Baldur (ball-der)

Alignment: Neutral Good   Divine Domains: Life, Light, Tempest, Twilight   Divine Authority: Seasons, Heroes, Summer, Change   Baldur was the most beloved of the gods. His golden hair and winning smile won many hearts. As the God of Heroes, Baldur was a significant influence in the Golden Age, helping guide the mortal races to their full potential. He also had a hand in the seasons, ensuring bountiful food was available so the mortals could expand their civilization and culture. But this was not to last forever.   When the Gods began to fall, but before the truth came out, they also attempted to corrupt Baldur. But Baldur could sense something was wrong and refused to go with them. Before he could react, Loki struck him with a weapon, an injury he struggled with throughout the Dark Age before eventually plunging into a deep slumber. This action sparked the war between the Gods. Heroes became uncommon without his influence; the weather also became unruly and wild. To this day, Baldur still rests in a coma hidden in Asgard. Many who worship Baldur eagerly await the day he may return to the world to bless it with Heroes once more.   Holy Day: Baldur’s holy day is known as Heroes Memorial; it takes place on the 29th of Baghist. On this day, followers of Baldur will come together as they build memorials of Baldur and heroes of the past. Different cultures will handle this tradition slightly differently, ranging from wooden crafts to large paintings being hung up. With Baldur at its center, many heroes from the past will be depicted on this day as followers are encouraged to remember those who protected them in the past and welcome with open arms the heroes who have yet to come.   Commandments of Baldur
  • Helping those in need is its own reward. To selflessly aid another is the greatest glory one can achieve.
  • A guide is always needed. There are many dark corners of the world, and people will always need a leader to aid them in trying times.
  • Strength is not yours alone. The strong have a responsibility to protect those who can't protect themselves.

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