The Terran Federation Organization in Galactic Paradise | World Anvil

The Terran Federation

I Swear to Uphold and Defend the Constitution of the Terran Federation, I swear to Protect and Safeguard the Future of Humanity, I swear to lay down my life in the defense of Earth and all of Mankind's worlds. I shall fight to reclaim our lost glory; I shall sacrifice to defend out rightful borders, I shall serve to raise humanity into the stars and beyond.   -The Oath of Terran Servicemen


What Once Was

Once long ago, Mankind had over the centuries united under the free and democratic rule of the United Nations, with the year 2432 marking the end of the last independent nation states and the establishment of not only a world government, but one to govern the colonies of mankind's great nations. The New United Humanity would spread across the stars without slowing or challenge, and as they spread, they brought new glories and wealth to mankind, settled new worlds and brought about great technology advancements once only dreamed of in the minds of visionaries centuries ago. Mankind came to control nearly every corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, it unlocked the secrets of the galaxy and built great wonders and projects beyond the scope ever before seen in the history of mankind.
  As mankind expanded, it found itself not alone in the galaxy, and found a greatly many primitive species upon their home worlds, some barely capable of basic agriculture, and others placing their first habitable space stations in orbit. Mankind established secret bases above each of these worlds, observing and studying these sentient species, mankind began to lay out the framework for their ascension under the close watch and protection of the Human Race.
  The Hyperlane network, the means by which mankind could traverse the stars, was a network of travel achieved by the use of the previously unknown Hyperparticle, which allowed for Vessels to achieve a weightless state that allowed Faster than Light Travel, allowing rapid and on the tail end of Mankind's golden age, near instant travel across the galaxy through these routes. But in the year 2545 everything would change for all of Mankind and the Galaxy, the Hyperlane network had begun to become increasingly unstable and soon after the instability was noticed by the UN it collapsed, isolating all of mankind's world.
  The Planet Earth, home to Billions, began to starve and collapse as chaos consumed the world and all of Mankind. Her Fleets and Colonies were lost, its greatest advancements in science and culture were forgotten, and Earth descended into chaos and barbarism. Humanity's Golden Age had come crashing down upon the heads of mankind, and from the ashes of what once was, would rise a new human society.

