Big McIntosh
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony named Big McIntosh is born to Bright McIntosh and Pear Butter.

  • 975 CA

    23 Poskmoon

    Birth of Trixie Lulamoon
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn who would later come to be known as Trixie Lulamoon is born to Jack Pot and Big Bucks.

  • 975 CA

    22 Harvumoon

    Birth of Shining Armor
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn named Shining Armor is born to Night Light and Twilight Velvet.

  • 975 CA

    14 Storimoon

    Birth of Braeburn Apple
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony named Braeburn Apple is born to Apple Blossom and Crabapple.

  • 976 CA

    3 Somamoon

    Birth of Soarin'
    Life, Birth

    The pegasus named Soarin' is born to Skywise and Jetstream.

  • 977 CA

    27 Marunmoon

    Birth of Sunset Shimmer
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn named Sunset Shimmer is born to Sunspot and Stellar Flare.

  • 978 CA

    27 Poskmoon

    Birth of Applejack
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony named Applejack is born to Bright McIntosh and Pear Butter.

  • 978 CA

    12 Harvumoon

    Birth of Rarity
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn named Rarity is born to Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles.

  • 979 CA

    17 Folamoon

    Birth of Starlight Glimmer
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn named Starlight Glimmer is born to Firelight and Star Gleamer.

  • 979 CA

    24 Somamoon

    Birth of Rainbow Dash
    Life, Birth

    The pegasus named Rainbow Dash is born to Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles.

  • 979 CA

    6 Marunmoon

    Birth of Fluttershy
    Life, Birth

    The pegasus named Fluttershy is born to Cirrus Shy and Agave Shy.

  • 979 CA

    28 Marunmoon

    Birth of Sunburst
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn named Sunburst is born to Sunspot and Stellar Flare.

  • 980 CA

    4 Vintamoon

    Birth of Princess Twilight Sparkle
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn named Twilight Sparkle is born to Night Light and Twilight Velvet.

  • 982 CA

    3 Somamoon

    Birth of Pinkie Pie and Marble Pie
    Life, Birth

    The earth ponies named Pinkamena Diane Pie and Marble Pie are born as twins to Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz.

  • 984 CA

    9 Harvumoon

    Birth of Princess Skystar
    Life, Birth

    The hippogriff named Skystar is born to Queen Novo and an unknown suitor.

  • 986 CA

    14 Noktmoon

    Birth of Cheese Sandwich
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony named Cheese Sandwich is born.

  • 990 CA

    19 Harvumoon

    Birth of Spike
    Life, Birth

    The dragon named Spike is hatched from an egg by Twilight Sparkle's burst of magic.

  • 990 CA

    19 Harvumoon

    The Elements of Harmony Receive their Cutie Marks
    Life, Milestone

    The six ponies who would later become the Elements of Harmony - Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity - receive their cutie marks simultaneously, triggered by Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom.

  • 992 CA

    22 Marunmoon

    Birth of Applebloom
    Life, Birth

    The earth pony named Applebloom is born to Bright McIntosh and Pear Butter.

  • 992 CA

    5 Harvumoon

    Birth of Gabby
    Life, Birth

    The griffon named Gabby is born.

  • 994 CA

    26 Marunmoon

    Birth of Scootaloo
    Life, Birth

    The pegasus named Scootaloo is born to Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood.

  • 994 CA

    13 Storimoon

    Birth of Sweetie Belle
    Life, Birth

    The unicorn named Sweetie Belle is born to Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles.

  • 996 CA

    12 Noktmoon

    Death of Bright McIntosh and Pear Butter
    Life, Death

    Bright McIntosh and Pear Butter are killed while traveling with a shipment of wares from Sweet Apple Acres.

The Harmonic Age

1 and beyond

  • 3 HA

    20 Folamoon

    Marriage of Cadance and Shining Armor

    Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor are married, formally tying Shining Armor into Equestria's royalty.

  • 3 HA

    13 Harvumoon

    Discord is freed
    Diplomatic action

    Princess Celestia entrusts the Elements of Harmony with freeing and reforming Discord. This endeavor is largely successful, allowing Discord to remain in Equestria.

  • 4 HA

    24 Frolickmoon

    Princess Twilight ascends
    Political event

    After finishing a spell left behind by Starswirl the Bearded and effectively creating new magic, Twilight Sparkle ascends to alicornhood and is crowned a Princess by Celestia.

  • 4 HA

    29 Folamoon
    4 HA

    1 Poskmoon

    Sunset Shimmer returns

    During a summit in the Crystal Empire, Princess Twilight's crown containing the Element of Magic is stolen. The thief crosses into another universe through a portal, and is revealed to be the former unicorn student of Princess Celestia, Sunset Shimmer. After resolving a conflict in the other universe, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer both return to Equestria.

