City of Industry

The city of Industry is the forefront of all human innovation and industrial complex. it was the Capitol of the Aliance of Man, and serves as the Capitol of New Allica. The city is amongst the largest of Gaia, and has multiple levels in which its citizens live.  
"The City of Industry was once the forefront of Gaian and human industrial innovation. Its a very High-tech yet very Dirty megalopolis, and it calls it self the "Last Bastion of Man" I dread the people who live here, really, For a city that is pro-Humanity, there are several other races who live there, as they say, all are a cog in the Great Machine."
~Estril Mechivian, Allician Refugee
  The city is home to a majority of Humans, however Many beastfolk are found within the city as well, sometimes treated as trash. The Rathari maintain a rather large population here, within the slums and industrial wastes.


The majority of teh city falls to the hands of humans who rule it under the control of a Prime Magistar, who oversees all ofices in Industry, Science, and Military. They have a smaller populations of beastfolk, with a majority being Rathari. These beastfolk are often mistreated by the human supremasists, however there are known underground havens for these folk with numerous humans who live in the city.   The majority of beastfolk are within the slums and wasts of the industrial machines. Rarly do some live within the metal and soot-covered streets of the city itself. The majority of humans here work for the numerous factories and science complexes that are underground. There is a worthwhile note that the city has taken a heavy interest in Bio-sciences and biology.


The City is led by an elected Prime Magister, The elections are held every five years. These campaigns are amongst the most corrupt and dangerous to partake. Beastmen are forbidden to run and forbidden to vote. The government sees the beastfolk as the lowest class of workers in the city heirachy, and are often paid the least and treated the worst. They are seen fufilling the most menial jobs.


The city is an industrial megaplex, factories as far as the eye can see, and so much that the sun has been blocked out for most of the day. They create almost everything, the most profitable industries would be the weapons market, and mining. They exploit beastfolk slaves and 'free' Berastfolk as diggers and garbage runners to leave the more valued and more well paying jobs to the humans.   They export most of thier goods to other nations who can not buy from other sorces, or see them as the cheapest alternative.


The city has three to four layers of living. These are denoted by status and where the people work.  

Upper City

The Upper City is where the wealthiest and politicians wander and live. The work and show lower classes much harassment in thier day to day lives. This is shared by upper middle class and merchants who were lucky enough to be granted a permit for residence and business on the Upper City.  

The Slums

The Slums are below the upper city, This is where the majority of the people work and live, They commute to the Upper City via rails and monorails to work thier 12 hours and then return. This area is prone to crime, disorder and unrest. The beastfolk start to appear in this area, mostly as merchants or having a contact who is higher up.  

The Undercity

The Undercity is where the underground regions begin. There are more blocked off and restricted areas in this region, as the Science complex makes its home here, In Underground sanctuaries and labs that do questionable work.  

The Industrial Wastes

The lowest part of society, these are the favelas and neighbrohoods that sprawl out from under the City and into the wasteland around it. This is where the homeless, poor, and Mistreated live. They commute to the Undercity and Slums as menial labor. The area is rarly policed and patroled, so finding crime and chaos is all to common here. It is said that bodies are seen rotting in the streets from those who were killed or died from exhaustion. It falls to local groups to clean up the streets.


The region is on a plains that was once a lush grassland with prarie. The entire region has becoem dead, smoggy and overall just a wasteland. The sun filters in from the smog that is produced from the city, and there are ruins of old Nuclear Powerplants all about the wastes, and failed towns that were built up around it.  
"Rocky...and dead...the sand is but soot of coal and carbon, This area is a disgrace...and why the Sundaru Desert has grown to its size after the Combine's Control. It is harsh land out there, yet ash farmers and ashlanders, as they are called, have called it thier home for generations."
~Kaile Setsuma, Nozumi Explorer


The weather is dry arid and at times muddy. Thje Rain here can often turn to acid rain and the area gets very muddy and sloppy. The air is mostly dry air driven in from the Sundaru Desert and often creates Thunderstorms that are called Rad Storms. The sky turns often green and spikes radioactive lightning strikes. This radiation isn't enough to kill, but travelers do report feeling sick for a day or two after a said storm passes.
Founding Date
538 AS
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Smog
Inhabitant Demonym
Allician, Industrialist


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