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The wyrms that live across the Grand Archipelago of Velle are said to have been the first children of the Draconic Lords. Through the breath of life granted by the Great Leviathan, they've long since served as guardians of the west. Often elegant creatures of great strength and speed, their terrifying presence is more often swept aside in favor of respect. Many wyrms like to gather around wellsprings of mana or other sources of great magical energy, some even keeping powerful artefacts wielding tremendous or dangerous magic.   While much of the ancient wyrm civilization crumbled with their home continent before the time of mortals, remnants still exist and have long since been fiercely protected. When the people of Orenia landed on their shores, the wyrms remained vigilant for many years. But through the respectful actions of Cor Landis, a strong bond was forged between the two great powers. To this day, this bond has only grown stronger and most of the people who call Velle home share in the respectful nature towards its original masters.   Through the passing of time, many wyrms have become a lesser sort, often raised by Cor Landis and serve as trusted companions. But the mighty wyrms of old still linger within their hidden lairs or living freely throughout Leviathan's Rest. Many are more than happy to engage with others should they approach with respectful hearts but some remain ever vigilant and wish only peace and quiet.

Black Wyrms

Black wyrms are known for the mischievous nature as they lurk within the woodlands but while they may pounce for a quick scare, they will also aid the lost and fallen.   You'll rarely find them in any large groups, typically keeping to themselves outside of protecting the mate and young ones until they're capable of fending for themselves.   Black wyrms are quite thin and longer than most, often striking fear into the unwary as they coil through the trees. While their hide is mainly black, they also bear spots of natural colors and a slightly mossy texture. In their early years, their scales are more glossy but grow dull over the years to better blend in with their natural surroundings.   They make their living in dense woodlands, often hiding within the branches of tall trees, sometimes seeming like large vines in the shadows. They often feast on the local wildlife or plants and fruits found in their woods.   Black wyrms are especially attracted to fey energies, often guarding any such areas to a degree where some believe them to be guardians of gnomekind.   For classes channeling draconic power, see below:
  • Breath: Cone of electricity
  • Alignment: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral
  • Class Skills: Balance, Hide, Move Silently
  • Aspect Adaptation: Spider Climb (Sp)

Blue Wyrms

Blue wyrms are the devoted guardians of Velle, roaming the skies and almost merging with the heavens as the watch over all who call the Great Archipelago home.   Loyal and unified, they often come together in large groups to better protect one another, their mates and young ones, and the mortal races they aim to protect on the lands below.   Blue wyrms are some of the most elegant creatures of Gailardia, radiating beauty and majesty. Their scales are mostly quite small but grow very strong over the years, as well as becoming almost reflective when they become adults.   Their lairs are commonly found in caves and woodlands around mountains. These are often on the smaller side, only serving as a safe haven for their young and a place to rest. During their waking hours, they're almost always soaring through the skies, watching over the land or hunting for food. They feast on both local wildlife and fish.   Blue wyrms do enjoy settling around wellsprings but more often patrol such areas and make their lairs further away to avoid any curious souls stumbling onto their homes.   For classes channeling draconic power, see below:
  • Breath: Line of lightning
  • Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral
  • Class Skills: Gather Information, Listen, Spot
  • Aspect Adaptation: Feather Fall (Sp)

Copper Wyrms

Copper wyrms are rarely ever seen as the hide away in their lairs of the deep, wanting nothing more than to be left alone and lashing out at anyone daring to disturb their peace.   Some enjoy the company of their own kind, while others keep to themselves, only ever engaging with their mates and young ones, which are kept close until they seek their own lairs.   They are the most bulky members of wyrmkind, bearing a strong and rough appearance. Their scales are quite large and tough, growing more dull over the years and leave them as one of the least elegant of their kind.   Copper wyrms make their homes in deep caves, carving them out themselves and rarely ever leave other than to hunt for food. They feast on any local wildlife or plants in the immediate area around their lairs.   Their caves are often located near wellsprings of mana within the underground. Select wyrms of the eldest kind are even said to lurk especially close to the ley lines.   For classes channeling draconic power, see below:
  • Breath: Line of fire
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil
  • Class Skills: Disguise, Listen, Survival
  • Aspect Adaptation: Endure Elements (Sp)

Gold Wyrms

Gold wyrms are considered the defenders of wyrmkind, watching over them from up high and striking down anyone deemed a threat against the peace of their remaining civilization.   They often work on an individual basis, keeping to themselves as they defend their lands. This extends to their mates and young ones, returning to their solitary lives once the young become adults.   Their appearance is that of blinding elegance, their golden scales almost glowing in the sun's rays. Their hide isn't among the strongest but is greatly valued for its beauty, becoming more radiant the older the wyrms become.   Gold wyrms make their lairs at the tallest peaks, carving out caves or merely forming a nest on a decently large overlook of the lands below. They tend to favor plants, berries, and fruit, but may turn to fish on occasion.   They're not known for seeking out sources of magic, the closest being the energies flowing through the storms that haunt the Great Archipelago.   For classes channeling draconic power, see below:
  • Breath: Line of acid
  • Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil
  • Class Skills: Balance, Heal, Spot
  • Aspect Adaptation: Levitate (Sp)

