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Great Northlands

I stand before you now, wielding the primordial powers of the dragons, and I say to you: We are victorious! - God-King Dakhana

The Great Northlands are the northern regions of the Orenian continent.   Ancestral home of the dragons, the northern lands are widely known for their extensive mountain ranges and harsh lands. From the misty marshes to the frozen peaks, danger is commonplace for anyone traveling through the northlands. Long have these lands served as the domain of Dakhana, but the grand empire has recently relinquishing its rule over the dwarves and orcs. Along with the unstable mana flowing through the air, so too blows the winds of change after the fall of an ancient tradition.

Nations and Factions

  • Dakhana - The great nation of the mountains, forged from the blood and flames of dragons. Long ruled by the God-Kings, the recent fall of the God-King Karlann has brought change to the north.
  • Khor-Moraan - Carved into the mountains, the dwarven kingdom has long been a tale of servitude. Now freed from the grip of Dakhana, they seek to expand their horizons across the world.
  • Mak Thul - Brutal and bloodthirsty, the orcs have forged their home through battle. Ever seeking to expand their borders, many also seek the thrills and challenges that lie beyond.
  • Frostfire Council - The dragonborn masters who've ruled over the northlands under the reign of the God-King, now remade to help shape a new regime.
  • Dragonstone Union - Industrial heart of the north, combining the might of the northern races to fuel the engines that run the largest empire of mining and construction.
  • Bloodquill Tribe - Among the most ancient of kobold tribes, these devoted servants of dragonkind have stood as keepers of knowledge since before the days of the mortal races.
  • Order of the Serene Flame - A tranquil gathering of souls seeking to master the powers of mana and understand the forces that lie beyond the Material Plane.
  • Ironskull Wanderers - Unified clans of warriors, hunters, and fighters seeking the thrills of the wilds, turning their backs on the societies of Dakhana and the comforts they provide.
  • Band of Bones - The goliath rebellion which continued to rise time and time again against the God-Kings, still seeking the liberation of the goliaths from its dragonborn masters.
  • Black Fangs - Savage and monstrous outcasts lurking within the western lowlands, ever hunting and feasting on anyone foolish enough to venture into their territory.

Major Settlements

  • Vol'Dhaka - Great fortress of Dakhana, carved into the volcanic cradle of the Primordial One.
  • Morim-Gaar - A vast fortress of the mountains, stretching from the soaring peaks to its molten depths.
  • Khan Thul - Savage heart of orc society, bearing the marks of the many clans from ages past.
  • Morath - Often considered the capital of the northlands by many, this city is known for its trade and industry.
  • Fhorrazza - Grand city built upon the sanctuary where the first explorers of the north hid from the dragons.
  • Ossakha - Heart of draconic worship, barring the path to the sacred halls of Frostfire Mountain.
  • Eregornn - The walled city of the dwarves marking the border between Khor-Moraan and Dakhana.
  • Valaheim - One of the few great dwarven cities to rest outside of their famous mountain halls.
  • Golak Vaar - Fortress city of the orcs, seeking to push through the mountain pass and claim further territory.
  • Khol Tekk - Center of orcish war games within the Crimson Plains, often known for its lawless nature.

Notable Locations

  • Fountain - An island at the top of the world, eternally locked in an arcane blizzard, the cruel winds said to rip even lesser gods to shreds.
  • Vale of Light - While the mana of the north is often quite unstable, this icy vale bears a mysterious aura of serenity to it, making it a popular hub for mages.
  • Nerell'Sen - The molten cavern found within the volcano housing Vol'Dhaka where God-King Dakhana claimed the power of dragons from Nergal's cradle.
  • Frostfire Mountain - The great mountain at the top of the world, its cavernous depths often housing roaring vortices of fire, and its halls home to the council of the same name.
  • Fangs of God - Once a simple forest in the heart of Dakhana, a display of power at the hands of the God-King tore it apart with earthen razor spires.
  • Crimson Plains - Often serving as a crossroad of war, the eastern lowlands have a long history of spilled blood which live on to this day through the savage games of Mak Thul.
  • Exile's Remnant - A set of two islands in the Blazing Seas where many dragons flocked after their fall in ancient times, now said to house an ancient dragon bloodline.
  • Grand Cross - The great mountain ranges separating the southern lands, said to have formed by the devastating wrath of the Primordial One before life came to be.
  • Blood Wraith Marshlands - Vast reaches of murky and grimy wastes within the western plains, widely known for its vicious and horrible creatures, especially the black dragons.
  • Mistgloom Jungle - Tucked into the western side of the Grand Cross, this dark jungle has become the home of many wicked souls and hunters of both beast and man.
  • Bleeding Canyon - Great chasm separating Dakhana and Rei'Crest, its lands forever cursed to remain desolate and bereft of natural life.


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