
Alignment: Chaotic Good   Divine Domain: Hunting, Moon   Divine Authority: Hunting, Moon, Nymphs, Night, Animals,   Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon, Artemis is the Patron god of those who worship the moon and hunters who provide for their community. In the Golden Age, Artemis wandered the world seeking places where significant threats lurked and hunted them for sport while teaching her followers how to hunt, provide for their families, and respect what they hunt. Artemis also provided safe passage for those traveling at night through her domains.   During the Dark Age, Artemis would run into more twisted and corrupt creatures on her Hunts, eventually tracking them to the Fallen gods and goddesses. When she learned of the Fall and knew that she couldn't just hide herself in her hunts, she chose to side with the guardians and would lead raids during the nighttime against the fallen god's forces and territory.   Holy Day: Artemis's holy day is called, Winter's Hunt. It takes place on the 21st of Fimbulwinter at the start of the Winter solstice. On this day the followers of Artemis will ritually prepare themselves for one last hunt to prepare themselves and their family for the harshness of winter by going out on one last hunt while everything is not covered in snow and ice and while some animals do not hibernate yet. On this day they will leave their homes and hunt as much game as they can to stock up on their stores of food well into the night in full view of Artemis's moon giving thanks to the Goddess for her boon and lighting their way home after the day of hunting.   At the end of the hunt, the followers of Artemis will gather at her closest place of worship and deposit their kills from the hunt before the head priestess of her worship who will select from them one kill that is given to Artemis herself usually the most impressive and it is said the one who's kill is chosen is granted the goddess's favor till the next Winter's Hunt.   To prepare for this Holy day followers of Artemis will wear the furs of the greatest beast they have killed that year to show their skill to the Goddess as well as to keep them warm during the night. They also ensure that they use special arrows carved with prayers into the shaft and arrow tips made of the bones of their most prestigious kill.   Commandments of Artemis
  • Always respect that which you hunt as they provide for you and your family
  • Never fear the Dark and strive to be the light that guides and protects those who are lost in it
  • Seek out threats and hunt them down to prevent harm falling upon others

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