Carman (car-man)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Divine Domains: Arcana, War, Eldritch, Destruction, Pestilence   Divine Authority: Spell blades, Dark Magic, Shadows, Combat, Destruction   Not much is known about Carmen during the Golden Age, but she was exceptionally skilled at combat with blades and spells. When Carmen fell, she became a tenacious foe for the guardian deities. During the Dark Age, she became the god of famine and combat as she set about starving the mortal races by destroying their crops. Also, during the Dark Age, Carmen conceived her Three Sons, Dub, Dother, and Dian, embodying darkness, evil, and violence. These four were a terror on the battlefield, and were it not for the Nameless God banishing the deities, it is very likely that even in Victory, there would be no mortal races to celebrate had Carmen not been stopped.   Holy Day: Carman's holy day is known as The Day of Hunger and takes place on the 18th of Khepri. On this sacred day, followers of Carman are commanded to go out and find any agricultural settlements belonging to Guardian or neutral deities and burn them to the ground. If this cannot be done, they are instructed to cause plague and disease, to cause as much pestilence and famine as possible. If the followers of Carman can accomplish this task to an acceptable level, they will be blessed with food for the remainder of winter. But failure means they will also risk starving as Carman enacts her punishment.   Commandments of Carman
  • Power is everything. It's the right of the powerful to take whatever they like.
  • There is no need for the weak. Weeding out the weak is important so the strong are not weighed down by the useless.
  • Honor is the concept of the weak. Do not be tricked into believing in fairness; all that matters is your victory.

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