Agathos Daimon

Alignment: Lawful Good   Divine Domains: Dragons, Law, Honor   Divine Authority: Good Dragons, Law, Honor,   God of Law, Honor, and Good Dragons Agathos Daimon is a Patron of those with honor, law, and of the good dragons. During the Golden Age, Agathos Daimon was fused with Apep, and together, they were the one dragon god that created the Gem dragons.   During the Dark Ages, Agathos and Apep were split up, and one became the patron of evil dragons while the other was the good dragons. They would make the chromatic and Metallic dragons and endlessly battle, for they believe that whoever beats the other and makes them submit would be able to control their true form.   Holy Day: The holy day of Agathos Diamon is on the 9th of Cere and is celebrated with a festival called the Honoring. The festival takes place over one day, where the followers of Agathos Diamon will hold honor duels and debates over laws in civil and friendly manners over things they disagree about. These events are usually social and made to argue over mostly silly reasons and regulations as to be light-hearted and a test of humbleness and skill where the winner is the one who upholds their laws or honor through the duel or debate and gives the glory to Agathos Diamon at the end of their disputes and honor. At the end of the festival, the followers of Agathos Diamon will gather in their place of worship and reinstate their vow to uphold honor and law to Agathos Diamon and to serve to stop the followers of Apep wherever they may be.    Commandments of Agathos Daimon
  • Uphold the law where you can
  • Uphold the honor you possess as a defender of the law and seek to deliver those who break it to Justice
  • Smite the followers and creations of Apep where you find them, as their evil cannot be allowed to run unchecked

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