Nyxis, the Shadowborn


  Nyxis is born from the very essence of the darkest night, birthed by Lunaris during an eclipse where the moon and shadow are at their most powerful. She governs the liminal space between life and death, often guiding lost souls through the veil. Unlike her mother, who governs illusions and dreams, Nyxis focuses on the spiritual and the unseen.  


  Nyxis is depicted as a haunting, almost ghost-like figure. Her form is barely solid, constantly shifting between a solid and ethereal state, cloaked in swirling shadow that extends like a veil behind her. She often wears a crown of silver light, barely visible in the dark, and her eyes glow softly, like stars lost in the void. The long, dark tendrils of her robes blend into the very night itself, sometimes appearing as the twisted souls she guides.  


  Silent and enigmatic, Nyxis rarely speaks, preferring to communicate through visions, whispers on the wind, or fleeting emotions. Her presence is unsettling yet oddly comforting to those close to death. Nyxis is neither good nor evil, as her role is one of balance. She is simply a guide, helping souls find their final resting place or aiding in those lost between worlds.  

Tenets of Worship:

  Embrace the Eclipse: Learn to find power in the darkness and balance in the absence of light. Only when the sun is blocked can the stars be seen.   Guide the Lost: Help those who are lost, both physically and spiritually, find their path. Be it through the world of the living or the spirits trapped in the afterlife.   Respect the Veil: Honor the boundaries between life and death. Never hasten the end, but when it comes, embrace it and guide others toward acceptance.  

Clergy and Followers:

  Her followers are often mediums, necromancers, or shadow mages. They serve as guides for those close to death or those seeking to commune with the spirits of the dead. Her priests are known for their quiet demeanor and spectral appearances, often carrying with them silver lanterns, whose flickering flames are said to contain the spirits they guide.

Divine Classification

Prime Diety  


Death, Spirits, Shadows  


Black candles, shadowy crystals, or translucent white flowers like moonflowers. Offerings are often left at crossroads or places where the veil between the world of the living and the dead is thin.  


  Daughter of Shadows, Weaver of Souls, Mistress of the Eclipse


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