Syrina the Wavemother


  Syrina the Wavemother is the enigmatic and temperamental goddess of the sea. She embodies the ocean's dual nature—both a nurturing, life-giving force and a wild, destructive power. As the guardian of all waters, Syrina holds dominion over the seas, rivers, and lakes, influencing the tides, weather, and marine life.  


Syrina’s personality mirrors the ocean she governs. She can be calm and generous, blessing her followers with bountiful catches and safe passage across her waters. However, she is also known for her fierce temper, capable of unleashing violent storms and treacherous currents on those who anger her or disrespect the sea. Her mood can shift as quickly as the weather, making her a goddess both revered and feared.  

Tenets of Worship:

  Honor the Ocean’s Bounty: Give thanks for the sea’s gifts and use them wisely.   Respect the Tides: Live in harmony with the ocean’s rhythms, and heed its warnings.   Protect the Waters: Defend the seas from pollution and exploitation, maintaining their purity and balance.   Fear the Storms: Understand the power of the ocean’s wrath, and seek Syrina’s favor to avoid her fury.  


The clergy of Syrina, known as Wavecallers, are devoted to maintaining the balance and health of the seas. They are both spiritual leaders and practical guides, skilled in water-based magic, healing, and navigation. The Wavecallers dress in robes of deep blue, green, and silver, and often perform rituals during important maritime events, such as ship blessings or storm appeasement. They understand and teach that Syrina's favor is as unpredictable as the tides, and they work to keep their communities in harmony with the ocean's ever-changing moods.

Divine Classification

Prime Diety  


Water, Nature, Tempest  


Pearls, shells,handcrafted items made from sea materials, and fresh catches.
Divine Classification
Prime Diety
Chaotic Nuetral


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