
During the Dark Age, the world was thrown into chaos, and gods were running rampant, warring with one another, causing death, and reviving followers with little to no care at will. This caused Osiris much pain and trouble trying to manage all the souls and constant perversions of his domain as souls would enter and leave seemingly at random if they made it to him. As an answer to this, Osiris created two beings to help ease his burden and try to stem the tide of souls a bit as a new plane of shadows was created, drawing souls to it further, making his work difficult.   To this end, Osiris created Anubis and Horus, with Anubis being the first and eldest while Horus was the second and thus youngest. These two beings, one took after the jackal and the other the falcon, both took to their duties, helped their "father," and started stabilizing the flow of souls again.   Horus was created to give order to the chaos that was happening; in this regard, Osiris sent him to the material plane to help protect those settlements that were neutral in the conflict and help defend and return order to them to slow the tide of death in at least some areas of the war. During this time, Horus learned of the mortal races and learned how to wield weapons from other gods at the time, like Bastet and Athena, leading him to be protective and disciplined while at the same time learning to seek out those that would cause more chaos and trouble for his "father" and ending their schemes before they came to fruition.   Horus would come to create others similar to him. Still, different in power on the material plane called the Risen Ones, who were followers he alone picked to give silver of his power to create powerful followers and guardians of his order. These beings usually took after him in looks, but some took on aspects of other animals.   Horus set the traditions that many of his followers would abide by as protectors and defenders of order as it is from him that many guards and acolytes draw their desire to keep order and peace, often working alongside those of Agathos Diamons followers, ensuring law and order is both served and protected.


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