
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  Divine Domains: Greed, Evil Dragons
  Divine Authority: Greed, Evil Dragons, Destruction,
  Goddess of greed and Evil dragons, Apep is the patron of the Chormatic and evil dragons and those who are greedy. During the Golden Age, Apep was fused with Agathos Diamon, creating the Gem dragons together.
  During the Dark Ages, Apep and Agathos Diamon were separated, and once separated, Apep joined the Fallen and created the chromatic dragons to fight Agathos Diamon and the metallic dragons. Apep and Agathos would fight many times throughout the Dark Age, with Apep believing that if she beats Agathos, she can make them fuse back and submit to her rule to use her full power.
  Holy Day: The Holy Day of Apep is on the 20th of Mandjet and this Day is called Serpents Greed. Her followers celebrate it through a ceremony where they take some of their wealth or possessions and dedicate it to Apep, or if they do not wish so, they will steal others and commit that to Apep, which is the most common outcome. Alongside this followers of Apep will also depending on their form of greed fulfill their greed desire through any means necessary and at the end will sacrifice a piece of something that belonged to a metallic dragon to show their devotion to Apep the manner in which said part is acuired does not matter.
  Commandments of Apep
    • Sharing and giving to others is a weakness of the foolish. Never give to the weak and pathetic.
    • Nothing is off-limits. Steal, take, and let no one stop you. Everything is yours
    • Kill the Followers of Agathos Diamon and steal their possessions, leaving them with nothing, especially the Metallic dragons.

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