Merlin (mur-luhn)

Alignment: Chaotic Good   Divine Domains: Knowlege, Arcana, Travel   Divine Authority: Knowlege, Magic, Discovery, Spellcraft   God of Magic and Knowledge, Merlin is the patron saint of wizards and scholars of the world. In the Golden Age, Merlin was very generous with his gift of magic, allowing all of the world's species to use magic to some degree. This led to an age of enlightenment and discovery. Merlin allowed the mortal races to invent all kinds of new magic with his guidance.   When the Dark Age happened, many great evils were performed. Merlin decided to stay out of the conflict, and after the devastation that occurred, he chose to limit the use of magic for the mortal race. No longer was it simple for mortals to use magic; with some exceptions, magic could only be taught and learned. To keep the races from repeating the god's mistakes, he prevented anyone from casting spells higher than 9th level.   Holy Day: Merlin's holy day is Arcana Reditus, celebrated on the 18th of Esus. Followers of Merlin will celebrate by traveling to a magical location, a leyline if possible, and attempt to craft new magic. Often, this will result in the exchange of notes and the formation of apprenticeships.    Commandments of Merlin
  • Knowledge is sacred. When it is found, it is to be preserved at all costs.
  • Magic is the key to wonder. It is a great tool to make the lives of people easier.
  • Exploration is important to grow. One can not unlock the universe's secrets without getting your hands dirty.



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