The Time of Rebuilding

Slowly, over the centuries, the ruins of Earth would stabilize, and civilization would rebuild. But by the time Civilization truly began again, no one could remember the glory days of when Mankind touched the stars, when it crossed the galaxy in but a matter of minutes, and when all the galaxy was on the verge of unity under Mankind. While none remembered, they all knew the stories told to them by their grandparents, who only knew the stories from their grandparents, who had seen the Fall.
  Civilization would rebuild around the only abundant sources of food and water, the UN's own Ration stockpiles, which had been created in the immediate aftermath of the Fall in an attempt to consolidate all food on the planet and strictly ration it until the Hyperlane Network was reestablished and Earth could once again begin Food Imports from the rest of the Human Empire. However, with the collapse of the United Nations, these ration stockpiles became the centers of new communities and groups of human civilization, with the rest of Earth turned into a no man's land of vicious gangs, dangerous radiation leaks, rogue defense systems and empty, quiet city sectors
  It was around these isolated Ration Stockpiles that civilization would rebuild, With Thousands of Ration Sites across the world, each one was unique in some manner, many became military states or Stratocracies, reliant on the UN Peacekeeping forces to maintain order and administer the rationing of food and water. Other Ration sites became brutal dictatorship, young democracies, anarchist like communes and many other systems of government across the world. As centuries passed, and mankind rebuilt some semblance of civilization in the ruins of Earth, these isolated pockets expanded, becoming fully formed and organized nations, and they would slowly come into contact with each other, the people of Earth realizing that mankind had survived beyond their community.
  Across the globe these societies came into contact with one another, many cases of contact ended peacefully, many overjoyed to discover the continued survival of human civilization beyond their communities, other such contacts ended in violence, like when the Stratocratic rules of the Tokyo City Ration Site clashed with the People's Revolutionary Front based on the Kyoto Ration Site resulting in a full-blown war that only ended with the capture of the Kyoto Ration Site.
  After nearly 6 decades, the Earth began to stabilize a series of super states and regional powers, each one different from each other, beginning a new cold war as the world divided along ideological lines into three main pacts. The London Compact, the Tokyo Accord and Bogota Treaty Organization. Each Group maintained its own designs on the fate of humanity and Earth and were considered by many as simply unable to reconcile their differences.
  The London Compact was a loose Assocation comprising the European Federation, Iberian Union, Commonwealth of Albion, Scandanavian Confederacy, Balkan Federation, Turkish Republic, Commonwealth of the Levant, The United Arab Republic of Egypt and Libya, and the Union of America, which sought to oppose the ideals of unification and the joining of mankind into one super national state that would see the end of the independence for the nation states of Earth.
  The Tokyo Accord was an alliance between the Greater East Asian State, the Siberian Emergency Government, The Central Asian Federation, The Indian Unity State, The Dravidian Republic, Greater Republic of Bactria, The Bangladesh-Burma Union, Mongol State, The South Asian Republic, The Pacific Federation and Australasian Confederacy, who sought to unite mankind under a strong central government to guide the species back to the stars and reclaim its place in the Galaxy, with their system often described as militant and overburdening by its enemies.
  Finally, the Bogota Treaty Organization, comprised of The Gran Colombian Republic, The Andean Confederation, the Caribbean Federation, The Pacific Republic, West African State, Free Navajo Tribe, South African Confederal Republic and Free Texan Republic which proposed like the Tokyo Accord Uniting the Earth but under a strong democratic federal system which all member states would be equal partners in this Federation, which would lead mankind into the starts once again.
  After decades of Cold War, the London Compact would collapse under its own weight and growing sympathies for unification among their populace and political establishments, and by 2700, the Bogota Treaty Organization and Tokyo Accord would reach an uneasy peace, and after years of negotiations and diplomatic circuses, would announce the formation of the Terran Federation.

The Terran Federation

The Unification Wars and Militia Crisis

When the Terran Federation was formed by the BTO and TA, it would come to encompass the entire pacific, much of Asia, North America and would begin to spread its influence across the globe with the end of the London Compact. However, not every part of the world would be willing to submit to the newly formed union, with nations and militant groups across the globe opposing the attempt by the Federation to expand to all 4 corners of the globe, with the Federation Army fighting its first war during an invasion of the Balkans to prevent growing ethnic conflict amid the collapse of the Balkan Federation.
  Following the Invasion of the Balkans, much of Europe would submit to the Federation, with exception for a protracted invasion of the Commonwealth of Albion, and bloody guerilla conflict in the Swiss alps, with many local garrisons of the European Federation refusing the order to integrate into the Terran Federation, waging a protracted guerilla war against Federation forces that only ended nearly 2 decades later during the Militia Crisis. Following the assimilation of the remnants of the London Compact into the Federation, there existed not a single nation state on the globe, save that of the Terran Federation.
  However, even with the unity of all Earth under the Terran Federation, there was a great amount of resistance to the newfound unity. what became known as the Militia Crisis, running from the end of the Unification Wars in 2711 to the Siege of Denver in 2723, the Federal Military would have to face a large number of hostile anti-government militias scattered across Earth, ranging from simple anti-government conspiracists, to hostile secessionist forces seeking to dismantle the Federation.
  The Largest standoff during this period was the event dubbed the Siege of Denver, in which the Federal Military was forced to storm the City of Denver when a large force of rebels, proclaiming themselves the Second Continental Army, seized the city and declared an act of succession for the formation of a new American Republic. Following 3 months of intense urban combat, the Denver capitol building was stormed and the leaders of the SCA killed, ending the battle for the city, with the battle becoming what was considered the end of the Militia Criss.
  Even with the Crisis declared over, the Federation would spend years further crushing the remnants of the many groups it had fought during the crisis, and even today the occasional antigovernment militia will pop up on earth or the colonies. While no such group has achieved the same success of those who came before, often numbering in the dozens and lasting a few short days of open defiance, they remain a sour point in the image the federation has cultivated to the wider human populace as a uniting force of peace and stability.

