Artificial Singularity Technology / Science in Galactic Hegemony | World Anvil
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Artificial Singularity

Artificial singularities are Human made wormholes that allow for instantaneous transport between two portals. The usual mode of use is a link between a portal orbiting a planet and one encircling the Epsilon Eridani Hub, which is a centralized transit stop in the Epsilon Eridani System  There are stasis ships with deep-sleep humans on board that exist soley to fly to the far-flung regions of the galaxy with habitable planets in order to install new links to the Epsilon Eridani Hub.


These links are extremely useful, as they enable near-instantaneous travel and communication between star systems.


Links are deployed by stasis ships, the crews returning to stasis once the portal has been opened with the Epsilon Eridani Hub.

Social Impact

These links enable travel, commerce and tourism. There would be no Galactic Hegemony without them.
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