The Toll Tones

A lujan's musings....

That dreaded sound, of the mourning bell.
I can not fathom its sound, as nothing like it exists in our realms.
Drinalis must be proud, that his Son serves as its Keeper.
Yet Amandreuax seems upset that Lujans are loyal to Lujans...
When it tolls, the end of one is near.
When it tolls, life stops for someone, and the gates of the ever-after appear.
It's power must be immense, why must it be in a place of darkness?
Darkness brings it great power, I suppose.
I prey to thee, I wish not to hear it's mournful toll.
For it will bring the end of someone I may Know,
Forbid your ears from hearing it afar,
For it will certainly bring death to deliver.
For the wicked Tones are haunting
For which the realm it brings is blinding.
Deathtoll is wicked and yet, majestic
It is nothing that can be academic.
For when one hears its sorrow.
There will be for they, no tomorrow.
~Sage Vaakamani Yaegar
From a Lujan's Mind.


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