The Journey to the Stars

Following the end of the Militia Crisis, the Federation began a true period of rebuilding and reorganizing the State, slowly corroding the sovereignty and power of the nation states constituting the Federation, along with grand plans of ambitions in the stars, and plans too once again tame space for all of mankind.
  The Terran Federation sought this and more, and as Earth was rebuilt, drones and scout ships scattered across the Sol System, establishing and recovering ancient mining facilities, research labs, naval dry docks and orbital habitats. While no fellow survivors were found, the expedition brought much needed material, scientific knowledge and the means to enter the galaxy once again, but the lack of human survivors began a spiraling depressing in Terran Society. Located in the City of Madrid, a great monument was built to all of humanity who perished beyond earth, trapped in a dying galaxy far away from their homeworld, where all mankind came from.
  This Reclamation campaign of the Sol System would result in the occupation of the Armstrong Station upon the Moon in 2715, the only permeant Federation on the Moon besides the DX-1 Thumper Station which saw a federation presence established in 2716. In 2755 Federation forces would arrive upon the Moons of Phobos and Deimos, the following years they would make landfall upon the Red World, Mars itself, establishing a presence at Olympus Station. While these expeditions would be major for the Federation, they would pale in comparison to a newly planned expedition, one on a scale not yet seen in the federation.
  Other Notable missions saw several moon bases reestablished across the system. mining operations restarted in the Asteroid Belts of the Sol System, and even the restoration of the Kuiper Project, which saw consolidation of several larger asteroids in the Kuiper Belt into the Kuiper Station, a large facility made within the asteroids and connecting them with more modern designs for a massive habitat for the mining crews and officials for the Kuiper Belt Mining Concern, along with their families, support staff and populace.
  Now the Federation prepares for it's most ambitious project, for humanity to once again leave the Sol system once again, billions of humans watch as the TSS Zheng He, named for a long since dead explorer of ancient China, prepares to depart for Alpha Centauri, and seek out Mankind’s 1st extrasolar colony, New Jamestown. The most optimistic estimations told to the crew and the people of Earth, say that the humans of New Jamestown may still be alive, and if so, should be reunited under the banner of the Terran Federation, for the sake of all Mankind.

Terran Society

The Societies of Mankind have always been adaptive, taking in new ideas and developments to prevent stagnation and the destruction of humanity, and such a fact is no different in the Modern Terran Society, with mankind having developed new habits and ideas that allowed it to survive the fall and the needs or demands of the Federation.

Modern Culture

The Cultures of modern humanity have as much in common with their predecessors in the 21st century, as the 21st century cultures were with their predecessors in the 14th century. Of Course, as is the nature of shared culture and heritage, there are a great many similarities that can still be found with modern cultures and their ancestral predecessors. However, hoping to cover every culture upon Earth and how it has changed or stayed the same would take years, and would be counter intuitive to the nature of a summary, thus one must speak in generalization for common ideas and concepts found across earth no matter heritage, creed or faith.
  Modern Humanity can often be described as Spartan at times, at least in reference to living conditions, despite the reestablishment of an agriculture base and a self-sufficient economy, luxury is an uncommon site in the Federation, instead simple living conditions have become a federal standard, often for simplified management by federal authority in programs to guarantee every citizen the 5 Guarantees: Guaranteed Housing, Guaranteed Food, Guaranteed Employment, Guaranteed Entertainment and Guaranteed Education.

