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Lord General Robin (a.k.a. The Golden Eagle)

Robin is the leader of a mercenary group turned army, Eagle Company. They have been undefeated as of now, and that has led them to prominence and a place in the King's Army. This is due to Robin's skill in combat and battle strategy. His abilities have made Robin a lord and given him a place on the King's council of Generals.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Robin is very lean and lithe, but still fairly strong. He has more of a swimmer's body, as opposed to his friends Jonathan and Basilio, who're built like trucks, or JP who looks like a cancer patient.

Body Features

Robin has jaw-length, shaggy white hair, brown eyes, and a slightly olive skin tone.

Facial Features

Robin has a rather thin face and a narrow nose. He doesn't have any facial hair, so you can see his pointed chin and angular jaw.

Identifying Characteristics

Robin's white hair is certainly one of his most obvious identifying features, especially with how young he is. He also has a large coat that he takes nearly everywhere with him. When on the battlefield, his golden armor and eagle head shaped helmet make him stand out very clearly.

Physical quirks

His hair, easily, is the biggest quirk of his physically. He probably has some battle scars from his early days doing mercenary work and forming Eagle Company, so they've mostly faded.

Apparel & Accessories

Most of the time, Robin wears some fairly simple black, purple, and gold garb, with his coat draped over his shoulders like a cloak. When in battle, Robin dons his golden eagle armor, which is an immaculate Damascus breastplate paired with an intricate eagle-shaped helmet, both coated in a thin layer of gold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Robin was born outside of Dawnvale in a very poor fishing village to two loving parents. His childhood was rather uneventful until he met Jonas Pica and Jonathan, that's when his current path kicked off. They fought the kids of a noble family and broke into their house, which led to the arrest of Robin's parents because the eldest daughter gave JP her locket to incriminate him. When his parents were imprisoned, Robin had to go live with his uncle, a Ranger, and learned his combat skills and discipline under him. That's also where Robin got his coat, it's the only thing his uncle gave him before he left to form Eagle Company.   Not long after he left his uncle's side, he met Inigo in the circus throwing knives and convinced him to join his cause. After that, at some point, Gerome and his band of thieves tried to get the better of Robin and Inigo, but they were bested and spared their lives. With that, Robin gained his respect and admiration, and by extension his allegiance. When the small group of mercenaries really started to expand, Robin came across Flavia being trafficked by a noble that her family owed money to; Robin helped her escape and she hasn't left his side since.


He received no formal education in the early stages of his life, but he was an avid reader during his childhood. After his parents were framed for a crime, he was sent to live with his uncle, a ranger, and learned under him for several years. As of now, he's constantly reading and learning new skills and strategies for battle to keep improving himself.


The leader of a former mercenary company, now a part of the Midland standing army, Eagle Company. He currently sits on the council of Generals in the King's Army.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His army, The Eagle Company, has been undefeated for the entirety of their lifespan; he's gone from being a peasant to a lord, to a full-blown general. He's saved the King's Army from losing a battle, he's fought Nosferatu Zodd and lived to tell about it, the Eagle Company has accompanied the King on his Autumn hunt instead of his official troops; Robin has broken many norms in Midland, and he isn't going to stop.

Failures & Embarrassments

Nosferatu Zodd killing most of his raiding party and injuring him and some of his best soldiers made him a laughing stock in the army for a brief time. No one seemed to believe him, as Zodd is a legend, a boogieman of the battlefield, just something to terrify soldiers and mercenaries alike. The report of him becoming some sort of monster only made the tale less believable and has hurt his credibility slightly.

Mental Trauma

Being deprived of the affection of his parents from a young age hardened Robin quite a bit. With the tough love approach that his uncle took toward his training, it ended up benefitting him in the long run. He's softened some since reuniting with friends from his youth, but it's hard to overturn. He's also shaken from his encounter with Zodd, so he wants to keep as many capable people around him as possible, especially his friends.

Personality Characteristics


To have his own kingdom, specifically to rise to the throne of Midland.


Family Ties

None, his uncle is a Ranger at the border of the country, and his parents are imprisoned in Dawnvale.

Social Aptitude

Robin tends to keep to himself despite his outward social appearance, that of a charming, confident, composed man of the people. While in the spotlight or social settings, he can be a social butterfly, but he'd likely rather have his nose in a book. When it comes to being social, he's capable, but he's truly a man of two halves.

Hobbies & Pets

Reading is his primary hobby, but it's more to educate himself so he can have an edge in the halls of nobility.

Robin is the leader of Eagle Company, a former mercenary band turned army. He quickly rose through the ranks to become a lord and then a general, and he's currently looking to the crown via the princess of Midland. But not everything goes to plan.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight, Lord, Viscount, General
Date of Birth
11th of July 1435 CE
A fishing village outside of Dawnvale
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs

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