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Ghelly Archipelago Technological Advancement

A timeline of technological and magotechnological improvements throughout the history of the Ghelly Archipelago.

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    Steam Engine
    Technological achievement

    The steam engine was invented by Arna Malio of Emane, though it seems he borrowed ideas from his peers in order to create a worthwhile design. Despite the suspicions of assistance, Mr. Malio was able to get the patent for the device placed solely under his name.   This creation helped Emane push away from reliance on magical energy and power generation settle into the mundane technologies. Industry was no longer locked to the shoreline for power and industrial complexes began to pop up in the interior of the country.

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    Train's Take the Tracks
    Technological achievement

    The first train was created by Baron Malio, cousin of Arna Malio, who demonstrated the transportation system at the birthday of a Councillor's child, also creating the first recreational roller coaster as a result.   The tracks for an inter-island railway began to be laid by First Magister Zoe Piccone in year 55 to transport people and freight across the center two islands of Emane. This would come to be known as the Circum National Railway Project. This project was finished over a century later in year 186 with the invasion into Berylka. Today, private and public businesses transport goods and personnel all across the country.