  • 4 HA

    28 Marunmoon
    4 HA

    29 Marunmoon

    The Tree of Harmony is rediscovered
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Upon depleting the last of its reserves of magic, the Tree of Harmony begins to die, causing the Everfree Forest to grow even wilder and plunderseeds planted by Discord during his original reign over Equestria to take root. In order to kill the plunderseeds and retake control over the Everfree Forest, the Elements of Harmony are returned to the Tree.

  • 5 HA

    27 Frolickmoon
    5 HA

    29 Frolickmoon

    Tirek returns
    Military: War

    After escaping from Tartarus, Tirek returns to Equestria and begins stealing magic from its inhabitants to make himself more powerful. The Princesses transfer their own magic to Twilight Sparkle in an attempt to hide it from him, eventually leading him to Ponyville to take it from her. After the Elements of Harmony are granted temporary magical power by the Tree of Harmony, they defeat Tirek and return him once more to Tartarus.

  • 5 HA

    29 Frolickmoon

    The Castle of Friendship is built
    Construction beginning/end

    After the destruction of Ponyville's library, the Tree of Harmony grows a crystalline, tree-shaped castle much resembling itself where the library once stood. This castle becomes that of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

  • 5 HA

    2 Folamoon
    5 HA

    4 Folamoon

    The Cutie Map appears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The magical map that later became known as the Cutie Map appears in the Castle of Friendship and guides the Elements of Harmony to a small, nameless village in Northern Equestria. There they encounter Starlight Glimmer, who has used her magic to remove the cutie marks from all of the villages' inhabitants; the Elements eventually return the cutie marks to their owners, and Starlight Glimmer flees.

  • 6 HA

    7 Somamoon

    The Cutie Mark Cruasers Receive their Cutie Marks
    Life, Milestone

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders - Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo - receive their cutie marks simultaneously when they discover that their shared talent is helping others find their own talents.

  • 6 HA

    23 Celestmoon

    Starlight Glimmer returns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Starlight Glimmer reappears in Ponyville, and uses the magic of the Cutie Map and a spell by Starswirl the Bearded to travel through time. Her interference in the past wreaks havoc on the present, causing multiple timelines to split and diverge. Eventually, Twilight Sparkle convinces her to back down, and eventually talks her into becoming her student to learn about friendship, restoring the prime timeline.

  • 6 HA

    8 Storimoon

    Birth of Prince Flurry Heart
    Life, Birth

    The alicorn named Flurry Heart is born to Queen Cadance and Shining Armor.

  • 6 HA

    13 Storimoon

    Princess Flurry Heart's Crystalling
    Cultural event

    The newly born Princess Flurry Heart's Crystalling ceremony is held in the Crystal Empire. The baby alicorn's powerful magic causes the Crystal Heart that protects the Empire to shatter, forcing the Princesses and the Elements of Harmony to temporarily guard it against the weather of the Frozen North themselves. The wizard Sunburst comes up with a spell to repair the Crystal Heart and complete the newborn Princess's Crystalling ceremony.

  • 7 HA

    1 Lunarmoon

    Valley Timeline Split

    The alternate The Valley Timeline splits here.

    Additional timelines
  • 7 HA

    17 Somamoon
    7 HA

    19 Somamoon

    The Second Changeling Invasion
    Military: War

    Queen Chrysalis and her hive of changelings return and stage a second invasion, kidnapping and replacing royalty across Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, Discord, and the changeling Thorax infiltrate the hive and rescue the stolen ponies, once more driving away Queen Chrysalis and reforming the rest of her hive.

  • 7 HA

    2 Marunmoon

    Pink Hearts of Courage Awarded
    Diplomatic action

    The individuals who ended the Second Changeling Invasion - Discord, King Thorax, Trixie Lulamoon, and Starlight Glimmer - are awarded the Pink Heart of Courage, the Equestrian military's highest honor.

  • 7 HA

    2 Marunmoon

    Starlight Glimmer's Graduation
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Starlight Glimmer is formally graduated from her status as Twilight Sparkle's student due to her display of what she had learned while stopping the Second Changeling Invasion.

  • 8 HA

    18 Somamoon

    The Pillars Return
    Military: Battle

    The Pillars of Equestria and the Pony of Shadows are released from limbo. The Elements of Harmony reform the Pony of Shadows into Stygian.

  • 8 HA

    10 Harvumoon

    The First Friendship Festival
    Cultural event

    The first Friendship Festival occurs, coinciding with the Storm King's attempt to take over Canterlot. The Elements of Harmony, aided by the newly recontacted hippogriffs, stop him and his army.

  • 8 HA

    11 Harvumoon

    Everfree Chronicles Timeline Split

    The alternate Everfree Chronicles Timeline splits here.

    Additional timelines