The Five Guarantees

The State maintains the 5 Guarantees via the De León Programs, named so for the mastermind of the 5 Guarantees High Councilor Fernando De León(2724-2730), which includes federal subsidies for agriculture and a strict system of rationing for basic food items, a massive federal public works program to employ citizens and construct free government housing, a federally managed free education system on all levels of education, and an extensive program promoting sport competitions, youth sport clubs, musical arts and other such avenues of entertainment.
  While modern Humanity can be called spartan in living condition, the same cannot be same in personality and social interaction. Humans are inherently social creatures, as demonstrated across its history, even those considered anti-social or introverted having in some way social relations, be it in small family units or greater societal wholes, so it is no surprise in the Modern Federation such social bonds are heavily promoted and encouraged.
  Youth Clubs, and organizations, patriot clubs, and other such organizations operated to build bonds of fellowship and unity across all sorts of lines. Seeking to build a more interconnected human society, breaking down barriers of ethnic, religion or national origins, hoping to formulate a new human identity beyond petty divisions that divided mankind in the past.


Despite the best efforts of the Federation Government to foster a sense of unity among the people of Earth and the Greater Sol System, a strong sense of National Identity remains in much of the population of the Federation, but a growing trend has slowly begun to change such ideas and views among the Human Populace, but such a trend remains mostly isolated to the Non-Earth Human populace.
  Upon Mars, Luna, the many bases across the system and the Kuiper Station, with the human populace of these stations dislocated with the nations of their origin or the origin of their parents or grandparents, a growing sense of Human Nationalism has taken root. Often such Human populace won't call themselves Albions, Europeans, Indian or Bactrian, instead preferring to call themselves Terran, this is often found in a cultural blend that has taken deep root in extra planetary communities, at a far faster rate than was often seen on earth across human history.
  Upon Earth is a different story, many older generations remember the days of independent nation states upon earth, and maintain a strong connection to their national heritage, the next generation remember the Militia Crisis, the fiery speeches of demagogues and passionate moves to action by national revolutionaries still echo among those of the Crisis Generation, who dream of the so-called glory days. But the Younger Generations have grown up under the Federation, they have partaken in the patriotic clubs, learned the history of a greater united humanity, and have shown a growing sense of human nationalism, while paling in comparison to that of the extra-terrestrial human populace, is slowly taking root and sprouting among the populace.


Religion had always been a constant in human society, from the very first civilizations to the modern-day religions in all forms have existed in some way, and even to the time of the Terran Federation is no different, with Religion still, despite what many naysayers called the inevitable march of atheism, being active and alive among the Federation's Populace.
  Before the Fall, Atheism had become a majority belief system for the human species, with the Abrahamic religions combined serving as a close second place, with smaller more localized faiths, or Pagan revival groups scattered across human territory. However, despite what many called the slow death of religion, the Fall would bring about a mass religious revival across the Earth.
  Across the globe, millions turned to religion for salvation and hope in the darkness of mankind's collapse, organized religions, such as the Catholic Church, proved immensely influential across the globe, even as the Diocese lost contact with each other and the Papacy in Rome, with individual churches and religious orders serving as a staple for many communities. Other larger churches and religious groups would also survive the fall and regain lost influence and size from the millions of converts and returning believers seeking some sense of purpose and faith.
  The Unification of humanity under the Terran Federation would see the implementation of State Secularism, the Federation recognizing or endorsing no religion, declaring all equal under the law and permitting federation citizens to follow whatever faith they desire, with certain exceptions. Religions are barred from interfering in the Political Process, partaking in human sacrifice, solicitating donations for illegitimate purposes or other illegal activities, Violations of such rules can be grounds for any such organized faith or church forcefully shut down and its leadership arrested depending on the severity of the crimes committed.
  During the Militia Crisis, several organized cults sprung up armed and militant, sowing chaos and confusion where they operated before the Federal Military violently suppressed such groups, destroying many but causing others to simply go to ground and operate in secret, not being serious threats to the Federation, but still annoyances for local authorities, and often making federal news in rare incidents.

