Freyja (fray-ah)

Alignment: Neutral Good   Divine Domains: Arcana, Knowlege, Life, Nature, Peace   Divine Authority: Nature Magic, Elves, Nature, Knowlege, Animals   Goddess of Magic and the Elves, she is believed to be the first druid. The elves believe this human opposed the consumption of the world's natural resources. So outraged by this destruction, she confronted the gods with her concerns. So moved by her conviction, they gave her a fragment of their power to solve this issue. Using this, she learned all she could of the natural magics and eventually created the Elves to protect the wilds and the beasts that make them their home. Impressed by her achievements, they invited her to join the pantheon and protect the world's natural resources with the Elves by her side.   Holy Day: Freyja's holy day is known as Nature's Calling and takes place on the 31st of Sleipnir. On this sacred day to the goddess of nature, she asks that her followers leave the comforts of their everyday lives. Instead, take the day to hike to an unpopulated portion of nature and survive off the land with minimal tools. This day will often see friends and family competing with one another to build shelters more majestic than their neighbors that will last the night but will quickly be taken by the processes of nature. While some will hunt and others may gather, eventually, all will return to the campfire. To share in the bounty of the land of nature as they give thanks to that which Freyja protected so they may prosper.   Commandments of Freyja
  • Nature holds its secrets dearly. Those who show it respect may be gifted with its grace.
  • Nature is powerful but not precise. The natural world needs our help to protect it, or it could be lost forever.
  • Much like magic itself, the world holds many secrets. Through diligent study, one can learn all the natural world can offer.

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