Green Wyrms

Green wyrms are known as the most peaceful of their kind, enjoying the company of others as they roam the inland waters of the Great Archipelago.   Due to their nature, they often come together in large groups and unite under the watchful eye of their eldest, making them one of the most unified of wyrm species.   Green wyrms are among the smallest of their kind and bear a humble and soft appearance to them. Their hide is very glossy and this makes their small scales appear almost as one. With age, this dulls slightly and makes them blend in with grassy environments.   They often make their homes around lakes or along rivers, burrowing into the ground or resting within the water. While they enjoy company, they do remain vigilant of their territory to protect their own fiercely. They feast on plants and fish that can be found in the area.   Not commonly seeking out sources of mana, there are great gatherings of green wyrms along select lakes where mana is especially powerful, a notable example being the Lake of Sorrows.   For classes channeling draconic power, see below:
  • Breath: Cone of cold air
  • Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
  • Class Skills: Diplomacy, Survival, Swim
  • Aspect Adaptation: Alarm (Sp)

Red Wyrms

Red wyrms are known for their free spirits and quick tempers, enjoying their lives the way they see fit and giving of an air of superiority.   Some enjoy the company of their own kind while others keep to a solitary life outside of their mates and young ones whom they protect with fierce savagery, red wyrms often very protective of what's theirs.   They often appear very strong and are among the largest of their kind. Their hide is a faded red as they grow older, their scales becoming more thick and strong, while their young are more bright and bear small scales.   Their homes are often found in vibrant forests, finding caves to shape their lairs or merely resting in open groves. From here they feast on the local wildlife or hunt for fish in nearby waters.   Red wyrms are considering some of the greatest hoarders of magical powers, their lairs or homes often holding a few rare items they've claimed from those who sought to challenge them in the past.   For classes channeling draconic power, see below:
  • Breath: Cone of acidic gas
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil
  • Class Skills: Listen, Intimidate, Spellcraft
  • Aspect Adaptation: Identify (Sp)

Silver Wyrms

Silver wyrms are widely known for keeping to themselves and only engaging with others when they want something for themselves, whether its sources of mana or local pests disposed of.   Their nature makes them very solitary creatures who rarely trust others, the only real exception being their mates and young ones, whom they cling to for as long as possible.   Silver wyrms are often very regal and carry themselves with an intimidating and powerful aura. Their hide often glistens in the light but grow more dull over the years to give them a tough and durable exterior.   They make their lairs inside large hills, carving out cave systems to claim entire hillsides as their own. While they may hunt the animals that might roam the area, they also enjoy feasting on the minerals found underground.   Often keeping rare items with magical properties, often claimed from their enemies, they may entice others to aid them by granting these as a reward.   For classes channeling draconic power, see below:
  • Breath: Cone of fire
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil
  • Class Skills: Gather Information, Intimidate, Spellcraft
  • Aspect Adaptation: Ventriloquism (Sp)

White Wyrms

White wyrms are widely known as the bane of the seas, their ruthless and savage nature part of the reason why many fear the open waters of the Howling Sea.   Due to their savagery, they often fight over territory and rarely engage with other wyrms of any kind. The only exception being their mates when they find one evenly matching their strength, their young ones quickly sent out to grow strong on their own.   White wyrms are the longest of all wyrmkind while being fairly slim in their forms. Their hide is quite bright and glossy, growing more dull over the years but maintaining a very visible form that's easy to notice, their hunting skills incredibly fierce to compensate.   They make their lairs in caverns along the ocean floor, rarely leaving the waters unless to hunt for flying prey. As such, they commonly feast on fish and other aquatic creatures but might dart out of the seas to feast on birds or other wyrms.   Their lairs are often located close to wellsprings of mana, which are almost guaranteed to contain vast treasures from shipwrecks, especially items of significant magical power.   For classes channeling draconic power, see below:
  • Breath: Line of ice
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Evil
  • Class Skills: Search, Spellcraft, Swim
  • Aspect Adaptation: Water Breathing (Ex)

Black Wyrm

Element: Air
Breath: Cone of electricity
Environment: Dense woodlands
Alignment: Chaotic Good  

Blue Wyrm

Element: Air
Breath: Line of electricity
Environment: Mountains
Alignment: Lawful Good  

Copper Wyrm

Element: Fire
Breath: Line of flame
Environment: Deep caves
Alignment: Neutral Evil  

Gold Wyrm

Element: Earth
Breath: Line of liquid acid
Environment: Mountain peaks
Alignment: Lawful Neutral  

Green Wyrm

Element: Water
Breath: Cone of cold air
Environment: Lakes
Alignment: Neutral Good  

Red Wyrm

Element: Earth
Breath: Cone of acidic gas
Environment: Vibrant forests
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral  

Silver Wyrm

Element: Fire
Breath: Cone of fire
Environment: Hillsides
Alignment: Lawful Evil  

White Wyrm

Element: Water
Breath: Line of ice
Environment: Oceans
Alignment: Chaotic Evil


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