The Federal Government

The Terran Federation Government is divided into two Branches of Government, the Federal Council and The Federal Supreme Court, these two branches of government follow a fusion of powers model, with the executive position of the state incorporated in the Federal Council's Legislative Role in the Government.

The Federal Council

The Official Leadership of the Federation is The Federal Council, a Legislative Body representing the interests and goals of all mankind. Only those who have served in the Federation Military for a minimum of 4 years or served in the Civil Service for a total of 3 years are eligible to be elected to the Federal Council, keeping power firmly within the Military and traditional governing apparatus of the Federation, ostensibly this is to prevent those who lack the skills and even temper to lead the nation.
  The Federal Council holds the final Legislative power over the apparatus of the state, holding absolute power within the borders of the Federation and directly defines every aspect of policy, though the Council is often taken under the leadership of the internally elected High Councilor, though weaker High Councilor or those simply uninterested in micromanaging the state allows the Council to take the direction of the state within their hands.
  The Federal Council is staffed by a total of 452 Councilors, with each Federal District of the Federation sending 4 Councilors to the Federal Council Assembly Halls located in the City of New York. Each Councilor serves a term of 6 years before having to retire, with no Councilor being allowed to serve more than a single term in the Council, to prevent the rise of career politicians and the entrenchment of corruption in the council. 110 of the 113 of the Federal Districts of the Federation are located on Earth, the 3 Districts located outside of earth are those belonging to Luna, Mars and the Kuiper Station.

The High Councilor

The High Councilor is the chief Executive of the Federation, they hold the position of Command-in-Chief of the Terran Armed Forces, along with being the official head of state and head of government for the Federation, the High Councilor is the highest post and the most prestigious post in the Federation, with only a veteran of 12 Years or Civil Servant of 10 years being eligible to run for the position and serve at most a single term of 6 years, serving alongside the Federal Council they were elected with through their entire term in office. Though, in the case which an individual is ineligible to hold the post, often because someone with such extensive service is not found within the Council, then the longest serving military personnel or civil servant within the council is elected instead takes up the post.
  The High Councilor is responsible for appointment to the Federal Cabinet, who are appointed from the ranks of the Federal Council, the signing and executing of laws, along with the nominating of Judges to the Federal Supreme Court. The High Councilor also holds the power to lead the armed forces directly, along with the responsibility to frequently address the Federal Council on all government directives and plans. The High Councilor is based in the Federal Council Assembly Halls, his office directly next to the assembly chambers.

The Federal Supreme Court

The Judicial Branch of the Nation is the Federal Supreme Court, extensively designed to prevent abuse by the Government of the common citizenry, in this manner only judges of 10 years' experience may be nominated for the position of judge, under a presumed name with nothing but their position on issues and experience given to the public and Federal Council. This system, however, has been known to be subject to abuse, as such a small group of Federal Councilors selected at random review all nominations behind closed doors, and if approved move to the general vote, with the councilors aware of the identity isolated and forbidden from voting.
  The Court holds the sole power to remove from their post's members of the Federal Council, the High Councilor and the highest-ranking officers within High Command, this power is used sparingly, against the corrupt and those who seek to sabotage and disregard the purpose and dream of the federation as a whole. The Court is based in the Hague.

High Command

High Command is the unofficial 3rd branch of the government, arranged around Army, Aerial and Naval Command, High Command is staffed by the highest-ranking officers in the Federation, with decades of experience and wildly well known among the public, in a joint council of military officials, heading by the Chief of the Armed Forces, an office appointed by the High Councilor.
  The reason for the unofficial status as the 3rd branch of the government, is the fact the military reserves the right to, in accordance to article 36 of the Federation of the Constitution step and relieve the Federal Council and High Councilor of the burden to lead the Federation in times of Emergency, which can be declared as outlined in article 35, notably such an act can only occur if either 2/3rds of the Council or Court approve of the act and they are officially invited to act by the High Councilor, such a stipulation within the constitution is to prevent the military from simply engaging in a military coup under thinly veiled legality, and allowing it only under the more dire of circumstances.

