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Chronicle of the Five Stones

Story of the adventures of the Five Stones Squad.

the Begining

  • 5th, Krewe
    the Introduction

    A group of misfits met at an adventure guild named Griffonclaw Guild and is set to their first quest.

  • 5th, Krewe
    Sewers of Eotris
    Life, Milestone

    The first successfully completed mission of the newly met adventure group.

  • 5th, Krewe
    It Comes in Dreams
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    When the long sleep comes, here comes the dreams. That what had happened to Ilumëo that night either.

  • 6th, Krewe
    Curious Beginnings
    Life, Relocation

    The group was introduced to Rosa, the young lady who they are asked to accompany and guard on the road to Duria Dynasty.   So, the long journey began towards south.

On the Road

6th, Krewe & Beyond

The first chapter of the Campaign, adventures on the journey to the capital of Duria Dynasty, Bessameru.

  • 18th, Krewe
    Ambush on the Road
    Criminal Activity

    The party got ambushed by a group of bandits on the road.

  • 19th, Krewe
    A Holy Call

    Mirth Vilkhad Moonseeker, the Paladin of the Sisters, left the party to pursue his goddesses' call for action.

  • 21th - 22th, Krewe
    A Quick Stop: Antlerend
    Life, Relocation

    The party stopped at the small town of Antlerend.   They learned about the problems that the town was facing, however chose not to interfere.   They also met a young girl named Oma, and with the strong suggestions of Alef, agreed her to come along for a while.

  • 23rd, Krewe
    Farewell to an Old Friend

    Aurelius the Cool Ranger, a competent ally to the part and an old friend of Echo left the part to pursue his own dealings.

  • 1st, Qezuln
    Suprise Party at Night
    Life, Crime

    The young woman who joined the party at Antlerend, after spending some time with the party and earned the love of some, betrayed them and revealed herself as the assasin who got sent to kill Rosa -the lady who the adventurers kept guard on the road.   One night, she attacked and almost killed Rosa at the camp. Then, party found a letter in a foreign language that translates into a assignment letter for Oma to kill Rosa. They also learned that Rosa was actually the princess of the destination kingdom, and decided to take more precautions in the future.

    More reading
    Letter of Oma
  • 3rd, Qezuln
    the Last Stop Before Dynasty : Tanoît
    Life, Relocation

    The party arrived to a big town named Tanoît, which is also the last stop before they reach to the border between the Free Cities and Duria Dynasty.

  • 4th, Qezuln
    A Warrior Approaches
    Gathering / Conference

    While the party convened for breakfast at the common room of Round Onion Inn before they continue their journey, a man covered with armor entered the inn and approached the group, seemingly with a recognation of Rosa.   Then it was revealed that it was a misunderstanding and this man, named Luktor, actually known the twin sister of Rosa, Viola.

  • 4th, Qezuln
    A Father's Fury
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    While the party convened for breakfast at the common room of Round Onion Inn before they continue their journey, a man bursted into the inn dragging his daughter in a search of a man named Narcuus.   Gilred Beiro, a brown-haired Half - Elf man with machete mustache, medium-sized, muscular and pot-bellied, said in anger that this Narcuus guy fooled his daughter Gilly Beiro and stoled all their savings along with the heirloom earrings from his late wife.

  • 4th, Qezuln
    A Cry for Help
    Life, Crime

    About the same time that the party met Luktor and hear his story, the ranger of the party Echo realized a man was crying at a nearby table. After observing for some time, she also heard a conversation between the man and the waitress Gilly about some missing children and a debt unpaid in a matter of concern.

  • 4th, Qezuln
    Hut in the Woods
    Life, Milestone

    After what was learned, Echo talked with her teammates about helping the farm-folk in need, and also learning the information that Echo needs, about Narcuus.   Thus, the party with their newly joined member decided to go to farmlands, possibly save the children, learn the information about Narcuus and save Luktor's abducted party members after that.

  • 4th, Qezuln
    the Runaway
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Later in the night, when sleep subsides, Alef heard a knock on the door, that was Gilly with disturbing news.  

    “Umm… Alef? I wonder if Alef Ahura is there? Umm, I'm Gilly, the waitress? Well, below they are waiting for you, if you can come with me please..."

  • 4th, Qezuln
    An Unexpected Savior
    Life, Education

    When two soldiers came to Round Onion Inn and asked for him to stay until his father's men come, Alef got anxious. He started to look to his friend Echo in desperation and try to convice the soldiers.    Around that time, the man who was sitting at the bar and drinking turnd to the group with a big gesture and intervened the conversation.  

    “Öhm. Did you say Ahura? Oh! Hello, soldier, I wish you good night. I was commissioned by this young man's father and I have been following him since the Great Wall, I knew he came to this town but I haven't found out where he is staying, thanks for solving this for me! You can go back to your place of duty, I take over the subject here."

  • 4th, Qezuln
    Dreams of Divination
    Life, Supernatural

    Yet another night full of dreams for Ilumëo.

  • 5th, Qezuln
    Sacret Oath of a Paladin
    Religious event

    After the recent events, Luktor decided to take his oath to the Warrior to become a fully devoted Paladin.

  • 5th, Qezuln
    the Princess in Distress
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After yesterday's exploits in the woods, the party decided to go back to the woods, but to a different region that Luktor had found out his fellow travellers are held.

  • 5th, Qezuln
    Merger of the Parties

    With the abduction of Viola and assasination attempt for Rosa, the danger upon these young ladies came out to be greater than before. So, after the rescue mission of Viola, the two parties that are guarding two sister princesses decided to continue to road together as a one.   - Well! You know what they say, there is strength in numbers.

  • 6th, Qezuln
    Yet Another Breakaway

    The party said goodbye to the wizard, Ben, who was traveling with them since they taken the quest in Eotris. Ben said that he wants to continue his education back in the Academy and drew apart from the party.

  • 10th, Qezuln
    Dead End Street
    Disaster / Destruction

    The party encountered a surprise on the way when they were nearly reaching the border.   They got stopped by a barricade and a crowd in front of that, that surrounds a Halfling man who was shouting a warning. When approached, the Halfling man who is adorned in armor and a dark blue cloak, said he is a member of the Free Cities millitary force and the passage to Duria Dynasty got closed beause of an disturbance.

  • 11th, Qezuln
    Corrupted Beauty
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After they were debriefed by the Captain Vovesk, the party rode their horses to the border rift with the Captain and his right-hand soldier Hia Li.

  • 11th, Qezuln
    the Five Stones Squad
    Life, Publicity

    When the Captain Vovesk asked for their identification to put into the official records, the party for the first time thought about this matter and went along with the idea Alef found.     Thus, the Five Stones Squad established.   Even though, they were 7 people of 4 adventurers and 3 fellow travellers.