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Cyril Tyrathion

Cyril Tyrathion, also known as the Prince of Fangs, is the Great King of Melloriah.   Raised under the apathetic rule of his father, while his mother was lost at an early age, Cyril was often a reclusive child. Toughened by the hate of those displeased with his father's reign, and no fatherly guidance to speak of, he sought to pave his own path towards the future. Working tirelessly to raise Melloriah from the dredges left by his father, and the civil war it wrought, Cyril has earned the respect of his people and seeks to lead humanity into a prosperous age.


Cyril stands at an average height of 184 cm (6'1"). He keeps his raven black hair short and combed back while maintaining short sideburns and a full goatee. His complexion is dark and his skin bears the deep tan of a man from the Golden Sea. His eyes are a deep brown and his physique is that of a well-trained combatant with the posture of a nobleman.   Cyril's most common attire is his formal, yet practical outfit. His suit is tailored specifically for him, designed to appear formal at a glance. Upon close inspection you'll find its design to allow for close quarters combat with room to hide small weapons and items. Its colors are dark to aid in blending into the shadows, only slight details added to keep it from appearing bland in color. However, his royal uniform stands out much more, worn during formal meetings and matters of the state. This bears the golden and blue colors of Melloriah in its design, woven into a white base along with the white and gold cloak of the Great King, a stark contrast to his usual dark attire.   Similar to his two most common outfits, his boots match their practicality and formality. He also wears gloves at almost every opportunity, either black or white in color. At all times, he carries with him the royal scepter and rapier of Melloriah, Ren'Ashaal. While his belt allows him to keep it at his side, he's often seen holding it wherever he goes. He bears two golden ring piercings along the upper part of his right ear and has two distinct scars, one large one along the right side of his neck and a small one through the far end of his left eyebrow. He's known to wear a deeply serious and sometimes intimidating expression but his eyes often glow with passion and he'll crack a proud smile on rare occasions.


Cyril is most well known for his serious and often cold demeanor. Lacking the support of his parents for most of his life, he's grown to become a man often shielding his emotions from others. As such, he'll often seem uncaring or even angry when interacting with others. He may take a direct approach, his eyes focused and suspicious of those around him if they've yet to earn his trust.   This facade keeps many from seeing the compassion he holds within. Despite his solid exterior, his heart is one unwilling to let injustice go by unpunished. If possible, he'll devote himself to aiding those in need without hesitation or promise of compensation or reward. His goal is to simply help make the world a better place for those he cares about and guide humanity towards a brighter future.   This desire to aid others, along with his shielded heart, also gives rise to a darker side. While he holds a deep appreciation for law and order, he has no qualms doing what's necessary to keep the peace. If all other options have been eliminated, he will gladly strike down anyone who poses a threat to his people. In his eyes, a leader must be a beacon of order but always ready to do the right thing.   While his facade can make him appear angry and harsh, he rarely holds any real fury. Even when confronted by those who would be his enemies, he maintains his calm and doesn't let wrath overtake him. Certain situations may drive him towards the edge but even so he'll often balance himself on the fine line of control and rage. He's known to have a fear for poison, a fear he often masters when in control of himself but can overwhelm him during stressful situations.   For the rare times his shield is lowered, his eyes are known to light up with passion. Whether its towards his interests or his people, he has shown moments of a more relaxed and soft side. Such might be followed with a rare smile, revealing the pride he holds for his own skills, his rise to power, and the support he's gained over the years to earn him his seat on the throne.


Cyril is well trained in martial combat and matters of careful planning. Much of his training has been in the darker side of combat, walking the shadows to do work as an assassin in his early days. His training has given him extensive skill in a range of weapons with daggers and rapiers being among his favorites. He also has a fondness for ranged weapons but favors the precise aim of his dagger in most situations.   His fondness for weapons has left him interested in weapon development and creation, even if he himself isn't skilled in such himself. He likes to stay informed on the status of other world leaders and any excursions into other planes. Not especially adept in magic, he relies on his martial prowess, known to train hard whenever possible to gain a strong hold of the shadows around him.


Great King of Melloriah
Lord of the Golden Sea
Prince of Fangs  








Great King  


Diamond Palace  


Renneth, Mira (parents)
Dilan (uncle)
Taliah (aunt)
Tyrus (cousin)
Nellys (wife)
Fiora, Keiran, Gatrie (children)  






Neutral Good  

Main Classes

Nightsong Infiltrator


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