Lyra Far Dorocha (lie-rah far door-oh-chah)

During the Dark Age there was great death. So much death created a plane of shadow and undeath from the Astral, a dark mirror of the material. This new plane started to draw souls to it, making it difficult for Anubis and Osiris to do their duties. While many gods were distracted by the conflict, Crom Dubh decided to help with this issue. While the exact process for doing so is largely unknown, he created the Dullahan, Death Faries, to guide the recently dead to Anubis for the afterlife.   The first of the Dullahan created by Crom was named Lyra Far Dorocha. Lyra was a stoic figure from the moment of creation, impossible to read at any given moment. However, she quickly learned and mastered many weapons to ensure nothing could come between her and the souls she is to shepherd. As the first, Lyra started many traditions the Dullahan are known for to this day. Knowing the recently dead would try to avoid their truth; she created a horse from which to chase them. Knowing others may attack her, she constructed a weapon made of humanoid bone to strike fear in those around her, a whip she often uses in tandem with a sword.   Despite her frightful appearance and the many misconceptions of her people, Lyra never let it affect her. While most would describe her as cold or standoffish, you may be lucky and catch a glimpse of her comforting a lost child or stray dog before she escorts them to whatever comes next.


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