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Alarrem Nightbane

Alarrem Nightbane, also known as the Rimeblade, is the High Lord of Lysithia.   Once a mere commoner of Lysithia, Alarrem set his sights for the top as he dedicated his life to his training. Rising to become one of the greatest champions of the Nether, he would eventually claim his goal and become the High Lord of the dark elves. After his ascension, however, he faded into the shadows, rarely heard from or seen by his subjects. In his place, those who serve him take charge over the island nation, while their master continues to scheme in the dark, planning for his next move.


Alarrem is among the taller of his kind at 180 cm (5'11"). His skin is a dark shade of blue, almost described as black by those who've last seen him. He keeps his pale gray hair long, keeping it combed back and away from his face but otherwise hanging loosely down his back. His eyes are a bright white, making his eyes appear frightening to many, only amplified by his slender physique.   Most remember Alarrem for his cold and gloomy outfits. Often he'd be seen wearing dark or simply clothing, almost blending into the night were it not for his bright eyes. At times he would adorn attire slightly more visible but even so, such outfits would only just involve select features of white and icy blue. Rarely would he show himself off in a bright white uniform, standing out as a beacon with only hints of black trim and detail, simply to gain the attention of his people.   Never has he been seen without his sword by his side, a blade of no name which gave him his title as the Rimeblade. Along with his commonly dark appearance, he's rarely known to wear any jewelry other than a silver wedding ring. Those who've met him personally tell different stories about him, from a man carrying himself with a kind and lonely smile, to a cruel fiend with no hesitation in choking out the life of a bystander, his eyes blank and frozen.


Alarrem has always been a mysterious one to both friend and foe. At times he would seem like one of the commoners of Lysithia, merely trying his best to please the nobles, only to turn soon after and wear the confidence of one born into wealth and fame. This wasn't just limited to social standing as he would similarly be a merciful soul one day and become a ruthless killer the next.   Never does he seem to pay mind to this altering personality of his. He likes to claim that the best people must be able to adapt to any and all situations and needs, for no day will ever be the same. This has made him very unpredictable, leaving people both scared and respectful of him for no one's certain when he'll snap into one path or another. He himself has claimed that he likes it that way.   Some things do remain constant, however. There are those who've walked beside him since the early days and these are the people he trusts the most. Rarely has he been seen hostile towards any of them while other close allies have been cut down in a fit of cold fury. Just as he cares for his friends, so too does he greatly value his family, openly threatening anyone who would do the slightest bit of wrong in their presence.   While mostly hidden away in his home, his people have known prosperous times during his rule. Although, while all may live quite well, he has never done anything to keep the nobles and higher class citizens from terrorizing the lower classes. Many question his motives, along with his solitary lifestyle, believing him to prepare for something major in the comfort of his home, biding his time while focusing little on the actual matters of the state.   This is further established by stories of his ascension from a commoner to champion, often planning out schemes and tactics that seemed crazy. He would often act rather reckless and run his own show, using his charms to bring people in on his plans. Many don't claim to understand him well, not even those closest to him, but most are certain that he continues to plan towards the future in some crazy way, one that'll benefit all of Lysithia.


Alarrem is both a skilled swordsman and mage when it comes to combat and evocation. He's especially well trained in spells commanding ice and cold, often seeking to create his very own battlefield of dark frost. His martial prowess is that of a shadowy path, becoming a ghost in the night whose blade freezes the wounds of his enemies, slowly consuming them until dread fills their eyes.   His charms have amassed him a strong following and he'll often use his strong personality to get what he wants. Whether through lies or honesty, kindness or ruthlessness, he'll gladly wield any and all tools at his disposal. His skills in the dark and bright wits can leave him either the center of attention or a mere shade floating through the wind, vanishing and appearing in the blink of an eye.


Warlord of the Night
Lord of Winter  




Dark Elf  




High Lord  


Ninth Pillar  


Elariam, Vyana (parents)
Larion (uncle)
Phaidra (sister)
Myleera (wife)
Zeera (daughter)  


Order of the Black Rings
Order of the Crimson Quill  




Chaotic Neutral  

Main Classes

Frost Mage


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