
During the Dark Ages, Bastet realized that she could not be everywhere at once to offer her protection to people. So, with that in mind and with assistance from Sehkmet, she created the being that would come to be known as Maahes and instill in him the fierce protective nature that she and Sehkmet shared. During the process of making him though, Sehkmet, unfortunately, shares too much of her animalistic nature with the being, and thus, when Maahes first came into the world, he started fighting the two, seeing them as a threat to the world and acting on his animalistic instincts. It took the two gods three days to subdue Maahes, as even though he was just born into the world, he fought with the tenacity and aggression of a veteran warrior. It took both gods attempting to correct the mistake with their healing powers to restore his mind to some form of normalcy, and for a time, Bastet kept him close to her to ensure he did not have any episodes or bouts of aggression while Sehkmet returned to the war.   Maahes would learn of the war and the duty that Bastet would entrust him to protect the mortals while she was away from the settlements, and Maahes would. Every time Basetet returned, it was to Maahes covered head to toe in blood from the monsters and foes sent against the settlements he looked after. It would happen so frequently that the mortals started to call Mahees the Scarlet lord.   Maahes was very much a being of few words, constantly fighting to control his nature and keep himself in check as he fights not to lose control. It was said that when he was next to Basetet or Sekhmet, though, he would be serene and normal and able to talk with mortals better, only to revert when they left his side. When in control, Maahes would endeavor to know those he protects as he believed it would drive him further to protect those who needed it and try to be a faithful defender like the other gods and their creations at times when his control slips or struggles to remain controlled he is known to be in constant training and fighting and curt and quick to anger if not outright hostile to those he considers threats. It was said that one time, Maahes lost control of his animalistic side during a battle with the followers of Apep, and some say the land never recovered and remains forever tainted by the blood Maahes spilled there.   At the end of the Dark Age, it is unknown where Maahes is and if he still lives; however, it is said that sometimes those who wonder catch glimpses of a lion-headed being that is covered in blood, wandering the world or protecting ruined places.


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