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Southern Woodlands

You have your lands and we have ours, so turn back or face the combined might of nature's wrath - Wild elven sentry

The Southern Woodlands are the southern regions of the Orenian continent.   Once thought to bear no immediate life, explorers would quickly face the fury of the forest denizens should they dare to set foot in their lands. Another land of no draconic dominance, the vast woodlands would become the cradle for elvenkind, a race that would grow to become fiercely protective of their home. Much of its lands remain a mystery to this day, many wondering what hides beyond the trees and why the wild elves would are so determined to keep outsiders far away.

Nations and Factions

  • Phelaress - Ancient and mystical nation of elvenkind, long remained unexplored by outsiders. Traditional and reclusive, they are known for their passiveness towards the outside world.
  • Khaldor - Hunted throughout the world, the goblins of Orenia would come to unite in a southern corner of the world. Cunning and greedy, their influence is felt in various underworlds.
  • Wispwood Clan - The largest clan of gnomekind, deeply devoted to their home within the Silent Woodlands. Sharing the reclusive nature of the wild elves, they're the closest ally of Phelaress.
  • Bleakroot Tribe - Wildkin tribe consisting primarily of ursol and wolven, studying the fey energies of the gnome lands. They incessant desire to learn more has often left them at odds with others.
  • Bloodcrown Tribe - Secretive tribe of wildkin ruling from above, ever vigilant of those who seek to enter their lands. While Phelaress is known for its privacy, even fewer know of this tribe.
  • Executioners - Many believe their existence to be a myth as none have ever witnessed them in action. But some will forever fear those whose mission is to silence all who speak of Phelaress' secrets.
  • Gemweavers - Atop the goblin elite stands the experts in retrieving mana crystals and shaping them into valuable tools for all mortal races but especially the goblins themselves.
  • Ebon Wither - Band of pirates lead by a coalition of goblins and kiru, claiming dominance of the Grim Seas and constantly seeking to find safe passage to other lands.
  • Infinity's Eye - Devoted followers of Mateus, ever certain in the inevitable destruction of Gailardia. While often credited with the greatest terrors, they rarely ever seek to harm others.

Major Settlements

  • Rho'Jarae - Ancient city of the wild elves surrounding the great tree Yulin'Mir, the Cradle of Balance.
  • Fangohr - The vast capital of Khaldor, a city always noisy from the ingenuity of its people.
  • Mei'Dylen - Grove city serving as one of the first lines of defense against outsiders approaching carelessly.
  • Whitemist Hollow - Home of the gnomes, ever cloaked in a cold fog said to put intruders to sleep.
  • Rah'Nourh - Fortress of the wild elves, ever watchful of the tunnels leading to Khaldor.
  • Kal'Dohna - Heart of diplomacy, often used by the races of the woods to gather as one.
  • Drenn - Port town of Khaldor and safe haven for pirates and criminals alike.
  • Garbon - Crude fortress city widely known as the vault of goblin wealth and power.

Notable Locations

  • Silent Woodlands - The expansive woodlands bordering the Central Heartlands, its trees said to cloak all sources of mana, making them quite valuable to many.
  • Moonstone Hill - Rising from a large clearing, this hill is said to occasionally shimmer in the moonlight, many believing this to be a sign of divine presence on the Material Plane.
  • Yulin'Mir - A large tree said to have existed since the dawn of time, its surrounding lands deemed holy ground as it houses the cradle of the faerie dragon, Yune.
  • Red Eye Lake - Sitting at the heart of the woodlands, the crimson island at its center is said to be overrun with monstrous hounds from the Nether.
  • Reaper's Horizon - The frozen lands at the bottom of the world, where mana slowly fades to nothing and the ship to the afterlife is said to be docked in the Ethereal Veil.
  • Dagger Tooth Mountains - Jagged mountain ranges bordering Phelaress and Khaldor, its peaks often drenched in the stench of smoke from the south.
  • Scorch Caverns - The goblin mines where they dug down towards a ley line, carefully allowing its energies to seep through the tunnels to form powerful crystals.
  • Isle of Severence - The lost island of the south where no mana is said to flourish, leaving nothing but a cold and harsh air where only few would tread.

Ruling Powers



Lord Prophet Rho'Dalen
Sorcerer-King Xilck



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