
Skytemple also known as Svant'Okarthel is a massive city of spires and towering stone that is considered the capitol city of all the Dragons of Gaia. The city, built by dragons and thier draconkin is massive, and sprawls across several mountains. Humans rarely are allowed to see the place, as are the other races of Gaia, However it is not unheard of, and an illuminated few actually live amongst the majestic beasts as caretakers of Svant'Okarhel.
"I feast my eyes upon what is perhaps the most glistening of all cities and buildings of Gaia. Towers that reach and soar forth with majestic craftsmanship. The mythical Sky Home...Skytemple, the most sacred of all places in draconic culture...It is a an honor to see such a sacred site with my own eyes."
~Dawson Sartksmith, Scholar of Creation
The city if it can even be called such, is nearly impossible to reach on foot, and would take even the most seasoned mountain climbers with inches of their lives, to reach Skytemple. The area is treated more like a monastery, or temple than a city, yet many dragons and their kin live here, in peace. The city is protected by the Heralds of teh Ancient Gods, known as the Teriyxi Dracona.

The Teriyxi Dracona

The Terixyi Dracona are a secret order of Dragon guardians, a role only able to be born into, and granted with solid unification of the entire order. This is an order of twelve dragons that are sworn to protect, and serve Skytemple and protect the legacy of Dragonkind through Gaia, and the Overrealm. The members of this pantheon are considered to be demi-god themselves, as they are amongst the strongest dragons ever to walk Gaia. They serve the temple of Xathedrali. the Dragon Creator deity.   Xathedrali is the patron deity that Skytemple is dedicated to. As it is the palce where she made her lair, to bring forth the dragons into Gaia, the first race of all. A massive statue of her stands within the massive temple, created of Gold, silver, platinum, and rhodium. The statue is to be spotless and is tended to the youngest of the Teriyxi Dracona.
"I stand before the majesty of the Mother Wyrm, the creator of dragons on Gaia, Xathedrali, the creator. I approach the statue, it must be life size of how giant this great wyrm was. Only to be approached by a blind Dragoness, no younger than my daughter,...if she were a dragon, The poor thing was born blind, yet still held the honor as Xathedrali's Custodian. I smile however, as she works in tandem with another who can not walk. Even the most majestic can be afflicted by what ails us mortals and yet, they are still respected as gods."
~Xathress the Seeker, The eyes of a Dragonborn.


The majority of the population is straight up pure dragon. Even if the numbers of population aren't seen as impressive in text, that is atleast 300+ Dragons in one spot. Amongst the Dragons, lie dragonkin and members of their offshoot as well as the honored who were granted the right to call Skytemple home. This serves as the bastion of Dragonkin of Gaia.


The government is a religious hierarchy. Though officially no ruler is apointed, the dragons hold the Teriyxi Dracona in high respect, as they are the tenders of the Temple of Xathdrali, the Goddess of Dragons and Creation. Most international summits are decided by the eldest of the Teriyxi Dracona, Lord Kihari and Lady Vaaika.


The city was built as a city-temple dedicated to the Great and First Syrm, Xathedrali, it later became a have nand sanctuary to many dragons who sought to show respect and pilgrimages to the Firstlair. Which is now know nas the temple of Xathedrali, which was said to be built by the Great Wyrm herself.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Svant'Okarthel, Skyshrine
Inhabitant Demonym


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Apr 30, 2022 16:32

Fascinating idea!
How does this city handle the boring, day-to-day needs of its population's daily consumption? How do the citizens acquire food, water, fuel, cloth for those who wear clothing or use bedclothes, medicinal supplies, writing supplies, incense and holy oils, rope and similar construction/repair materials, consumable cleaning supplies, and all the little details necessary to live properly in order to serve the Great and First?
Once all that is sorted, how do individuals or the municipal system deal with collection and disposal of discarded or no longer wanted materials? Not only the organic sort, either, which in some cases might be sorted via selective destruction magic probably referred to as a "cleaning spell" -- wherever there are young folk growing up, there will at some point be busted ceramics or stone servingware. Wherever there's human-scale food preparation, at some point a cooking implement is bound to wear out beyond repairs. Fibercraft eventually rots, people eventually vacate their mortal forms and leave behind items not appropriate to rehome, those learning a skill make educationally disastrous errors. Iron rusts. Plaster flakes. It's not always safe to mix those in the herb garden's potting soil.
Do middle-level members of the clergy spend most of their time in prayers for divinely created food to serve a city of this population?
Has a specialized career of merchant developed to fly in great shipments of consumables, then fly in equally great shipments of rubbish? Are they considered "average citizens" or "highly treasured ministers"?
Is there, perhaps, a network of sloping tunnels under the city -- a second city, as it were, built into the many mountains themselves -- keeping the mundane reality of city survival concealed from notice by the Holy? How do the folks who live and work there feel about their existence as an impolite necessity?

May 1, 2022 19:13

These are fascinating ideas I can think upon. Right now, Most of whats going on is revealing, But as everything settles down, I can think of the mundane day to day life of this place.