Fomoria - Land of the Hill Giants:

Fomoria is a rugged and hilly region located to the south of the Riverlands . Its landscape is characterized by rolling hills, dense forests, and rocky terrain. The land is dotted with caves and crude settlements, which serve as the homes of the hill giants. These massive beings, often growing up to 18 feet tall, roam the hills and valleys of Fomoria.   In the land of Fomoria, the hill giants lived in a state of primitive hedonism, driven by their insatiable appetites. While their culture may seem crude to outsiders, it held a peculiar fascination for scholars who studied their unique culinary traditions and intricate metaphors involving food. For the people of the Riverlands and neighboring regions, Fomoria remained a constant source of both peril and curiosity, as the enigmatic hill giants continued to thrive in their quest to satisfy their insatiable hunger.Information  

Geography and Terrain:

  Rolling Hills: The landscape is dominated by rolling hills that extend as far as the eye can see. These hills are covered with dense vegetation and are interspersed with rocky outcrops.   Forests: In between the hills, dense forests of ancient trees provide shelter for various creatures, including wild game and smaller folk who seek refuge from the hill giants.   Caves and Grottoes: Many of the hills are honeycombed with natural caves and grottoes, serving as the hill giants' homes and shelters. These caves often contain crude furniture and primitive tools.     Hidden Valleys: Hidden within the valleys of Fomoria are lush meadows and small lakes, serving as pockets of life in this otherwise harsh terrain.
Rolling Hills


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