The Armed Forces

Officially the Federal Terran Armed Forces, the Armed Forces are split into Three Branches. The Federal Army, Federal Navy and Federal Air Force. It is these three military branches that manage all military efforts within the Federation, everything from basic logistics for the entire federation military or otherwise, the maintaining of order and stability across Earth, and the Sol System.

Federal Army

The Federal Army handles all ground-based operations of the Military, from military patrols on Earth, the protection of the Federal Council Chambers, to the Army Gendarmerie serving as a Federal size Policing force meant to serving in a National Capacity. The Army remains untested against any true enemy, but many hope within the Government, Military and common citizenry hope that the galaxy they venture into has no need for Military Forces and war, but if they are needed, the Federal Army is ready to answer the Call of the Federation and all Humanity.
  The Federal Army itself is based on the Mix and Model of uniting the Armed forces of the Tokyo Accord and Bogota Treaty Organization, with the Military Doctrine of the Army being focused on large scale strategic decision making, with focus giving on moving units across the field of battle, and a very top-heavy command structure for the Army, and a severe lack of a solid lower officer core with the intendance necessary for operational autonomy.
  The Army is headquartered in the Army Office, located in Beijing.

Federal Navy

The Federal Navy handles all naval operations of the military, protecting transpiration routes, construction of space stations, providing orbital support and naval transportation etc. The Navy shares with the Army an untested modern state against possible enemies, with many hoping they will never have to face an enemy in battle, the Navy itself however, stands ready to serve and protect mankind and the federation if called.
  The Federal Navy was completely structured and built from the ground up, with a focus on the individual action of each ship in the Navy as a part of a greater structural command, this has led to Terran Captains having immense autonomy within any plan laid out by the admirals and HIGHCOM, with it expected Terran captains will take actions and moves deemed necessary as long as greater plans are not compromised.
  The Navy is headquartered in the Navy Office, located in Moscow.

Federal Marine Corp

While in the past, nations have had Marine Corps operating as their own autonomous military Branch within the structure of a national military, the Terran Federation instead created its own dedicated Marine Core directly under the command of the Federal Navy, serving as armed security aboard Naval ships, specialized units for ship-to-ship boarding action and small-scale specialized missions where the Army system is deemed too cumbersome.
  The Marine Core is rather small in scale, only being formed in 2765, with the largest military component of the Marines being a series of regiments, each Regiment is split into 3 Battalions, and each Battalion is split into 3 Combat Companies and a Command Company, Compat Companies are further split into 3 Platoons split into 5 Squads. Each Squad is composed of 6 Soldiers, so each Platoon has 30 Servicemen, each Company has 90, and each battalion has 300, with 30 men apart of the command company.
  The Marine Core is headquartered in the Navy Office, located in Moscow.

Federal Air Force

The Federal Air Force handles all non-Naval Aerial Operations, but due to the acceptance of naval doctrine, the Air Force has increasingly accepted that they are reliant on the Navy for any extra solar operations aboard naval vessels. The Air Force stand ready however, to answer the call of the Federation whenever needed and fly to its defense and the defense of mankind.
  The Federal Air Force operates small scale flights and squadrons, with specialized and general craft used for specific tasks, be that short range patrols, long range scouting, air support for ground elements of the Army and Marines, support in naval combat (which is currently just wargames) or direct air to air combat to test the skill of Federal Pilots.
  The Air Force is headquartered in the Air Office, Located in Cape Town.

The Terran Federation

Capital: Earth, Sol System   Population: 4.8 Billion   Most Populated Planet: Earth, Sol System   Currency: The Terran Credit   Official Language: None   Commonly Used Languages: Spanish, English, Mandarin, Arabic, Swahili   Official Religion: None   Demonym: Terran
Government: Federal Unitary Republic   Head of State and Government: Commissar-General Hu Tang   Legislature: The Federal Council   Judiciary: The Court of Order and Stability
Geopolitical, Republic


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